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Subject: class of 75
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 22:02:32 -0800 (PST)
From: sctr

Hi Everyone: I graduated From good ole phs in 1975 my name is johnny Davis i would like to hear from anyone that graduated then or from 72-75 i enjoyed growing up there and really miss all my friends there my email is

Subject: hello out there
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 12:47:13 -0800
From: "Celina Alvarez"

Just browsing through the Gab and thought I'd send out a "holla." This is Celina Alvarez. I graduated in 1993. Am living in Los Angeles since August of '93. I work on Skid Row as a case manager for homeless, mentally ill who are also dealing with substance abuse and sometimes HIV/AIDS. I love my job. I also have two kids--Alyssa Flor is 7 and Michael Angel is 3. Would love to reconnect with old friends.

Subject: Hello Pecos
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 10:19:16 -0600
From: "drw"

Just wanted to say hello to Pecos, Texas. I haven't been there in over thirty years. I am sure that it has changed a lot. I hope for the good. If you know Glenn Labay or Archie Lockhart tell them Hi for me. Oh I almost forgot if you know Buster Mills or Jerry Griffth say hi to them also.Take care and may the good Lord look after each of you.

Subject: Further inquiries and information on Billie Jack Ferguson
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 11:12:46 -0600
From: "Jerry Wanslow"

I was inquiring about my friend and I am afraid that I did not give enough information.

He was the son of Bob Ferguson, who was a farmer in Pecos during the 50's. He had a step sister called Jackie, I believe.

His friends were Bill Hinds, Kenneth Lindermann, Pat Bradley, and many others. He dated and I believe was engaged to my friend Linda King, who later married Buddy Bryan. I would really like to here from someone who has knowledge of him.

The last time I saw Billy, he came by to see my second child Barry Glen after he was born in 1963.

I have found so many friends and acquaintances through the Pecos Gab, I hope to once again be successful.

He was a dear friend and he saw me through a rough time once. Please if you know anything about his whereabouts, contact me.

Marquita Wanslow 1102 Lawnmont Dr. Round Rock, TX 78664 (512)310-1238

Subject: 1982 Class Reunion
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 21:20:53 -0600
From: "Nancy Ontiveros"

It's that begin planning our twenty year class reunion. Several of us who are still in Pecos have begun the exciting process and need your help in locating our classmates. If you know where any of our classmates are and their addresses or e-mail addresses, please e-mail the information to

Thanks for your help. Nancy Bitolas Ontiveros

Subject: Hello from the Sunshine State
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 16:02:09 EST

Must say that reading all the responses to the Pecos Gab has been really has a little History in it as well as entertainment!

Just wanted to write to say hello to the PHS Class of 1994 & 1997...give or take a few years! My husband Gabriel Herrera and myself Desiree Melendez Herrera visit Pecos about once a year if possible. We really don't see friends from high school much either because we are too busy visiting family or the fact that we only stay for short periods of time. We must say the East Coast sure doesn't know Mexican food like Pecos does! lol. We have two children together, Mariah (2 1/2)& Gabriel, Jr.(16 mos.) We are currently in Jacksonville, FL. If anyone would like to drop us a hello--we would be happy to hear from you!

Hope all is going well for the PECOS EAGLES this year!!! Take care & God Bless!!!

Subject: Hey Pecos High 76-79
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 21:50:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Charlie Gipson

I was surfing the 'net and found Pecos Gab.. had to write! My name is Charles Gipson, and I attended PHS from 1976 to 1979... when I wasnt cutting class, that is! I will be swinging through Pecos on a road trip aound Feb. 7th, 2002 .. havent been through there since the late 80's. I imagine it has changed a lot.. looking forward to it! If anyone wants to write, mail me at Charles Gipson

Subject: Passing Through
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 21:46:00 -0600
From: "Joy Ray"

I want to thank Dionne for the wonderful tribute she sent for Betty Vick Brown. She was the most wonderful sister-in-law and friend that anyone could be blessed with. She gave so much to so many and asked nothing in return. Well, maybe she did ask that I drive her up to the door of Sam's when we went shopping after her Congestive Heart Failure worsened but I never minded. Finally, I was able to give back just a little of the love and consideration and friendship that she gave to me and so many others.

My brother, Hal, is a wonderful strong man who is going on the best he can without her but his life nor the lives of the rest of us who were touched by her will never be the same. She taught me about Christ's love: to love everyone just as they are. She appreciated the beauty of each and every person.

Thank you, Dionne. I will always cherish your email about Betty. Joy Brown Ray

Subject: First Baptist Reunion
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 13:32:12 -0600
From: "Computer Solutions"

First Baptist Church of Pecos has scheduled a Homecoming Reunion for June 29-30, 2002. That will be the weekend before the rodeo and we hope that all that have a connection with FBC will join us. For more details see and click on the First Baptist link. Thanks, Danny Fleming Computer Solutions Quik Internet Agent Daniel Fleming Pecos, Tx 79772

Subject: Looking for a friend
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 17:52:28 -0600
From: "Marquita Wanslow"

I am trying to get in touch with Billy Jack Ferguson. He went to High School with us and graduated in 1958.

I would love to be able to talk with him and see how his life has been all of these years. He was a good friend to me when I needed him several times.

If anyone should know anything about him please get in touch with me. Marquita Wanslow

Subject: Pecos Gab
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 17:43:43 -0800 (PST)
From: chuck coats

Hello Classmates, I am Chuck Coats, Class of '65. My memories of Al's is vivid and great. During our years, we could "Circle Al's", Enjoy the Chili Burgers, Tacos, Lime Cokes, Sit inside, Enjoy Good Music, great friendships, good place to hang out, my green 55 chevy, sophomore circle, drag strip and a good bunch of kids. I am proud to be a graduate of Pecos High School. Pecos was a good place to grow up in the '60 and a good place to leave to seek ones fortunes elsewere. How did The Pecos Eagles do in the playoffs? Many thanks to Smokie Briggs,his staff and the Pecos Enterprise for this opportunity to find old friends!! Charles "Chuck" Coats

Subject: 1975-1984 looking for friends
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2002 03:11:15 EST

Hello Pecos, Looking for anyone who can recall the McAmis' I see many names in here that I reconize, but cannot place names with faces. My sisters and brother' names are Vikki,Chuck,Liz,Tracy,and I'm Paul. If you know of myself or siblings, let me know. I will pass on any messages or Email addresses. Remember the drag,Dairy Marts & Al's tacos' whiz land,16 mile damn,barn #1 & #2,kicker corner , and the tales of Sullivans bridge. Please respond we have many friends out there. Looking for birdie,spiver,goober,blue boy, or any one of the f*** ups

Subject: Happy New Year!
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 23:19:43 EST

Hey this is Mary Morales, Writing to the Pecos gap, Hoping that someone out there remebers me. I am now married to Chris Ornelas who is in the army. I have 3 boys ages 8, 6, and 3. Don't plan to have anymore. I went up to 7th grade there in pecos before I moved away, which was in 1991. I would had graduated in 1996. Please write to me if you remember me

Subject: Pecos Gab
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 17:34:46 -0800
From: "Mary K."

Just wanted to say what a shame Pecos Gab has not been updated since 12/10/01. Mary K. Burkholde

Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 18:41:47 -0600
From: "Nancy Russell"

Hello to all our friends in Pecos. Roger and I visited in Pecos this past weekend and enjoyed seeing many people. Wish we could have stayed longer. We especially enjoyed visiting with our good friends Pat and Bill Hubbs. Things are going well for us here in Dublin, Texas. Roger is still thoroughly enjoying retirement. He substitutes at the high school occasionally, when he wants to. I am keeping very busy with my job as assistant principal at the middle and high schools here. People here are very nice and friendly and have made us feel a part of the community, but we do miss our Pecos friends. We plan to come back for the FBC homecoming, which is planned for June 29-30. Occasionally we see former Pecosites who live in the area. Ashley Corbell works for a doctor in Stephenville, and we've seen Maribelle Pena and Robin Matthews, who are both attending Tarleton State U. Ashley and Maribelle are both married now. Roger saw Lynda Gentry in Wal Mart in Stephenville recently, and we often see Jo Reddell and Nita Johnson, who also live in Stephenville. I think half of Pecos has moved to this area. Roger and I would like to wish everyone a very happy, healthy, prosperous New Year. Roger and Nancy Russell

Subject: PECOS GAB
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 01:08:58 EST

Gary, I think it was Al and Alma

Subject: Happy New Year, and and Update on Dad
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 15:10:23 -0600
From: "Jim Strother"

Happy New Year to all...! Many thanks to Jim Ivy for helping make this page possible! Happy New Year to you and Jeannine!!!

Dad had quadruple bypass surgery early in November. He's been in ICU, and then skilled nursing ever since. Looks like he'll go home on Thursday. He's excited and would love to hear from you Friday or so. You can reach him at 925-655-4043.

Subject: Illness
Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2002 09:19:26 -0600
From: "Robert D. Van Vickle"

Those from the Class of '75 may remember Loyd Oden, a classmate. I've kept in touch with his parents over the years, and this year's Christmas card bore the news that Loyd's dad, Bill Oden, has been diagnosed with cancer. The type and severity of the cancer, I still don't know. Keep them in your prayers. rdv

Subject: re: Al's Burger Bar
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 14:53:39 EST

In answer to GCowans letter.....there were plenty of us who didn't hang out at Al's......we went to visit with Tom Erskine and we enjoyed his delightful pecan sundaes and wonderful vanilla cokes....the only thing worth eating at Als was the hamburger steaks smothered in onions and brown gravy with french fries....yum......isn't it funny how we all remember the different foods from the different drive ins? How about those delicious chili cheese fries from the Dairy Maid? Oh goes on and so do we......still.....sure would like some of Bill Malones tacos.... (hinting again Bill)

Subject: Great loss........
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 03:27:35 EST

To Everyone who knew Betty Brown, she will be dearly missed. Betty was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and best of all a friend to me and all who came in contact with her. Betty Passed away in her sleep late Saturday night, at her home in Lumberton, Texas. Even though I now live in San Antonio, not a day didn't pass that I didn't look to Betty for advice, comfort or support. I knew that when I spoke with her she was there to lend me her ear to listen with, her arms to comfort me with and her heart to love me with. I knew that no matter how tuff things got I could count on Betty to be there for me. When I lost my mother in 1996 Betty became my new Mom I knew that I could confide in her and trust her with my most private moments. We laughed together, cried together and celebrated together. In fact I spoke to Betty just hours earlier before I went to bed, her last words to me where "I Love you and Alexandra"...those are the words I will never forget. In closing I just wanted to let everyone who had the pleasure of knowing Betty, that the funeral will be on Thursday, December 13th at 11am at the Pecos Funeral home. Thanks for you time, Dionne Holmes

Subject: PHS Classmates Web Site
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 19:10:45 EST

Hello Fellow Classmates:

The new 2003 Mega Reunion is in the planning stages and we hope to have definite date for everyone after the first of the year. The 2003 Reunion will include classes from 1950 through 1975.

Our new web site is now online and will include all PHS Classes. The new URL is: All updates for the 2003 Mega Reunion will be posted on the web site. We hope all PHS Classmates will enjoy the web site.

Mike Hartman and I would like to wish all of you and your families a happy holiday season. We look forward to hearing from all of you.

I would like to take a minute to send our deepest sympathy to the families of Donna (Brown) Pickett and Betty (Vick) Brown. We hope all of you will keep their families in your prayers.

Thanks again to the Pecos Enterprise for bringing all of us together after so many years.

Happy Holidays!!!! Glynda (Kilgore) Leger - Class 1966

Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 11:08:57 -0500
From: "tessie jernigan"


Subject: Betty Vick Brown
Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 09:56:21 -0600
From: "Joy Ray"

I wanted to let all of you know that my sister-in-law, Betty Vick Brown, passed away this morning. The funeral arrangements are still pending but will probably be on Thursday at the Pecos Funeral Home. Betty was my best friend and the dearest person I know. She worried about everyone except herself. She will be greatly missed by all of us. She has gone to be with Jesus and will suffer no more pain.

Subject: Betty Vick Brown Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 09:56:21 -0600 From: "Joy Ray" To: I wanted to let all of you know that my sister-in-law, Betty Vick Brown, passed away this morning. The funeral arrangements are still pending but will probably be on Thursday at the Pecos Funeral Home. Betty was my best friend and the dearest person I know. She worried about everyone except herself. She will be greatly missed by all of us. She has gone to be with Jesus and will suffer no more pain. Please keep the Browns and Vicks in your prayers. Joy Brown RayPlease keep the Browns and Vicks in your prayers. Joy Brown Ray

Subject: SEPT 11TH
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 19:54:00 -0600
From: "craig chappell"

Hello From San Angelo I hope all who who read this has a really Happy Holiday season. Were doing ok here. 3New York firegfighters have been here since Friday the 7th. How ironic they arrived on another day of history. They were at "ground zero". The folks here have treated them with a bunch of respect and have sent them back with a bunch of momentoes from Texas. I hope this spirit holds up and for the feelings for the rest of the state and nation. The local tv station did a live interview with them , when the got off the plane here at Mathis Field. I guess they were expecting just a few folks to show up. They got this "what the hell look" on their faces when hundreds turned out to welcome them. I guess it surprised them. But I guess our hearts are bigger than our state. I also want to say to the military folks that might be able to and are reading this THANK YOU. Yall have done a damn good job. And also thanks for the volunteers and other folks that helped us get thru this trial. I wish each 1 of yall a Happy Holiday Season. Craig Chappell San Angelo

Subject: hello to the class of 1985
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2001 13:47:46 -0600
From: "raul gonzales"

Just wanted to drop a few lines to all of you great people from the class of 1985. HI! to all my friends, Lupe Miramontes, Orlanda Ramirez, Annette Urquidi, & Pam Rodriguez, Bernadette. If anyone has any info on Orlanda and Pam please let me know. Hello also to all you Hornets from Zavala Jr. High. Believe it or not, I still have my megaphone with all the football guys and cheerleaders autographs--Tommy Levario, David Sonnen, Elias Payan, Leonard Orona, Jo Ann Galindo, Sylvia Rede, too many to remember. Hey ya'll remember Mr. Virgin (8th grade reading), I think, how 'bout Mr. Marrufo, and of course, everyone's favorite Mr. Matthews? Hope they are all doing well. Anyone know whatever happened to David Sonnen and Priscilla Sanchez? I got some pretty funky pictures of some of ya'll as well. I could probably use them to blackmail ya'll with, ha,ha. Also, if anyone who went to Bessie Haynes Elem. has any info on my first grade teacher Mrs. Jane Bond let me know. Well, anyways, hope all my friends and classmates from high school and of course, Jr. High have a very Merry, and Blessed Christmas and a Very happy 2002. By the way, its me, Mary "Spirit" (as Elias used to call me) Gonzales.

Subject: Dairy Mart
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 21:50:16 EST

Well I hate to advise all you younger folks from Pecos, but the Dairy Mart was never a place that anyone went to except on the night that Al's Burger Bar was closed. I still have a craving for some of Al's and Thelma's tacos and a plate of those enchiladas. I know, everyone has their favorite hangout, but dang, if there was a place that beat Al's, i sure didn't know about it.

Subject: Thanksgiving in Pecos
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 15:23:30 -0600
From: "Martin g."

Greetings All. My family and I were able to spend Thanksgiving with our family and friends in Pecos this year. Spent a lot of time with the family and got to eat a great Thanksgiving dinner. Got to see Eric Scott ('86) and Darryl Scott and their families. For those of you that are interested in the Dairy Mart, Bill Malone and crew still make the best Jumbo Cheese Burger on either side of the Pecos. We are hoping to return during Spring Break or next summer to visit the family. Maybe I'll take some pictures and post them on the net. Osbaldo Lujan and Brian Perkins, I have changed my email address and lost my address book along the way, please email me at the email below so that I can put you guys back on my address book. Those are the only two addresses I lost.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season. Support Our Troops!!

Martin Gomez

Subject: Happy Thanksgiving
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 08:22:15 -0800 (PST)
From: Randy Jones

Hello to all in Pecos and around the Country. Just wanted to drop a line and wish all a Happy Thanksgiving! It is also great to see the Eagle football team doing so well this year. We had some great teams back in the mid 70's when I was in school there.

Thanks for all the emails of people from the past. Was good to hear from Mark Bell last week. Everyone take care and have a great holiday!

Randy Moss Class of '76

Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 11:04:57 EST

Hello Board,

It was suggested that I try writing to this board for help.

I'm searching for cousins that I have never met. I had a lead that the oldest may have started first grade in Pecos. That would have been in 1961. His name is Charles Dawson Lee, born March 1955. Chuck's younger brother is Randall (Randy) Lee. Randy was born April 1957. Unfortunately, I do not have the exact day of birth for either and very little to go on. Their father, Randall Leonard Lee was a single parent born 1916.

I do know that at some point after starting school both boys went to California to live with their mother. The trail ends!

If, anyone could give me something else to go on it would be so appreciated.

Thank you,

Patricia Lee Raney Paradise, TX.

Subject: Searching for member of "96 class
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 20:17:47 -0500
From: "Christy Taylor"

HOLA Pecosites! Long time, no talk to! I haven't kept in touch with too many of you, just a handful. So, I would like to chat with you if you're out there! I am currently a 3rd grade teacher in Ingram, TX. Yes, I said teacher, I suppose it's in the blood. I would especially like to know where Kelly Granado is these days. Anyone else from that time era, feel free to write. I'd love to hear from you!

Christy Taylor

Subject: Re: Malt Shop
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 18:28:18 -0600
From: Barbara & James Smith

We lived just across 3rd street and approximately half way between A.R.'s and the Sandwich Shop. ( now where Foster's used to be). Due to the outside speakers we were able to hear all the # 1 through 25 top tunes on a daily basis. Since #1 hits stayed on the charts 2 or 3 months (longer than most GROUPS now last) we got to know them pretty well. Since that's where the 'big' kids hung out we didn't go there much. Due to rumors about certain ingredients in Tamale Harry's tamales, I never took a chance with one. Jimmy Smith

Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 17:52:45 -0600
From: "craig chappell"

Hello : To current Pecos people and others who have left like myself, and who might read this. I say a big word of thanks to the paper staff. I hope each one of yall who reads this has a very Happy Thanksgiving. So much has changed in America this year, but I say thanks myself. Hey and a big word of CONGRATS to those "EAGLES" yall have shown yall have what it takes to make a team. I hope the rest of Pecos picks up the "winning spirit" The Eagles have. UNTIL THE NEXT TIME I HOPE ALL OF YOU GREAt FOLKS HAS A GREAT HOLIDAY SEASON. CRAIG CHAPPELL SAN ANGELO or

Subject: playoffs..
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 12:13:14 -0600
From: Ana Roquemore

Way to go Eagles!!!

Elias I remember that game 19 years ago....I had been gone from Pecos just one short year...Congratulations to all the young people that make Friday night so special in a small town. I will be in Michigan with my brother Jesus Miramontes....we will be with you guys in spirit...

Congratulations! Wishing you all a night of good competition...and great health. Play your hearts out. We are so very proud of the place we're from!!

Ana Miramontes-Roquemore....Class of '82!

Subject: Remembering and Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2001 22:49:08 -0600
From: "Marquita Wanslow"

Dear Pecosites,

Someone asked if they remembered A.R. Elliott's malt shop? I do, my mother Nellie Bowers, use to take us when we were kids.

I want to wish all of my friends and family a Happy Thanksgiving!! We must remember all of our blessings in this year of tragedy.

Jerry and Marquita Wanslow

Subject: Always Looking for More PHS Grads, 1930-1950's!
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 20:35:08 -0600
From: Ray Thompson

I'm aPHS 47 grad and a couple of years ago started keeping a database of grads between 1930-1950. It growns nearly every month, and I share the complete database in a PDF file from time to time to those that list their names/e-mail/address/phone no.. I'm ALWAYS looking for more of you! Drop me the above info if you graduated BEFORE 1951:

Subject: Update on J. O. Strother
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 06:33:04 -0600
From: "Jim Strother"

Dad's doing really well. He's been "upgraded." He's moved to room 675 at Shannon for physical therapy. His phone number is 915-657-5675; he'd love to hear from you. Thanks to those of you who've sent email notes to me about Dad. I'm mailing them on to him.

Subject: Pecos Eagles In the Playoffs
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 15:09:00 -0500
From: (Judith Holland)

First of all, I'd like to say hello to everyone who's out there from Pecos! I'm Eli Payan. I graduated from P.H.S. in 1985. Seems like a very long time ago. I am now back home coaching. This will be my 4th year here in Pecos. I am the offensive coordinator in football and Coach Bubba Williams' assistant in baseball. It's pretty cool coaching along side someone I used to play for. But enough about that. The reason I'm on the Gab is to let everyone know that the Eagles will be hosting the El Paso Parkland Matadors in the first round of the Bi-District Playoffs at 7:30 Friday night. It would be nice to see a packed stadium supporting our kids. We finished the regular season with a record of 7-3. We also beat Monahans for the first time in 19 years. I was a sophomore the last time we beat them. All of our players were'nt even born yet! A big sign that I'm getting old. But anyway, I'm personally inviting everyone to the game. Our kids worked very hard to get where they are at. If we win, we will be playing during the Thanksgiving holidays, which I know that hasn't happened in a very long time!! So come on out and enjoy a good game! GO EAGLES!!!!!!!!! My e-mail is

Subject: Class of '76
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 08:55:52 -0600
From: "4bells"

Hello Pecos. Thanks for the great site. Peggy you are great. Capt. Jim, thanks for sponsorship. Well, not much to say ...YET! I'll be back later. Finally got online, not without a little arm twisting from family and friends. I miss all of you people. I was very sorry to here about Anchor. I am over here at the airport in Odessa. To the class of '76, Sorry I didn't make the last reunion. I miss all of ya'll. God Bless. Mark Bell

Subject: Sue "Kesey" Behee
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 01:37:56 EST

Hey Gang: Joy Ray and I were in contact with Sue (Kesey) Behee, class 1966 before the Mega Reunion back in August. Sue was very ill the last time I spoke with her. We were wondering if anyone has had any contact with Sue recently. Joy and I have been very concerned about her and have no way of contacting her now. If anyone has any information about Sue, please contact me at:

Thanks -- Glynda (Kilgore) Leger

Subject: Update on J. O. Strother
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 06:00:37 -0600
From: "Jim Strother"

We had a scare last week. During the World Series final game on Sunday dad was really having trouble breathing. He had felt lousy since Saturday. Of course, he waited until the game was over before he went to the hospital.

Dad had four bypasses on Wednesday in about 3 1/2 hours. He is doing great. This is all a bit unusual for a man 89 years old. He went into surgery singing to the nurses and is regaining strength each day.

He's having a little trouble keeping food down, but is getting stronger every day. In fact, I could tell a significant difference from Friday night to Saturday morning, from Saturday morning to Saturday afternoon, etc. He's alert and already planning his return to his Sunday School responsibilities and also planning his next concert. He walked about 40-50 and back Sunday afternoon. We would appreciate your prayers as he fights his way back.

Dad's in Shannon hospital in San Angelo, room 422. He'd love to hear from you.

Subject: finding old friends
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2001 22:46:24 -0600
From: "craig chappell"


I must really say a big word of thanks to the enterprise staff and jim ivy for their helping us to reconnect with our friends. yes my punctuation isnot the greatest, but what the heck, after all they must be congratulated . My writing and english teachers are probably thinking "what the heck"? I taught him better than that. Many years have passed by. I have been in contact with so many friends since I left high school and Pecos I say a big word of Thanks. To the "Enterprise Staff" , I say thanks a bunch and then some. Does anyone out there remember the "glowing grave", or La Yarona, i may have mispelled the spanish part of it. Or maybe this will raise a few questions: Whatever ever happened to "Bernard Bond" the locksmith, is he still alive? and if so he must have been one of the best since his sight wasnot the best. I hope yall folks have a great evening. I havenot forgot my roots, They made me what I am. I can be contacted at: or

I will ask 1 more question, then I will go? What happened or does anyone know remembers Johnnie Neely? I think she was kin to Earnest Teague. She was my 2nd grade teacher. I could be corrected on any of this. And I guess the foks are doing ok back home , thats great. Does anyone remember Mr . Grove?? I know they must. His son was the principal at 1 time. Gerald Grove was his sons name. Sorry to bother yall with so much small stuff, any help, corrections will be greatly appreciated. Thanks a Bunch Craig ............San An Tue, 6 Nov 2001 11:21:42 EST

You folks talk of texas creme pie and Al's tacos. How many of you remember Mexican Harry and his push cart full of hot tamales?

Subject: gabbing
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 18:02:13 -0800 (PST)
From: Julia

Hi- Probably not many will remember me-at Crocket Jr High in 77 I was voted one of the "quitest, shyest people in the whole school" and even have a yearbook to back that up! I graduated PHS in 82, and was curious to see if there was an upcoming 20th reunion. Since I was so "shy" at the time, I figured not many would remember me and maybe not send an invite. I am not shy anymore (anything BUT!)-I worked at KIUN for several years as a dj (does that sound like someone shy?) as well as Dan's Music and Video (back in the days of vinyl). Am proud to be able to say that famed Jeff Bryant (of Ricoche) graduated a year ahead of me at PHS! Met up with him and the band in Nashville one year at the Country Radio Seminar with my husband (former Sammy St James, now Sam Stephens at KBST Big Spring, and last years Texas Tech Baseball announcer in Lubbock).

I am not in radio anymore-I turned dramatically and am currently a Tx certified Interpreter for the Deaf (tried using my new language on the air but it didn't work!)

Anyway, has anyone heard of a cpcoming 20th reunion. Since I was so "shy" at the time, I figured not many would remember me and maybe not send an invite. I am not shy anymore (anything BUT!)-I worked at KIUN for several years as a dj (does that sound like someone shy?) as well as Dan's Music and Video (back in the days of vinyl). Am proud to be able to say that famed Jeff Bryant (of Ricoche) graduated a year ahead of me at PHS! Met up with him and the band in Nashville one year at the Country Radio Seminar with my husband (former Sammy St James, now Sam Stephens at KBST Big Spring, and last years Texas Tech Baseball announcer in Lubbock).

I am not in radio anymore-I turned dramatically and am currently a Tx certified Interpreter for the Deaf (tried using my new language on the air but it didn't work!)

Anyway, has anyone heard of a class of '82 reunion? I am interested!! You can email me at (im-in-awe-of-God)-and fyi, my home page is: For those that remember my mom, Pat Monroe, she passed away 3 years ago. If you go to my home page, you can read the story of how a son she put up for adoption in '59 found her and met us just 3 weeks before she died! It was awesome! Blessings

Julie (or Julia) Monroe-Stephens, '82 ===== With God, ALL things are possible!

Subject: (no subject)
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 21:21:21 EST

Hi everyone, Bettye Harris Powell from the class of 1952. I have a new e-mail address, it is I am on the committee for the next Pecos High reunion in Grapevine for the classes of 1950 through 1970. The reunion was great and we can thank Glynda and Michael for such a fantastic job putting it on. There are several besides me that are going to be collecting e-mail addresses for the next reunion. I want to thank those that are responsible for the Pecos Gab. I miss Pecos, Ben's Spanish Inn, Al's Drive-In, Dairy Mart and Bill Malone. Even though I just live in Odessa, I don't get to Pecos. It was great to see everyone at the reunion and especially Coach Matthews.Anyone wanting to send their address for the next reunion please do so. Glad Pecos beat Monahans.

Subject: re"fogeydom.....
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 00:10:46 EST

Hi again Pecos.....hey Jimmy Smith.....just read your letter to the gab re: Melissa's comments about the fogeys.....went back a little further and found her (Melissa's ) letter and noticed that her maiden name and yours are the same. Could this be a coincidence? Are you the fogey you were referring to? If so my are one of the sweetest and dearest old fogeys I could ever hope to meet. I have known you and your family for a lot of years and love each and every one of you....including that sweet wife of yours.

Take care my friend. JPayne

Subject: (no subject)
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 12:38:05 -0600
From: Barbara & James Smith

'Poor' Melissa, in being frustrated in her quest to determine the status of a classmate sent a letter to the editor but it was inadvertently put in the Gab site. Regarding the old fogey bit , she knows old fogeys. Her dad is one of the fogeyest guys around, his friends (of whom she knows many) are pretty fogey in their own right. To his credit, he supplied a classmate with the Texas cream pie recipe and another one with a passable substitute for Al's tacos. One bite of those, generously covered with RO*TEL extra hot, and you can almost hear cars peeling out from Al's. She had many meals at Ben's and enjoyed not only a treat to the palate, but also a night off for the in house chefs (Mom and Granny). Although I am sure she never wondered 'what the poor folk are doing tonight', she knew her parents didn't have as much money as some of her friends parents, she never let that bother her. I'm sure that she aspires to fogeydom someday, but she is looking way down the road for that status. Her aim right now is carpe diem.

Thank you James P.(Jimmy) Smith

Subject: Reunion links
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 20:58:31 -0600
From: "Danny & Julie"

I have started a new Pecos web site and want to include links to any PHS class or reunion web page. If your class has a site and you want include it in the list, let me know and I will add your page to the list. You can reach me at or The new site is at .

Danny Fleming-Class of 72

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