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Pecos Gab is designed to draw Pecos High School exes and other former residents together and keep them in touch with folks back home.

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Subject: the pecos entereprise
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 19:47:57 -0700
From: "craig chappell"

HELLO FROM SAN ANGELO: THIS IS CRAIG again saying hi to all past and current residents. not much going on here except that we have had no rain in about 68 days.THANKS to all who puts this wonderful site together (PEGGY GOOD JOB!!!!!)its not just takes a team which you all are,i read your article about pecos's cemeteries. i have 1 question? who is the person buried in the glowing grave out at evergeen cemetery? this is no disrespect for the deceased but thats what i always knew it as when i was growing up. if i recall it is a fireman who passed on in the line of duty. well thats all for now if any of you know the answer to the above question you can EMAIL ME at this address thanks a bunch pecos look forward to reading your news online


Subject: (no subject)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 19:02:08 EDT

Thanks to all the kind folks in Pecos for there kind words. Although I've been in El Paso for 20 years I often smile when I think of all the fun times my sisters and I had in Pecos.

Subject: Mr. Jerry Workman Sr.
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 05:42:00 GMT

To every PHS grad who had Mr. Workman knows what a teacher and man he was, from "Train Wreck" to "Cough Medicine". It's sad to have seen him leave. Pecos High will never be the same. Mr. Workman made that school, not to forget Mr. Wheeles, Mr. Barfield, and Mrs. Rankin, but the school will never be the same... And I can tell you that every graduate has benefited from "The Grinch". Just ask anyone in Pecos. The school board should have tried to keep him. If anyone runs into him, tell him "Brother Bullet Head" said hello.

Jake Fowler
El Paso TX

Subject: Since 1982
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 15:14:02 -0500
From: "Particular"

I used to live in Pecos. I moved from there in 1982 after graduation. My grandparents used to live there for years. They moved from Pecos to East Texas, back in 1988! I kept in touch with several classmates for awhile and have since lost touch with them. If anyone has any information about any of the classmates of 1982, please email me. My grandparents are R. H. and Faye Kemp. They lived on Park street for years. My grandfather passed away back in December 1998. I would appreciate any information about my classmates or anyone that knew my grandparents.

Thank you,
Kristy Keith Ellison
jokertex@yahoo .com

Subject: up all night & loved it
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 08:57:27 EDT

I'm a PHS graduate class of "89" Just stayed up all night reading this wonderful memory extracting gab. WOW what a rush! Can't say how great it made me feel. This was a treat and a load of fun. Haven't heard or read from classmates in a while. This site is a real joy THANKYOU.

I'd like to say hello and congratulations to all my classmates on their success' and families. You all sound like ya are doing well. E-mail me at with some input on future functions or just to say HI.

Best wishes to all,
Fred Tucker

Subject: Has anyone ever loved and lost?
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000 20:07:52 EDT

As a former resident of the Wild, Wild,West: I am writing this to the hippy-freaks that hung out in Pecos in the late 1970's. There was a young man that touched my life like nobody has ever done and after all these years I believe neeveer will again. His name was Terry Wayne Carr. I've often wanted to locate him, but have never had the nerve. If you could ask him to notify me, I'd appreciate your help.

Vicki P

Subject: Hello Pecos
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2000 23:53:39 EDT

This is Vic Steele and family out of San Angelo, Tx. We lived in Pecos for 20 years up until our move here in 1993. I recognize a whole lot of friends names on the "gab". We, my wife Brenda, and my kids, Jason, and Jana send our warmest greetings to the great people of Pecos. We will be in contact with some of you.

Love Vic Steele

Subject: Jim Ivy's Ad On GAB Website
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 17:17:35 -0500
From: "Michael Beckham"

At the risk of becoming commercial, I'm really happy to see the advertisement that Jim has for the TimeMist Airfreshener Kit. I can vouch for the product, as my company manufactures the dispenser and refill for the kit. We also have a fly control kit that will control flies. If any one lives in Verhalen or around the feed lots south of town, you need one of these.

Mike Beckham

Subject: Gab Line Thanks!
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 18:28:42 -0700
From: "Jan Guerin"

Dear Peggy,

I wanted to thank you & Joy for creating this Gab Line. I read the message from Marti Lincecum Willis (64') several months ago & learned she was living in Hong Kong. I knew I would be going to Asia this summer, so I emailed her back & we were able to get together three different days of my trip. It was great meeting her husband & being able to visit with her after almost 40 years since we were in PHS together. Thanks again for your effort.

Jan Reagan Guerin (62')

Subject: Class of 85
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 22:43:45 -0500
From: "Tracy Willis"

Hi everyone! This is Tracy (Clark) Willis. I graduated in 1985. If any of you remember me I would love to hear from you. I am married with two beautiful kids. I now live in Odessa and have for the last 8 years. I rarely see anyone from Pecos here anymore. I work for West Texas Equipment in the credit dept. and love it. You can email me at

Subject: Pecos Gab
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 23:11:37 -0500
From: Rick Edwards

Hello Pecos Friends,

My family and I moved to Pecos in 1986 and moved away in 1992. During those years I was the foreman of the Prewitt Ranch and we lived at the ranch headquarters off Hwy. 17, south of Pecos. I was so saddened when I was informed about Bill Prewitt (the owner) passing away. He was a wonderful man and the kindest and most considerate person I have known or worked for. While living in the Pecos area we attended Sonlight Fellowship Church, Pastored by Stan Roberts. Our two sons spent there young boyhood there and Pecos and it will always be remembered as one of our home places and the time there was very special.

I would like to know the where-abouts and/or e-mail addresses of the following Pecos people if anyone has this information. Bob & Kathy Kelton (ranched North of Pecos) Steven and John Prewitt (sons of Bill Prewitt) J.D. & Debbie Wade (managed the Pecos radio station)

My family and I now live in Northern Alabama where I am in full time ministry.

Pecos is a great place. I hope to return for a visit someday.

God bless,
Rick Edwards

Subject: Mega Reunion
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 19:22:06 EDT

Greetings everyone...could their be a posting that shows when homecoming is going to be this year? It would be fun to go home for a weekend and maybe instead of MEGA have a mini reunion among the people who show up. Is there still an exes tea held during homecoming? I enjoy reading the postings and wish we could have a Mega reunion for all of the classes and not just for a select decade or two.

Celina Acosta-Taylor

Subject: Mega Class Reunion
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 01:48:27 EDT

Hi Gang! I just want to remind everyone of the Pecos High Mega Class Reunion, which will be held in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area in 2001. The reunion is for all classes from 1950 thru 1970. We hope to have a definite date and location in a few weeks.

We need your help to locate classmates and faculty from these classes. For more information please check our web site at:

Peggy, thanks again for the Pecos Gab, it has been wonderful finding so many friends and classmates here.

Look forward to hearing from everyone interested in the reunion.

Please contact us at:
Glynda (Kilgore) Leger ---
Michael Hartman ---

Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 16:24:34 +0600
From: "Kitty Ann Gunn"

I'm so thankful for the Pecos Gab site. I've heard from people I haven't seen in years. Since July I've been principal with the Windham School District at the Price Daniel Prison Unit in Snyder. I spent last year as principal at the Darrington Prison Unit outside of Angleton, Texas but had an opportunity to transfer closer to home and took it! It's so nice to be back in this part of the country again. Hope I hear from more class of '74 people!

Kitty Ann Gunn

Subject: Hello Pecos
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 22:25:29 -0500
From: debbie whittenberg

Well, I will have to say thanks to my mom (Doris Jarrell Baker) and my little brother (Jeff Baker) for telling me about this site. It has brought back some memories.

Although, I (Deborah Baker) did not graduate from Pecos in 1977, I have many fond memories of the years I did reside there growing up. I was attending a conference in Toronto, Canada a couple of years ago and ran into an individual that learned to swim in Balmorhea Lake. What memories that brought back to light.

I now reside in Tulsa, OK and have for 25 years. I do not make it to West Texas often but I have made a promise to myself if I make it to Odessa to visit Linda in October - I will have to come see how the town has grown and changed.

I do agree with many other's comments. You can not get Mexican food or cantelopes any where else in the world like you can in Pecos.

I would love to hear from anyone that grew up with the Baker kids and knew my family. My dad ran the Pecos Valley Cotton Gin for many many years.

email address

Subject: Pecos gab
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 11:23:15 -0700
From: "Delaney"

Hi everyone. Delaney Jackson here. Just thought I would put out some feelers for any Class of '82 folks out there. Would love to hear from you guys. My e-mail address is Give me a shout!

C-ya, DJ

Subject: Class of 1966
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 21:05:25 -0500
From: "Joy Ray"

Does anyone remember the time that Mike Nesmith came to town...1964 or 1965 for the Southern Assembly? He was with John London who also made it big with James Taylor. We met all kinds of famous people passing through. Mike sat outside in front of my house on the grass playing guitars with me and Martha Huckabee Fleming until all hours. My Dad secretly opened his bedroom window to hear the music and Mom invited Mike over for supper the next day. I didn't know he would be as famous as he later became.

Such good memories of times past....

Joy Brown Ray

Subject: News
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 20:17:33 EDT

Hi there, This is Peggy McCrackens' long lost little brother now residing in England.

I just wanted you to know that I regularly visit your web site as I miss a lot of Texas happenings. I have visited Pecos several times as I was stationed with the Air Force at Big Springs in the late 1950's. I like to look thru the archives and read the old articles about the area.

Keep up the good work. Tell Peggy I said hi'.

Jerry Gunn

Subject: (no subject)
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 18:44:14 EDT

I graduated in 1953. My name was Doris Jarrell. I married Gene Baker, my children were Doug, Linda, Deborah and Jeff. Linda graduated in 1975. Jeff and I would be interested to see if anyone we know is still there. Linda lives in Odessa. Debbie, Jeff and I live in Tulsa, OK. Doug passed away in 1991 with leukemia. My email address is

Subject: (no subject)
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 20:32:27 -0500
From: Barbara & James Smith

There is also another person carrying the Pecos banner around, Delaney Jackson. I don't think he was born in Pecos, but he has been there since '65. He plays guitar and sings backup with Mark Chestnut. His Mother and Father, Dianne and John are still Pecos residents.

Jimmy Smith

Subject: Lost friends
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 09:39:05 -0500

Trying to find class of 1978
E-mail at

Subject: (no subject)
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 19:45:01 EDT

This is in response to Rosa bragging on her cousin and how well someone has done from Pecos. How about the Bryant boys--Jeff and Dwayne (Jr) and their association with Ricochet--"Daddy's Money."

I sure am proud of them -- knowing how much time and effort they have put into their music.

Nice to see anyone make it in such a hard business. Really - good luck to all.

Subject: looking
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 15:29:51 -0500

I am actually writing on behalf of one of my best friends who happens to also be my brother. His name in high school was Alfred Boulter however he prefers (Bill Boulter). He would have graduated from Pecos High School with the class of 1954 had he completed his schooling in Pecos. He joined the Marines and completed school in the service. After a successful tour of duty with the marines, Bill spent the nest thirty or so years in law enforcement as everything from a patrolmen to a motorcycle cop to a detective in Odessa and Austin Texas. He has just recently retired for the second or third time he is also a very successful auctioneer. If anyone remembers him please e-mail me at the addy below. He would be interest in any reunions that are coming up for his class.

In Christian Love
Ray & Jo Ann Boulter

Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 00:45:24 EDT


Subject: lost friends
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 14:26:31 -0500

I am Brenda Mathews, went to school in Pecos from 1970 to 1975, would have graduated in 1978. Just want to hear from some of my old friends and let you know I still think about you. E-mail me at B_MATHEWSFIELDS@HOTMAIL.COM

Subject: Looking For Classmates
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 20:29:17 -0500
From: "Doylene Melvin"

Hello Pecos, and all that read the Gab. I am looking for my fellow graduates of the 1981 NURSING CLASS OF ODESSA COLLEGE, Pecos Center. You know who you are. Looking forward to hearing from you. You can reach me at


Subject: Class of 1986
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 21:17:47 -0400

Hello to everyone! This is Lupita Rubio-Cervantes, I now use my "real" name, Rosa Cervantes. I have lost contact with a few people that responded the first time that I sent a message to the Gab.

I live in Dallas, been here for about 13 years now. I visit my parents in Pecos from time to time (Manuel Rubio, the plumber) but Pecos isn't the same. It's not often that I see anyone there from our class.

I'm always interested what people are doing and where they are at. I guess that's why I read the Pecos Gab, sort of brings me back to the good old times. Just an FYI, my cousin, Joey Martinez is now that new lead singer for David Lee Garza and Los Musicales (Tejano Band). I think it's simply wonderful to see someone from Pecos do so well. Anyone that follows Tejano Music should keep an eye on him, and I'm not saying that because he is my cousin.

I would love to hear from anyone from our class and the ones before me and after me. Sometime I know some of the people that write in from classes back in the late 70's because of my aunt Rosie and Isela Guerrero.

Everyone take care and hope to hear from you!
(Hello to Peggy, my parents neighbor)

Rosa Rubio-Cervantes

Subject: Thank you, Pecos Gab!!!
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 23:19:33 EDT

Just wanted to express my thanks to the Pecos Gab. I think this was a wonderful idea. I wrote in one time and heard from alot of my old classmates and friends. So thank you again. Keep in touch.

Subject: Hello
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 14:52:37 -0700
From: "Carole Holder"

Hello, My name is Carole Holder, formerly Carole Jackson. I lived in Barstow and worked in Pecos and Toyah. My sons names are William, Elmer and Daniel. I am looking for some of my old friends. Please send me an

Thanks, Carole

Subject: class of 86
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 16:41:17 EDT

Hey fellow classmates this joycelyn george. I live in North Carolina and love it. I am minutes from the beach and am there all the time. I have no kids but have four dogs and love them dearly. You can email me at or And I will fill you in on what's happened to me


Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 01:34:10 GMT
From: "craig chappell"



Subject: Hello Again, Pecos!
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2000 17:54:58 -0500

We're all enjoying this site---thanks again to those that provide it! -- Those of us who graduated PHS between 1940 and 1950 are trying to find old classmates with e-mail addresses. We've collected quite a few, but if you graduated (or WOULD have graduated but moved away, etc.) between these years, please let us hear from you! Send me an e-mail! --

Bye R@y
PHS Class of 47

Subject: Pecos Gab
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 00:53:46 -0500
From: "Smokie Thorp"

Greetings from Smokie, class of '79, and Lori (Johnson) Thorp, class of 81. We don't get back to Pecos very often but this site is the next best thing. It's nice to read about people you grew up with but haven't seen or heard of in a long time. We like to check this site about once a week to see what's going on. It's sorta like a cyber-Al's, we just kinda hang out and watch people go by. The different class web sites are enjoyable. Somebody from '79 with a little know how about computers oughta put one together.

We live in Greenwood(kinda the Barstow of Midland) with our 2 lovely, talented and vivacious daughters, Ashley, 16, and Calli, 11. Both of us work for oil company's. We spend a lot of time around softball field either coaching, cheering or yelling at umpires. Lori is still a fabulous babe and I have put on the customary extra pounds (life is so unfair).

We'd love to hear from any of our old friends. Drop us a note and let us know how you are doing.

Subject: Ms. Bennett
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 00:28:23 -0500
From: "David W. Andrews"

I've had so many questions about my poor 'ole mother that I've answered individually. To all of you that have been so kind to remember her, thanks. I really appreciate that she had such an influence on so many of you. And those of you that did know of her sudden departure, thank you for sending me all of your e-mails now that you know where I am.

I got in from Honduras tonight and had six e-mails from former students and colleagues waiting for me that it just broke my heart and it has taken me a long time to sit down and write this.

Those that don't know about it and was there during the '60's and early '70's, bless her heart, she passed away real sudden the Wednesday before Thanksgiving in 1983 in her sleep. She was only 60 years old and that's really close to all of us, ain't it?

She was special to me and it gladdens me to know that she was special to others as well.

God bless all of ya!


David W. Andrews
Regional Operations Manager-Central America
Oshkosh B'Gosh, Inc.
(920) 232-4288

Subject: Looking for family history
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2000 07:25:41 -0500
From: Kathi B

I am searching the state for "old Kiser graveyard" where a great grandfather is buried, is it in your area, if so please tell me where. Great grandfathers name is Henry Ratts (18??-1866) he was married to Elizabeth Beck,



Subject: (no subject)
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 22:02:48 EDT

Hello PHS Grads!

My name is Inez (Rector) Brown and I graduated in from PHS in 1957. I have been enjoying reading this site for a while now, and want to say "thank you". It is good to read e-mails from people I remember. I have been trying to locate Cecilia Arvizu who was also a graduate of the class of '57. The last time I saw her was in 1958, and would like to make contact again. Does anyone know where she is? She married a guy named William Clark and lived in California.

Thanks! Inez Brown

Subject: More memories
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 15:56:44 EDT

Greetings from Patsy Douglas Henson Marguet, Class of '56. I hope you are enjoying going down "memory lane" as much as I have while reading emails on this site. I even saw one or two from students of mine while I was teaching at PHS. Hello to David Andrews. Where is your mom?

Since I am of the "old school", I remember when Ben's was on East Third and when in junior high the Spudnut shop was on the corner of Third across from the Dairy Maid and across from the gymnasium. I also remember the Saturday shows at the Cactus and was there for the opening of the State Theatre after the Grand closed. Lots of changes.

Yes, "Stud" Carter owned the pool hall downtown and his wife taught 4th grade. Mary Ann, their daughter, graduated with us.

Now for the present, the 50's and 60's reunion is trying to get names and addresses. I have a list from 1996 reunion, but know that there must be some changes. Please get in touch with me if your information has changed. I am planning to send out postcards soon so I can update what I have. We had planned to have the 2001 reunion in Palm Springs with Judy and Richard, but that may change if the 50-60 reunion in the Dallas area takes place. Please get in touch.

Subject: Website for Class of 1981 Reunion
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 20:30:52 -0500

The Class of 1981 Reunion website is up and running. Many thanks to Micheal McKeown for his handy work. It would be great to have a really good turnout since our ten year reunion was kind of weak. Check out the website at We look forward to a great response.

Jim McKinney

Subject: Class of 1986
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 16:23:13 -0400
From: "Miramontes, Melissa (M.A.)"

Hello from FORD COUNTRY. My husband (Jesse '84) and I work both work for Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Michigan. We have a little boy who is great at pointing out Mustangs and Corvettes. The summers are great and the winters are cccoooolllddd.

I would like to hear from classmates and friends.

Melissa Rayos-Miramontes

Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 20:47:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Celia Evans

My twin has been urging me to send an email so here goes!

I'm the other half of the "Acosta Twins". I live in Alpine with my husband and two boys. David the older is now 18 and attending UT at Austin. He was an all-state Trumpet player for three years. The first 2 years in the "small school arena". His 2nd year at "small school arena" he was 1st chair 1st band. This past year he competed against the "big" 5-A schools. He ended up being 14th in the state. The younger one Matthew is 13 and will be an 8th grader this year. He participates in sports and band. He is a real blessing especially since his brother has left the nest.

I've been gone from Pecos since '85 when we left for Del Rio and were there for 12 years. We've been in Alpine since '95. I would love to hear from school buddies, teachers, and former co-workers.

Yes Celina, I finally did it!!!

Celia Acosta-Evans

Subject: Where is Mary?
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 18:17:05 EDT

Howdy folks ! I am looking for any information or the whereabouts of Mary Clark, (76') . She has a sister named Caroline (72') and a brother John (78'?). We lost touch after 10 year reunion. Really want to find her again..................... If you have any information, e-mail me Thanks a bunch !

Subject: Great Memories- Bennie Longbine
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 13:59:11 -0500
From: "Bennie"

Hi from Bennie Longbine, ex-teacher

I just recently discovered this site and must say that it is one of the most enjoyable places I have ever visited on the internet. It is so great to sit and read the names and experiences of old friends, students, and fellow teachers. I taught Auto Mechanics at PHS for 18 years and must say I have missed Pecos. I now live in Abilene and am self-employed.

I would love to be contacted by ex-students and friends at

Subject: The town of Pecos
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 20:29:04 -0500
From: Dana

Hi,my name is Dana Goddard,I'm 11 years old and I'm going into sixth grade in a St.Louis school. I came down to see my grandma here in Pecos. Let me tell you I'm having a blast here in Pecos,even though it is alot smaller then St.louis M.O it still is great from the cantalope to the nice people in the town I can't say more then it's simply wonderfull!!!

This week I'm in Vacation Bible School at West Park Babtist Church,some of you have probally been there before but for those who haven't I really do encourage you to.I'm new to the church but after two days there I feel like I've been going there for years. You guys are very lucky to live in a small little neat,historic town!!!!!Bye or Adios Amigos!!!

Subject: Hello Pecos!
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 13:20:54 -0500
From: "Lee Ligon (EUS)"

Wow! Thanks for putting this together, Peggy! It has been a real treat to read through all the postings, seeing all the names that brought back such fond memories!

I am Lee Ligon, class of 1972. After a long migration east with stops in Odessa, Midland and Dallas, Leslie and I ended up in Central Virginia. We really love it here, there are actually four seasons! My "kids" are grown and married now, Kenneth is 21 with a one year old son and one on the way. He and his wife manage a ranch South of San Angelo. Leesha is 23, just married and living in San Angelo. We don't get to see them as much as we would like, thank goodness for email!

Thanks to Danny Fleming for putting the class of '72 website! Those of you from '72, drop me a note! Oh, and if anyone sees Jack and Cookie Canon, tell them to email me! Lee E. Ligon System Support Engineer Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems Technical Assistance Center 5061 Fort Avenue Lynchburg, Virginia 24502 U.S.A. e-mail: Voice 800.528.7711 North America FAX 804.592.7073 Voice 01.804.592.7711 International FAX 01.804.592.7073

Subject: your paper
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 09:18:10 +0200
From: "Mr & Mrs Jesse Salinas Jr."

I am very pleased that Pecos Enterprse is online. I am living in Rota Spain, with my husband while he serves proudly in the Navy. My parents are from Pecos, then we later moved to Seminole. But I have always considered Pecos "my hometown". Spending every summer there was the highlight of my school year, and being able to tell my friends what a blast I had. I am fortunate to say that I am from a state that stands proud and from a town that has so much history. Well, my hat goes off to all who have contributed to making this paper & town stand out among the rest. I am hoping to make it out to Rodeo next year & to the cantalope festival as well.With the Enterprise online makes it so much easier to know what is going on in my special little town.

Thanks, Abigail M Salinas

Subject: Great Site
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 00:39:53 EDT

Really appreciate this site. I check in just about every night. Seeing a lot of familiar names brings back good memories of good, good times.

Thanks again,
Dick Holloway
Class of '59

Subject: Larry Brown's death
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 21:23:50 -0500
From: "Jim Strother"
Reply-To: "Jim Strother"

I did not know of Larry's death until I saw it on the reunion website. Does anyone know any details? Thank you!

Subject: Re: Thanks and Bloys Camp Meeting
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 13:12:35 -0500
From: "Patty Squyres"

I located Bob Crow! Thanks for everyone's help. I still need to find Cynthia Crow and Jan Snyder. Can anyone help me?

Also, those of you in the Alpine/Ft.Davis/Marfa area, Bloys begins August 1st this year. Hope to see a lot of current and former Pecosites there this year!

Patty Glover Squyres
(281) 355-9080

Subject: Class of '93
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 10:22:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carl Payan

What's up, Pecos??!!??

It's me, Carl Payan from Class of '93. I had sent an e-mail here about myself, but I have moved since. I am living in El Paso. I am having a great time here. I have bumped into a few people here from school, and I have somehow, bumped into others that I haven't seen in years.

I am glad that the Pecos Enterprise has come up with the Pecos Gab! This way, we can somehow track each other down....that's if you want to be found!

If you read this and recognize me, please send an e-mail and let me know how you have been, Type to you guys later!!


Subject: Pecos Gab portion of your site
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 19:52:09 -0500
From: "Donna Erwin"

I enjoyed the Pecos Gab section and am very glad to see you responding to the call of cyber space.

I graduated Pecos High in 1955 after having been "Miss Classified" for Joe Pouns when as a semi-weekly it was still carrying the masthead of THE PECOS ENTERPRISE and Gusher! I had worked on the Eagle's Cry (PHS newspaper) as assistant editor and and Mr. Pouns gave me a job. I also remember the great personages who worked for the Enterprise like the advertising manager who taught me basics of layout, and the bookkeeper, Trina, who showed me how to figure charges for the classified ads I sold on the telephone.

There was a particularly nice pressman whose name escapes me, but I can recall he had lost his hearing and so the noise of the press running did not bother him. The press foreman of those days was another really nice fellow who bothered to explain things like "the web" and the linotype process.

Those were some of the best days of my growing up because of the people who took an interest in me. Thanks for reminding me of the times and the folks.


Donna (Whitten) Erwin
Hobbs, NM

Subject:'s been a long time.
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 05:34:59 EDT

Hey there Pecos! It's been a while since I visited the page and I figured it would be a good time to check it out once again. The last time I posted a message, I was living in Wichita, Ks. but I've since moved to Austin.

If anyone sees this and recognizes the name, feel free to email me. My name is Angelica Lozano, daughter of Frances (kikana) and Henry Lozano and graduated in 1996. Hope to hear from you guys soon.


Subject: Pecos Valley Flying Services
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 16:49:16 +1000
From: "Geoff Williams"


My name is Geoff Williams From Australia and I am having difficulty in locating the company Pecos Valley Flying Services.

This is a long shot but would you know of any aviation services in Pecos Valley that I might try.

We have been restoring and old airplane here and need to fine some paper work for your FAA from the previous owners this Pecos Valley Flying Services.

They don't exist at the last address that the FAA has.

Hope you might be able to pass on a lead.

Geoff Williams

Subject: G'Day from Australia
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 07:53:57 +0800
From: Jack

Looking forward to my class reunion in Pecos in October, 2001. Peggy Glover Daniel and Jack Donnell, among others, have plans well in hand. Being a KIUN celebrity (I'm the only one I know of that tap danced on KIUN. A star student of Mrs Bill Withers.) A big abrazo to Ms Withers, James Hamilton, Skeeter Prewitt, Ray Whitely and Tommy Cowan.

I left with the Pecos volunteers of '43. Would like to know what ever happened to the McCracken family (Bobby, Clem, a sister). I served with Bobby in the 3rd Marines and we lost him on Guam in July, '44. He was one gung ho hombre and was awarded the Navy Cross. Tom Beauford a Pecos buddy, married Katherine Rose Deracy - have tried to track him down on the Internet.

Any help appreciated.

My email address -

Jack Fletcher

Subject: The Beckham's
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 20:10:25 -0500
From: "Michael Beckham"

I wanted to give everyone an update on my parents, Beverley and Fred Beckham, many of you may have known my dad, as he worked as a contract welder in and around Pecos for a long time. Dad was diagnosed with throat cancer in March. Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and had surgery the week before we found out that Dad had cancer.

Mom is still undergoing treatment in Tyler and the prognosis is good. Dad, just today, returned home from MD Anderson in Houston where for the past 7 weeks he has undergone radiation treatment. His prognosis is also good, and I can't say enough about the doctors and the treatments that people undergo at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. We have been blessed as a family that we have have had good doctors and a lot of faith in the Lord to get through the past 3 months. If you would like to send a card or letter, their address is as follows:

Fred & Beverley Beckham
P.O. Box 485
Grand Saline, TX 75140

I'm sure they would love to hear from you.

Mike Beckham

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