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Subject: Reunion links
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 20:58:31 -0600
From: "Danny & Julie"

I have started a new Pecos web site and want to include links to any PHS class or reunion web page. If your class has a site and you want include it in the list, let me know and I will add your page to the list. You can reach me at or The new site is at .

Danny Fleming-Class of 72

Subject: Class of 57
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 19:42:16 -0600
From: "lanaka"

Want to tell all the 57 grads that did not attend our reunion at Indian Lodge in Sept. missed a good time. We didn't have as many as usual at our reunions, but had a fabulous time anyway. We had people that this was their first time. Sure was nice to see them again. However, all who were not there were sorely missed. It was great to have Coaches Boggus and Matthews in attendance. Want to thank Ray and Joann Boulter, once again, for all they do for our class.

God Bless Linda Chisum

Subject: Happy Birthday
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 10:33:16 -0700
From: "Joy Ray"

Well, Glynda, thanks! But let's not forget my twin! Glynda and I were born on the same day! Happy Birthday to Glynda who made the Pecos 50-60's Reunion possible. You and Michael are such good organizers. I was so impressed with how great the reunion turned out and I bet it will be even better next time.

Everyone who didn't make the reunion this year should plan on it for the next one in two years. Trust me, you will love it!

Joy Brown Ray Class of 1966

Subject: Pecos Gab
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 07:42:06 +0000
From: "William Cook"

Well, since I have not made an entry in a year or so, I would like to pipe up on the “Melissa” issue.

Melissa, by the time you graduated high school, I had been through 9 years of college, had served my country for 12 years, and had a wife and two children. Does that, by YOUR definition, qualify me to fall into the group of “old fogies” [who] talk about eating Texas Cream Pies and eating at Ben's”? If so, you probably realize that I have very little to say that is worth your time. But, please answer two questions for me.

First, how do you propose to avoid becoming an “old fogie” yourself? Second, when you become an “old fogie,” are you going to talk about the places that are close to your heart, or will you instead talk about things that are just coming into prominence so that all the 33-year olds out there will not think you are an “old fogie”? Hmmm!?

As one who NEVER had a bite to eat at Ben’s – we were so poor when I went to PHS that I thought “poverty was for rich folks” – it could be easy for me to get tired of seeing the references. However, just because Ben’s is not part of MY memories, should it automatically become inconsequential to all others? The only way that could be valid would be if I became so selfish as to not be concerned for anyone else.

You go on to say, “That is not what I am interested in at this point. I want to know about the safety of my former classmates.” Well spoken. . . .if no one else’s opinion is important. You say that YOU want to know about the safety of YOUR classmates. Admirable. Yet, I propose that if you want the best for you former classmates, you will want to do the best for the country that gave them life and freedom. If so, please start by understanding that “united we stand” is not restricted to those within the borders of a nation, but those within the boundaries of time, and the boundaries of concern.

You see Melissa, many of us “old fogies” were once young and knew everything just like you. But then a strange and wonderful thing happened – we grew up. I can’t honestly say, “Try it you’ll like it.” However, it certainly beats the heck out of the alternative.

Just a thought.

William J. Cook, Class of 1970

Subject: lost
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 02:36:50 -0500

Has any one heard from "JJ" She knows who she is. I wouldn't mind catching up if she has the time. DREW.

Subject: RE: posting
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 16:58:58 -0500
From: "Dennis Brown"

I would like to have the following posted to Pecos Gab for my mom. Thank you.

SUBJECT : BIRTHDAY MESSAGE - I would really appreciate if everyone who remembers Fannie Camp in Pecos would take a few minutes to send her a birthday wish on Nov 6. She will be 95 yrs. young. She is in the Pecos Nursing Home and she misses everyone very much. Her address is Fannie Camp - Box 1461 - Room 102A - Pecos, TX 79772. THANK YOU.

Also Ruby Faye Newton (or you may remember her as Ruby Faye Bryant). She will be 85 on Nov.25. She was a teacher in Pecos for several years. Her address is Ruby Faye Newton - 4315 Esmond - Apt 1903 - Odessa, TX 79762. THANKS again as both of these ladies would love to hear from each of you. Billie Brown

Subject: Happy Birthday Joy (Brown) Ray
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 00:00:29 EDT

Hey Gang: Thought it would be nice if all of us wished Joy (Brown) Ray a happy birthday. Joy's birthday is Sunday, October 28th. Thanks to Joy, the idea for the Pecos Gab site became a reality. Joy you've been a great friend to all of us through the years. Hope this birthday is filled with lots of love and God's blessings. Glynda (Kilgore) Leger

Subject: (no subject)
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 01:35:10 EDT

This is Celina Alvarez. I graduated in 1993. Currently I live in Los Angeles (been out here since August 93). My brother Adalberto "Beto" Alvarez also lives out here. He has been here since 1987. I have two children. My daughter Alyssa Flor is 7 years old and my son Michael Angel is 3 years old. I work in an area of downtown L. A. called "Skid Row." I am a Case Manager (like a social worker) for homeless, chronically mentally ill substance abusers. Love living out here, just can't get used to those damn earthquakes--I will take a tornado anytime--at least you get fair warning.I would like to get in touch with old friends. Drop me a line at or at If you would like to get in touch with my brother contact me and I will get the message to him.

Subject: Pecosgab
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 23:39:03 -0700
From: "Teresa Martin"

Please post this to Pecosgab.

My name is Teresa (Raines) Martin. I left Pecos in 1966 during my freshman year. But I moved back in the 1980s. The friends I am looking for would've graduated in '69 or so. They are Carolyn Carpenter and Lynn Dearing.

I am now living in Bend, Oregon after stints in Los Angeles and Albuquerque, NM. Am interested in hearing from anybody that remembers me or the two girls above.

My e-mail address is

Looking forward to hearing from you. Sorry I missed the big reunion, but didn't hear about it until afterwards. Sounds like it was a blast.

Subject: Thanks to the Staff
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2001 08:13:12 -0500
From: "John M. Kelsey"

I would like to take a moment to thank the staff of the Pecos Enterprise for their help and for their efforts in maintaining the Pecos Gab. Through their efforts and the wonderful response we received to a recent inquiry, we will be able to give our mother a Christmas gift she will truly cherish forever and considering the many gifts she has given us it means so much to us to give in return.

It has also been so much fun to read and to learn what has happened to so many we may have forgotten, so many of us have moved on. As I have grown older it has become more important to me to remember my roots and the way of life that shaped who I am. I will always be proud of my hometown and what it represented even if I have become a bit disheartened at what it has become. A town with such history and such promise unfulfilled is truly a shame. The loss of so much of what made Pecos what we remembered can almost make one angry. But it is good yet to know that the memories live in so many. So let's here it for the Pecos Enterprise, Ben's Spanish Inn, Foster's, Al's, The Donut shop, the old swimming pool down by the old airport, the cantaloupe sheds, the friends, the classmates, the teachers, and most of all to those who will not let those memories die.

Mike Kelsey

Subject: Birthdays
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 21:15:20 EDT

I would really appreciate it if everyone who remembers Fannie Camp in Pecos would send her a birthday card on Nov. 6. She will be 95 yrs young. She is in the Pecos Nursing. Her address is Fannie Camp - Pecos Nursing Home - Box 1461 - Room 102A - Pecos, TX 79772. She will enjoy them so much. Also Ruby Faye Newton or some may know her as Mrs. Bryant from Toyah as she was a teacher in Pecos for so many years. Her birthday is Nov.25. She will be 85. Her address is Ruby Faye Newton - 4315 Esmond - Apt. 1903 - Odessa, TX 79762 Both of these ladies would love to get mail from everyone. THANKS Billie Brown

Subject: Please can you help?
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 13:56:41 +0100
From: "Elizabeth-Angela Guyver"

Hi! A friend sent me your e-mail address after reading an article War Brides - Mrs Reddick who had married Harry Reddick when he was stationed at Chelveston Airbase in Northamptonshire England.

I have been trying for a number of years to find out what had happened to David Greene (despatch rider who was stationed there during Oct & Nov 1944. He said that he came from PA but cannot find an trace of him after this time. It would be nice to know what he did with his life after the war etc.The family understood that he was a Policeman in civilian life.

Take Care Beth Guyver

Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 00:09:39 -0500
From: "Nancy Russell"

Just a short note from Roger and Nancy Russell to let you know that after 32 years of living and teaching in Pecos, we are now in north-central Texas in a town called Dublin, home of the first Dr. Pepper bottling company. Roger has retired from teaching and is enjoying lazing around the house, while I am assistant principal at the high school and middle school here. The area is beautiful and the people are friendly. Our e-mail address is Drop by and see us if you come through the area. We're just ten miles from Stephenville and about seventy miles from Fort Worth.

Subject: Lost Friend
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 11:53:12 EDT

Have you any information on the graduating class of 1960 or 61. For an example who is the security of the alumni for the classes for these years? Would the school system have any record of their alumni? Thank You Morris

Subject: Art by Marion Russell
Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2001 09:13:25 -0500
From: "John M. Kelsey"

We need your help folks. We left Pecos in 1966. Some of my mothers very best friends were Judge Russell and his children. All were wonderful and gifted each in their own way. One in particular, Marion was a fine artist and several of her works were sold in the Pecos area in the '70s, '80s and '90s as we understand. My sister and I would like to find one of Marion Russell's pictures to give to our mother for Christmas. It would be the best Christmas she could have. If anyone has any knowledge of where we could find one please contact us at or Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Mike Kelsey Peggy Kelsey Reed

Subject: Prater Powell
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 09:04:25 -0500
From: "frances pohl"

For those of you that would like to respond to my earlier message with a birthday card for Prater Powell his address is 115 East Walker, Denison, Tx 75020. Thanks Frances Pohl

Subject: Class of 1971 Web Site
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 22:43:45 -0500
From: "Sharon James"

Just thought I'd get out the word that pictures from our past reunions as well as "then and now" pictures are posted at . Come and visit! Sharon (Smith) James

Subject: bashing Pecos folks
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 20:26:48 -0500
From: "craig chappell"


Now Melissa voiced her opinion, thats her right here. But to knock your home "folks" was really not not neighborly at all. Just keep in mind a 3 year old computer whiz might be reading this. I know I probably sound like a hard nose ********, but yes she has a internet load of search engines available to help her. Here is one I suggest she try:

Pecos Hey Thanks for beating Monahans, its been a long time coming. Congrats to the Team and Coaches. Its been 3 weeks since Dad has been gone, I say thanks to the folks in Pecos that called with their concerns and came by. We are here to stand together, not to stir up stuff. Anybody out there younger than me "helped yourselves " to a few melons? Thanks must also go to VFW in Pecos for their services at our dad's funeral. Thanks a Bunch Craig

From: Sharon
Subject: Class of 1971 web site

Just thought I'd get the word out that pictures from our past reunions as well as "then and now" pictures are posted at www.compsolbiz.comcome and visit!

Sharon (Smith) James

Subject: Pecos Gab (Comment by Melissa Gardner)
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 06:51:05 -0500
From: "craig chappell"

Hello Pecos Folks

This is Craig in San Angelo again. I also say kudos to Mr Haynes for his posting and I hope he reads this. I say thanks to the Enterprise staff for making Pecos Gab possible. Her comments were outta line. This a site to have fun hopefully,and to locate and communicate with fellow classmates, and former residents. Im not an ole fogie , since im only 39. Hell i would love to taste some of "Bens" food again or get a frito pie at the Dairy Mart.

I hope I have spoke for the majority. I have enjoyed this site big time. SO ENTERPRISE STAFF 'THANKS FOR A WELL DONE JOB CRAIG CHAPPELL SAN ANGELO TEXAS

Subject: Just another old fogey who enjoys the gab
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 00:18:11 EDT

For once I have to agree with Melissa.......this is a forum for staying in touch and remembering the good times in Pecos.....not for someone to come in and bash the "old fogeys", and yes......some of Ben's good old Mexican food would be good right now. I live in San Antonio and have been here for eleven years and I have yet to find a good Mexican restaurant. I would even love to have some tacos from good old Bill Malone at the Dairy Mart , with a large vanilla coke to go with them.....hint hint the way....God Bless America and God Bless Texas.......til next time Pecos.......this is just another old fogey.....hahahaha.....Judy and Johnny Payne

Editor's Note We would like to apologize to Melissa Gardner for posting a letter to the editor to the Pecos Gab site. We do appreciate all of the wonderful people who responded with the great comments supporting our Pecos Gab.

Subject: re: former Pecos residents
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 07:18:37 -0600

It's obvious to me that someone who is so concerned with and wants to know something as important as the well-being of a "former classmate" would try to go about finding information more appropriately than bashing those that enjoy reading the Pecos Gab for what it is. It would be so easy to use one of the MANY search engines available for locating people to find out more information if it's so important. Or a person could even call information in Pecos, Texas to find family or parents of those we are so worried about. OR, if someone is that concerned about a person who they went to school with, keeping in touch is a sure fire way to find out pertinent information.

I for one enjoy the Pecos Gab immensely. And, I know I'm not alone in that. There are so many people who write in and read what people have written. Those people deserve the Pecos Gab for the reason it was created and shouldn't have to be insulted when going to this site.

By the way......wouldn't some Ben's be good right about now!? And I'm not even an old fogie.......YET! Thanks to the Pecos Enterprise and Staff for a great job well done. Melissa Moody-Haynes Class of 1989

Subject: former resident
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 09:58:05 -0500
From: "frances pohl"

Thanks to the Pecos Enterprise for this wonderful site. A couple of years ago I asked for those of you who knew Frances Powell to send her a birthday card. Thanks to all who participated. Once again I am asking for cards but for Daddy this time. Those of you who remember Prater Powell please send a card to arrive on October 17th his 84th birthday. Prater worked for Newell Oil Company for many years. They are currently living in Denison where Cornelia lives. Daddy is confined to a wheelchair and does not get out as much as he once did. We are not planning a large celebration but I will be with them and Cornelia and family. Thank you for helping to cheer him and make his day very special. Frances Powell Pohl class of '59.

Subject: '51 reunion
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 10:31:59 -0700
From: "Harry Foster"

For you old fogies who were invited to the reunion of the class of 1951, and didn't make it, you missed a fun time. It wasn't real fancy, but sure was nice. We were treated like royalty at the hotel, the food was good, and the fellowship was great. And we even witnessed Pecos beating Monahans for the first time in 19 years. The old town doesn't look anything like it did 50 years ago, but then, neither do we. But, it was nice seeing the old town. And the best part was hearing people who came from California, Dallas, Houston, etc. telling how much it meant to them to grow up in Pecos. How they appreciated their heritage. We WILL do this again, and you will be invited again. So, consider it strongly and plan to visit with us some day in the future - you will like it. Harry Foster

Subject: Anyone out there....that i remember.....
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 22:10:51 EDT

Hello.....Pecos...... This is Nancy Barrera Burke...Just wanted to say old friends..if there is still anyone out gradutated in 1988. I moved to Austin in Dec. 1989 and have lived here ever since....I don't get to go home as often as I would like to family is still there in Pecos... If there is anyone out there that would like to drop a line or two to say hi....feel free to its always good to here from someone you used to know......u can email me at Hope to hear from someone......

Subject: former Pecos residents
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 10:16:41 -0500

It is obvious to me that no one who reads Pecosgab knows what is going on with any of my former classmates, so I am hoping that someone in the media might be able to help. I am trying to find out about Briar McNutt, as well as any other of our former residents who might have been in the military or living in the D.C. and NYC areas. Surely you folks have heard something. Forget the Pecosgab - that's nothing but a forum for a bunch of old fogies to talk about eating Texas Cream Pies and eating at Ben's. That is not what I am interested in at this point. I want to know about the safety of my former classmates.

Thanks for any information you might be able to provide. Melissa (Smith) Gardner - Class of '86

Subject: A Long Time Ago
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 10:59:27 -0500
From: Reply-To:

Many of you may not remember me.... I am Andrew VanVickle. I was married in 1980 to Brenda and we had a daughter Carrie in 1985. We moved to Wharton Texas the same year. In 1990 I went to the police academy. Our mom died two weeks later. I graduated the academy and went to work for the Wharton Police Department in May 1991. In July 1999 my 19 year marrage to Brenda ended. I met a Great Girl named Stacey in January 2000. We moved in together in May 2000. In March 2001 I went to court and obtained custody of Carrie. She has been with me since. She took drivers-ed over this past summer and she got her first car. She now gets herself around with out any (or limited) help from me. Carrie is a Junior this year and she is 16 years old. She is a third year member of the Drill Team of the Wharton High School #1 Tiger Drive Wharton Texas 77488. How the time gets away! I quit the city of Wharton soon after my divorce. I have been a Police Officer with the city of Richmond Texas for just over one year and hold an Advanced Peace Officers Certification, I am certified as a Field Training Officer, and I hold the rank of Corporal for the evening shift. ( If any one would like to contact me, I would like to hear from you

Subject: Thanks to everyone
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 21:02:49 -0700
From: "Joy Ray"

I just wanted to let everyone know how wonderful it was to return to Pecos even if it was for Mom's funeral. I thank everyone especially Joe Merrill who came to support us. After our big reunion in Dallas, we all reconnected and Joe's coming to my Mom's funeral meant so much.

I wanted to let everyone know that my son, Bill, works across the highway from the Pentagon and I was so blessed that he was not injured. Keep the USA in your prayers and hearts. We are a mighty country and those of us from Pecos support our country and each other.

Joy Brown Ray

Subject: Thanks to all!
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 09:12:07 -0400

In behalf of Rubio's Plumbing, Manuel would like to give his extended thanks to all his customers for the past 30 years. The Rubio's have moved to Lewisville, Texas; where Manuel will be working on New Construction. For all our family and friends, we will miss you all. Our e-mail address:

Thanks again! Rubio Family Manuel, Socorro, Lupita, Gabriel, Evelyn & Luis Manuel

Subject: Eddie Martin is okay, too
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 01:03:26 -0500
From: Alan Tatum

I just got back from being stranded in Seattle at a convention for several days because of the airport closures after the terrorist attacks.

I had e-mail access at the hotel and confirmed that both John Oden and Ed(die) Martin are both in midtown Manhattan and are out of harm's way. I saw the note that John was safe, but wanted friends of Ed to know he is also safe.

The reunion in Grapevine was a real treat for me. I really enjoyed seeing the friends from '64 as well as all the classes on either side of us. Thanks to Michael and Glynda for all the hard work putting it together. Great job! Alan Tatum PHS '64

Subject: Mike Rhodes
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 11:42:03 -0700
From: "Harry Foster"

At one time, someone answered a request of mine and sent the email address of Mike Rhodes (ex PHS basketball coach). It has been lost. So, if someone has it, I would really appreciate getting it again. Also, does anyone know the whereabouts of Kim Calhoun (class of '86)? Thanks Harry Foster

Subject: lost but not forgotten friends
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 00:05:04 EDT

Hi from Tennessee. I'm looking for any one who grad in 93 to 94. You know the Moore girls Lizabeth (Liz) Patricia (Pat or Trish) Samantha (Sam.) I'm in Tennessee and have 2 rugrats of my own and 2 step kids. Was married to Michael Hunter. Patricia lived in Pecos until 2000. She has 2 kids by James Blake. Samantha now lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She has 2 little girls. I'm hung out with April Mote, Soni Thorp, Monica Sanchez, April Florez. We also went to Barstow Elem. I've moved so far a way and lost track with everyone. Please e-mail me. I'd love to hear from the old gang. Hard to believe it been almost 6 yrs since I step foot in Pecos. E-mail me at or I check them every day. Can't wait to here from you. Always me and always CRAZY Liz

Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 21:31:43 -0500
From: Charles Bowers


Subject: John Oden -Class '64
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 02:36:26 EDT

Just wanted to let everyone know that I called John Oden, class of '64, Tuesday afternoon in Manhattan and he is fine. John lives in Midtown Manhattan. I know those of you who were at the class reunion in Grapevine will remember John being there the week-end before this terrible thing happened. Please keep all of those who have lost family or friends this week in your prayers and tell those you care about just how much you love them. ---- Glynda (Kilgore) Leger

Subject: Sad News
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 21:00:19 -0700
From: "Joy Ray"

Just wanted to let everyone out there who spent many hours at the Brown Compound on 5th Street and later on Park Street that Marie Brown, age 89, passed away today at 1:30 PM in Alamogordo, NM. The funeral will be at the funeral home on the "main drag" or 3rd St. this Sunday at 2:00 PM with viewing prior at the funeral home or on Saturday.

Mom reared 6 children and got us all through school somehow. She was an amazing lady and will be missed but Daddy and Jesus are looking forward to her Apple Pies.

Please keep the Brown Family in your prayers: Betty Jo Brown Hester, James Brown, Ken Brown, Hal Brown, Jr. (Dooney), Seth Brown, Joy Brown Ray

Subject: Mrs. Marie Brown
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 02:41:59 EDT

Just wanted to let everyone know that I called John Oden, class of '64, Tuesday afternoon in Manhattan and he is fine. John lives in Midtown Manhattan. I know those of you who were at the class reunion in Grapevine will remember John being there the week-end before this terrible thing happened. Please keep all of those who have lost family or friends this week in your prayers and tell those you care about just how much you love them.

---- Glynda (Kilgore) Leger

Subject: Attn. Peggy McCracken Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 00:09:12 From: "Roy Prewit" To: I just checked Pecos Gab and read your note. This e-mail was sent from Linda (Winterrowd) Laughlin, class of 59. Her husband works in the capitol. Her e-mail is self-explanitory. Reita Prewit

From: "Bonnie Emerson"
Subject: Linda and Greg
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 13:37:02 -0000

Thought all of you would want to know that Linda & Greg are OK and hear how they are experiencing this tragedy in Washington. ----- Original Message -----

Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 3:30 PM


It was/is chilling! I could not sleep last night for thinking about what I had felt and heard yesterday, was the impact and explosion from an airplane that hit the Pentagon and killed more than 800 hundred Americans.

Greg was at the Capitol and called to see if I was watching CNN and knew about the World Trade Center tragedy. While we were talking, I heard this unbelievable explosion that shook our building. It was so intense that it jolted me to my feet. I walked out on the balcony and saw the devastation. I told Greg that I feared there had been another terrorist attack on the Pentagon. Greg was in the office of one the congressmen and was repeating to him what I was experiencing. From our balcony, I can see all of the roof of the Pentagon, which is about a half mile from where we live. I was in shock.

I stepped back inside, and saw an official from the Pentagon talking on CNN and I thought he was talking about what was happening. He did not know, at that time, that the plane had hit the building. It was strange. Several minutes later, the congressman told Greg that he heard that there was a fire at the Pentagon. I told Greg it was more than a fire...much more. He said he could tell by my quivering voice that it was much worse. I was trying to stay calm outwardly, but internally, I felt we were getting ready to experience something we knew nothing about as American.

I drove Greg to the Capitol this morning and, ordinarily, there are hundreds of tourist buses lined up around all the monuments...there were none. We went through four security check stations before we could enter the Rayburn Building parking garage.

Barbara Olson that was reported to be on the plane that hit the Pentagon, Greg had introduced me to both Barbara and her husband at a Christmas party last year.

It is a helpless and agonizing feeling to step out on our balcony and see the smoke and ruins and not be able to help. We hung our American flag over our balcony to express our sorrow to the families and friend who have lost loved one. Let us not forget them. They need our prayers.

Friday is my day to attend funerals at Arlington Cemetery, which is across from the Pentagon. There is comfort in knowing I can give support to a few grieving families of veterans. There are times during a service, when we cannot hear the chaplain, because of a helicopter taking off from there. It will be sad to be so close. but the surroundings are tranquil and healing in the cemetery.

Thank you for thinking about us.



Subject: Briar McNutt
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 10:14:13 -0500
(Editor's Note:I am posting this personal note to request readers let us know if you have any information about friends and relatives impacted by the horrible tragedy Tuesday. Peggy McCracken)

Do you know of any information about Briar McNutt? At our class reunion 5 years a go, we heard she was married and living in Manhattan. Now we are wondering how she fared through the horrible ordeal yesterday. Please let me know if you have any information.

Melissa Smith - Gardner

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