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Subject: Just a few words.
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 22:32:36 EDT

Hello, this is Robert George and I graduated in 1991. I like the Pecos Gab and just wanted to say to all the friends of Jimmy Leonard that he would really love an email or two from any of his old friends.

I spent 8 years in the Navy and I spent 3 deployments in the Persian Gulf. It is tough to be away from everyone for such a length of time, and I remember some of the brightest moments was recieving a simple letter/email from family and friends. So Class of 92, you would be showing not only your support for a man defending your country, but you would be brightening his day too.

Okay let me step down of the soap-box. If any of my classmates from 1991 want to email me my address is

Later, Robert George

Subject: Frances Powell birthday

Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 20:39:47 -0500
From: "frances pohl"

Thanks to all of the Pecos Gab readers that responded to my request for birthday cards to mother, Frances Powell, on her recent birthday. It was a great surprise to her and as it turned out a great lift. She was in the hospital with phenomena for several days before her birthday and only got to go home in time for her favorite meal of blackeye peas and cornbread late in the day. My daughter and her 2 children and I enjoyed spending several days with mother and daddy.

They are both well at this time. Cornelia hopes to get out to San Angelo soon and take them to Pecos for a short visit. They hope to get the the First Methodist Church and the Museum and daddy hopes to make it for coffee at Dairy Queen. Thanks to everyone who sent a card.

Frances Pohl

Subject: A letter from Bosnia
Date: Sat, 08 Jul 2000 09:26:07 GMT
From: "J Leonard"

Hello to everyone in Pecos.My name is Jimmy Leonard and a 1992 graduate of Pecos High . I am the son of Jim and Elidia Leonard.I am currently serving in Bosnia with the 111th Engineer Battalion,49th Armored Division, Texas Army National Guard.

I lived in Pecos my whole life until I joined Active Duty in 1993. During my time in the service, I was stationed in Ft.Drum,N.Y. and in Ft.Campbell,Ky. I completed my active duty service in October of 1998, and moved back to Pecos in January of 1999. While assigned to the 111th Engr. Bn., we were activated to head the operations of Operation Joint Forge. I have been activated since February 2000 and have been in Bosnia since then.

My wife,Amy Leonard, and my daughter,Samantha, are currently in Pecos awaiting my return.I would like to ask a favor of the Pecos Enterprise. My daughter's birthday is July 20th. She will be 3 years old. I was hoping that you could place a Happy Birthday add in the paper for her from her Daddy in Bosnia. I would greatly appreciate your help with this. I wish I could be there!

Thank you, Sergeant Jimmy Leonard

Subject: info
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 12:31:42 -0500
From: CIVE TechShop

I'm looking for some info regarding a neighbor we had when I lived in Pecos. I'd heard that Bill Malone wasn't doing well, that was about a year ago - can anyone give me an update? fyi - he owned the Dairy Mart the last time I was in Pecos, about 8 years ago.

I have no intention of ever returning to Pecos in the foreseeable future, but would like to know how Bill is doing. thanks.

Robert Van Vickle

Subject: Thanks
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 18:05:43 -0500
From: BJH

Thanks so much to everyone who helped me find those people I asked about in a previous e-mail.

Beverly Meyer Hartsfield
Class of '71

Subject: Class of 1981
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 11:54:08 -0500
From: "Jim McKinney"

Thanks Peggy for the great site. What a great forum to reunite old classmates and friends. Speaking of reunions, I wanted to let the class of 1981 that we are starting to plan our reunion for this time next year. Michael McKeown is working on the information for a website and I will let everyone know when that is up and running. I have been in contact with several of our classmates and we plan to have some fun activities lined up. It sure will be great to see everyone again, and meet their families.

I would appreciate any help that can be given in contacting old classmates. My email address is I am still in Austin and have two restaurants in Round Rock - Main Street Grill and El Matador. If you are ever in town or live in the area come see me, I am usually at one of the restaurants.

Jim McKinney

Subject: Pit BBQ
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 22:25:17 EDT

For those that read the Gab and happen to make it to Seattle there is a BBQ stand that has been there for many years with the name Pecos Pit BBQ. It`s address is 2260 1st Ave S. (ph206 623 0629) They must have been through Pecos since they have a bullet riddled Pecos city limit sign out in front of their building. (Did any of you sell it to them?) I`ve stopped and had some of their Q and it isn`t bad, but still doesn`t match any that I had back home. Sometimes I will stop by and get some on the way to a Mariners game but you have to catch them just right since they aren`t always open. Give them a try if you ever make it this way.

This PecosGab is one of the best maintained/updated sites that I have ever seen. Thanks Peggy you`re doing a great job.

Bill O`Neil

Subject: (no subject)
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 17:22:16 EDT

Hello everyone in Pecos!! I'm looking for a friend that I have not seen in a while. His name is Jose Martinez. Graduated from Pecos High in 1986. If anybody out there knows anything about him, please let him know that "vortex" is trying to locate him.

Thanks a bunch.

Subject: Rodeo
Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2000 18:48:49 -0600
From: bjesmith

Hi Peggy!

I love this site...thanks for all your hard work. I was just wondering if you could post the address for the internet broadcast of the rodeo. I saw it in the paper awhile back and wanted to check it out. Also, wanted to say hi to my fellow classmates of 1988!

Brenda Moody Smith

Editor's Note:I have posted the broadcast URL on our rodeo page at

Thanks for your interest


Subject: Need to Find a Mac Fan in Pecos!
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 14:54:16 -0500
From: Ray Thompson

Hey, everyone...I have a special reason for finding a Mac fan in Pecos...can anyone help me?

Bye R@y

"I don't do .INI, .BAT, or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh."


Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 14:51:58 -0500
From: "Charles W. Davis"

When are the Pecos cantelopes getting to market this year can tast them already but have not seen a one to date we get them here in VICTORIA TX every year courtesy HEB food stores . Hope youll are having a good year

Charles W. Davis
Victoria TX

Subject: (no subject)
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 17:22:16 EDT

Hello everyone in Pecos!! I'm looking for a friend that I have not seen in a while. His name is Jose Martinez. Graduated from Pecos High in 1986. If anybody out there knows anything about him, please let him know that "vortex" is trying to locate him.

Thanks a bunch.

Subject: Just wanted to say hello to old classmates
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 11:49:27 EDT

I am John K. (Kenny) McKown. Class of 1965 . I have been living in Granbury,Texas sence 1972. I like to PecosGab page. It brings back some old times. email address .
Address is
502 South Cherry Lane

Subject: One Day at a time, Author Joe Gunn
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 17:22:44 -0700
From: "James Locker"

I first met Joe Gunn in the late 1940s when he and Francis lived at the Air Base apts near my parents W. G. and Edna Locker. Joe and I were not real close only because our paths were not the same. My wife and I both respected Joe and Francis and considered them our friends. Recently our son Darrell Locker of Monahans acquired Joes book entitled One day at a time.

This is the most captivating book I have read in a long time. Even better than most of the New York bestsellers. In Tom Brokaws The Greatest Generation, most of his stories would not compare with One Day at a Time,in my estimation. So, I feel that Pecos has a real life hero living in your midst.

James D. Locker,Sr.

Editor's Note: I, too, read Joe Gunn's book, and agree with Mr. Locker that is an absorbing story about Joe's experiences in World War II. West of the Pecos Museum and some local businesses have the book for sale. You can contact the museum at 915-445-5076.

Peggy McCracken

Subject: Class of '69
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 13:55:13 -0700
From: "DavidRose"

I'm looking for Karin Lewis, whose parents ran Lewis Shoe Store. She married Gail Armstrong. I would have graduated with them in the Class of '69, but my family moved to El Paso after my freshman year. Does anyone know how to reach her?

I'd love to hear from any of my old classmates.

-- Deborah McKown

Subject: july 4th rodeo
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 17:14:56 -0500
From: "towsen"

Having attended the rodeo for years with my wife (former Barbara Schmid) before we moved away in 1968. I would like to know how many times has the rodeo not been performed on a 4th.

Bill Townsen

Subject: Class of 66; Dannie Needham
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 15:20:11 -0500
From: Dannie Needham

I just realized that I have been reading the Gab for a month and haven't posted an entry myself. It's been great reading all the notes from everybody. I am in Fort Worth working for Radio Shack as a Technical Application Specialist. Big word for a computer programmer. After High School and the Air Force I landed in Fort Worth and have been ever since.

I have three adult kids and three grand kids as of today. The years since Pecos High have been good to me and I am thankful for that. I am enjoying getting email for a few Pecos friends and would love to hear for any of you. Be sure and check out a href=" and also

Subject: Class of 1965
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 11:48:20 EDT

Iam John K. McKown and just found this sight the other day. I live in Grangury,Texas abd would be glade to hear from any of my class mates.

Subject: Saying Hello
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 15:55:30 -0500
From: "Mike Shupp"

Just found this sight. I have enjoyed looking through the different letters. I am Mike Shupp, class of 66. If you remember that far back, say hello back. Thanks. Can be reached at

Mike Shupp

Subject: class of 1960
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 19:34:20 -0700

I am Dorothy Fletcher Fagan of the class of 1960. We are proudly having our 40th reunion this July! It has been great to find this website and find out about our friends. Jean Hart - I do remember all those great people in your class and what fun you all were. We now live in Bella Vista, Arkansas and are enjoying retirement. I hope we all can keep touch better.

Dorothy Fletcher Fagan
4 Matlock Circle
Bella Vista, Arkansas 72714

Subject: JO Strother
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 21:08:56 -0500
From: "Jim Strother"

For those of you who know my Dad, I am proud to announce that he's alive and well in San Angelo. He has now survived getting run over with a disk plow (approximately 25 years old), TB (about the same time, maybe earlier), a heart attack (which he never knew about until it showed up on an EKG about a year later), and prostate cancer (in the last year). It's hard to keep a good man down. He'll be 88 in October.

I know he'd love to hear from you. His phone number is 915-655-4043.

Jim Strother
Class of '67

Subject: Class of '59
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 23:10:05 EDT

I am Jean Hart Gallinger from the Class of '59 and so far I have found my sister and cousin on this gabsite as well as several other people I remember.

Every month several of my classmates get together here in Dallas for dinner and laughs about Pecos - do you remember Bonnie McPherson, Linda Douglas, Delinda McDonald, Dick Holloway, David Robison, and James Caswell? We're all here in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and will be together this Thursday. I'm passing your email address to them. Thanks for giving us this website.

Jean Hart Gallinger
2400 Evans Dr., Plano, TX 75075
(972) 596-5511

Subject: Thanks
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 19:45:19 -0500
From: Barbara & James Smith

Well gosh, Peggy, I guess we should all send you a dittoes.Seriously, those of us who have left Pecos for whatever reason, and those who have stayed for whatever reason owe you a debt of gratitude for putting this site together. Those who have seen the early years of growth, the ones of the depression years, war years, farming era, and now back into perhaps what it was always meant to be, a stop on the way to someplace else. For us who grew up there, buried loved ones, and in some cases, will be buried there ourselves, it is Home. This web site is indeed the next best thing to being clairvoyant

Thank you,
James P.(Jimmy) Smith
Houston, Texas

Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 16:13:33 PDT
From: "El Florez"

Just wanted to say Hello to all the People who are from Barstow, TX. Hope to see everyone on Fourth of July. Also, there is a friend of Debra Sanchez who has been trying to get in touch with her. She says ya'll were friends and worked together in Austin, TX. Ring a Bell???

Subject: high school friends and the great enterprise web site
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 01:21:42 GMT
From: "craig chappell"

i know many of us have not seen each other since we cant forget about friends.even though we have not seen or heard form each other we should stay in touch.





Editor's Note

Thanks, Craig. I am glad to have a fan, finally.

Thanks also to Laura Rodriguez for keeping this site up-to-date while I was on vacation last week. And to all of you for your participation.

I know some of you might like to comment without posting your e-mail address for all to see. Just add a note to that effect, and I will delete the return address from your email. We want to hear from all of you.


Subject: looking for
Date: Sun Jun 25 17:29:17 2000


This is Jody (Sullivan) Ingham class of 1986. I am wondering about a couple of my classmates. does anyone know where these people are: Yvonne Valdez, Petra Rico, Kevin Banks, Kathy Barnett Hall.

Thanks to those of you who put me in contact with Becky Oden Bauer. I have recently contacted several other classmates through the Pecos site. Thanks everyone!

Jody (Sullivan) Ingham '86

Subject: pecos gab and locating long lost friends
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 22:33:28 GMT
From: "craig chappell"

to all of who has made this possible i give thanks.your site has made it possible for me to contact people i have not seen in 20 all of the people in pecos who are reading this give me a call my email address is

remember this your website is well brings back good memories of the hometown.i graduated in 1980.i still miss pecos but i wonder what has happpened to all of the people i went to school with?we have went our seperate ways so to speak.




Subject: Wow! Class of '43!
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 14:58:11 -0500
From: Ray Thompson

Wayne, I'm delighted to hear from you! Up to now, I have been the "oldest" PHS member I could locate on e-mail, so you now carry the banner...if you don't mind being the oldest? Say, who else you you know from the 40's classes? I've got a few addresses and maybe we could share those that we have that are of the older generation.

Made a flying trip to Pecos last week to see some sick folks (Marcella Meek and Janie Rodriguez) and dropped into the museum for a few minutes. If you remember the two state historical markers in front of the museum? One of them is dedicated to my grandparents, Julia and Madison Todd; granddad is recognized as the founder of the Pecos cantaloupe industry, and I grew up on our cotton/cantaloupe farm west of Pecos.

Bye R@y
Richardson, Texas

Subject: Pecos Gab
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 02:10:08 GMT From: "Margaret Helm" margarethelm@hotmailcom|

This is like finding a long lost memory! What a great website! I have really had fun reading all the messages and laughing at the memories. Pecos really was a neat place to grow up, and even though we have scattered to other places, we all have the same memories of Al's, dirt storms, band trips, Ben's Spanish Inn, glowing graves, and what about Sullivan's bridge and the girl that was supposed to scream at midnight? Didn't anyone else hear her?

Margaret Hart Helm Class of 1966

Subject: Class of '71
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 17:56:34 -0500 From:|

My name is Beverly Meyer Hartsfield. I graduated in 1971. I would love to have e-mail addresses for Bob, Johnny, Steve, Jamie or Matt Burkholder. Also Vicki Patillo. My e-mail address is Hi!!! to all my old classmates that might read this. And e-mail me. Those were fun days!

Subject: Looking for classmates
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 13:56:01 -0700 (PDT) From: elmer jackson|

Hello, My name is Elmer Jackson. I graduated in 1983 and am looking for some of my old classmates. If anyone remembers me, please reply.

Thanks, Elmer

Subject: class of 83
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 00:15:31 EDT From:

Any classmates of the class of 83 around???

Nidia Flores Casillas

Subject: Memory Lane
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 22:40:45 EDT From:

Hello everyone...tonight I went down memory lane to summer/fall 1978 with a production of Grease at the "Derby Dinner Playhouse" which is a regional theatre which hosts productions of anything from Grease to Odd Couple located here in Jeffersonville, Indiana.

In my mind, I kept going back to this time and kept thinking about all of my wonderful friends, Friday night football games, loooonnngggg band to all of my class of 1979 friends...hello and let me hear from you!

Celina Acosta-Taylor

Subject: Pecos Gab
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 20:56:44 EDT From:

I am still looking for anyone from the class of 78. My name is Bruce Harrison and I married Rhonda Sandell in 1979. My son Timothy just graduated this year from PHS and he made me very proud.

I ran around with the Sharp kids and would also like to find some of them (Kenny, Shane, Mindy,and James). Ricky Box was my next door neighbor.

I have moved back to Texas and am really interested in hearing from old friends.

Bruce Harrison

Subject: Questions
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 20:56:21 EDT

Sue, did you see what Ray Thompson said about you class not being able to turn on a computer. Poor Ray, we know better don't we?

OK-enough of that, let me ask why I have not seen anything from anyone else other than George Toone from Balmogosaville. I know that those that graduated from the class of 1963 know how to operate a computer. Sure would like to hear from or about any of them. As a matter of fact, any class of the 1960s would be interesting.

Johnny Payne
Class of 1963

Subject: Class Reunion 1950 thru 1969
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 01:22:45 EDT

PHS50s6 0sReunion - Reunion Web Page

Hello PHS Classmates. Michael Hartman, class of 1963 and myself, Glynda Kilgore Leger, class of 1966 are planning the 50's - 60's class reunion. We finally have the web page on line. We have heard from alot of people and hope to hear from all of you. We need all the help we can get locating so many former classmates. Please pass the information on to everyone you know and ask them to contact us.

Peggy, thanks again for giving all of us a place to revisit old friends. We have include the Pecos Enterprise site on our web page. Hope you know just how much we all appreciate your Pecosgab.

Glynda Kilgore Leger

Subject: Class Data Bases
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 20:12:10 -0500
From: "c wayne joplin"

Responding to Ray Thompson's message wanting info on classes of '46, '47 and '48. Why stop there? I would like to see you go back to my class, the '43 class too. And let's watch those snide remarks about folks being too old to use e-mail. We have set my 98 year old father, Frank Joplin up with e-mail and he really enjoys it.

C. Wayne Joplin

Subject: Thanks for the GAB Messages!
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 18:12:21 -0500

From: Ray Thompson

Dear Pecos Enterprise and Jim Ivy, --

THANKS for the GAB messages on the website! There are now so MANY of them, wonder if we could see a directory listing of the senders' name and e-mail, so we don't have to read/re-read ALL of them? Just a suggestion.... --

I've been "talking to Pecosites" via the web and e-mail since 1995 and its always fun. I'll spread the word about the new GAB messages to the addresses I have. --

I started in Classmates.COM when it was free! There are a lot of us on that list now, although you have to pay ($15/year, I think). Only thing is, all of those posting are the GRANDKIDS of people I knew in my class, PHS CLASS OF 47! --

I also have a database for our Class of 47 that I try to maintain, so if anyone needs an address for our classmates, I might have it. Also, I would be delighted to receive any address changes. --

Mickey and Laura Buchanan keeps a similar database for their class. --

Now my CHALLENGE! Send me an e-mail contact with ANYONE in the classes of 46/47/48/49! I dont think any of them know how to turn on a computer, much less e-mail! :-) I LOVE all of you young "whippersnappers", but I want to hook up with some of your grandads and grandmothers! :-) Please let me hear from you! --

Bye R@y

If you haven't seen it, here is the link I'm responding to. -- -------------------------

Richardson, Texas

Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 07:06:11 -0700 (PDT)

From: Rocio Rodriguez

Hello everyone! My name is Rocio Molinar Rodriguez and I graduated from Pecos High School in 1996. I am the daughter of Tony and Olga Mendoza and am now married to Andrew Rodriguez who also graduated from Pecos High in 1995. I graduated from UT Permian Basin with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology in the Spring of 2000. I now work with the Texas Dept. of Protective and Regulatory Services and am an Adult Protective Services Facility Investigator.

During my years at college I always managed to keep in touch with my home town by reading the paper online and will continue to do so. Thanks for having a website to keep former Pecos residents updated with what is going on in our home town - from news to sports!

Rocio M. Rodriguez
PHS Class of '96

Subject: web page and reuniting of high school friends
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 23:05:11 GMT
From: "craig chappell"

my many thanks to the pecos enterprise for having this site.i have gotten email from people i have not heard from since graduated in all started when i accidentally found yall on the web.i posted a few things and bingo i have been getting email from people that i have not heard from since i graduated.keep up the good work you people are doing a hell of a job.anyone of my classmates can contact me at have a good day from san angelo and the concho valley

Subject: WOW-This has been a real pleasure.-Class of 1986
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 13:13:13 EDT

Hello Everyone,

This is Mary Jane Jones. I have been in contact with a few of my old classmates thanks to the Pecos Gab. I have been in contact with Dionne Holmes, Mindy Ulan, Lance Windham, Martin Gomez and of course Gloria Ortega. Gloria and I have kept in contact every since the day I left Pecos back in March of 1987. It is great to hear that they are all doing well. I live in West Virginia and work for the Department of Treasury-Bureau of Public Debt. BIG CHANGE FROM THE OLD ME! I went to college and received my Bachelor Degree back in 1993.

Russell is married and has two beautiful little girls, Kirsten and Allison. He also has a stepson, Jimmie and a step daughter, Racheal. He works for Shell Chemical and is doing very well.

Well, I just wanted to send a note and thank The Pecos Enterprise and all people associated with the paper and The Pecos Gab for allowing us an opportunity to get in contact with old classmates and catch up. THANKS!!

If anyone out there wants to get in contact with me, e-mail me at or

Mary Jane


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