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Subject: Dairy Mart
Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 14:07:18 EDT

I live in Ft Worth now and no one that I work with had ever heard of a Frito Burger. Dairy Mart was a daily stop for me when I was in Pecos. I finally found a place here that made them but they didn't even compare. Donna Greenhill-Crites

Subject: Streaker
Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 10:54:52 -0500
From: "K. Turner"

The streaker's name was Jaime. It is driving me crazy trying to remember his last name. He had a brother named David that graduated in 1978.

Jaime was a hoot, always doing somthing crazy.

Last time I heard about him he was married (to a Pecos girl) living in Midland. He was instrumental in the rescue of "Baby Jessica", or at least he was one of the brave guys that climbed into that hole and did the digging. I really admire that.

Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 20:11:48 -0500
From: "RAY BOULTER" MY name is Ray Boulter and while I am kind of a old Cowboy film star fan, I am not an expert. However most of what you heard about Whip Wilson was made up. He was a B cowboy movie star in the 40s and did achieve a little success right around the time that Gene Autry was going into his own production company and Whip was slated to replace Lash Larue. . The thing about Pecos was not quiet true.

You can go to the following web site, scroll down to Whip Wilson's name and click on it. Their is quiet a long story about Whip. and some good information if you are curious.

Whip Wilson
Real name: Roland Charles Meyers
1911 - 1964

In Christian Love
Ray & Jo Ann Boulter

Subject: Pecos Gab
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 10:43:40 -0500
From: Kim Balog

"Robinson Hole?" Isn't it funny how certain things can pinpoint when you grew up in Pecos? Does anyone remember Woolly Booger Road? Or Judy's Office? Or Concrete Crossing?

Or all the keggers we pulled on the wonderful, balmy, sandy beach of Red Bluff lake???

How about the keggers at Squeaky's trailer house??

Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 00:31:00 -0700
From: "bnlcavness"


Subject: FOOD!
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 20:47:47 -0500
From: "Joy Ray"

All this reminiscing about food made me think of the chocolate ice cream sundaes with marshmallow cream on top that we enjoyed at Bozeman's Drug. The twirlers of the classes of 1966 and 1967 consumed enough of those to make us all "large" size. And remember the old fashioned banana splits at the Woolworth's? My Mom took me there everyday after school in Jr. High to try to put weight on me. Well, Mom, it finally worked!

Joy Brown Ray
Class of 1966

Subject: Questions and Memories from Barbara Johnson Whisenhunt, Class of 61
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 17:11:59 -0500
From: "Whisenhunt, Barbara"

In case you missed my earlier e-mail - I am the daughter of L.B. (Barrett) and Ruth Johnson; sister of Steve ('57), Phil ('58) and Cindy ('64). I have two sons, a husband who retired and started a new career, and I am the Budget Director for Tulsa Public Schools. I love working but many days wish it wasn't 40+ hours a week!

I need help on a mystery! In the Tulsa paper TV World there was a question about Whip Wilson who was a star of old B Westerns. I remember Lash LaRue and watching the serials at the Cats Theater (think it cost a dime), and have a dim recollection of another serial with a whip.

The answer to the question was that Whip Wilson had made movies between 1948 and 1952 - his horse was Silver Bullet and his sidekick was Andy Clyde. He died in 1964 at the age of 45. His real name was Charles Meyer and he was from PECOS, TEXAS! Does anyone have any memories of him or his being from Pecos??

I must not have eaten that much food at Al's or the suggested Dairy places. I think I was just there for the fellowship! But all this talk about their food reminds me of Ben's Spanish Inn. Cindy and I were in Pecos several years ago - we dreamed and planned and dreamed more about eating at Ben's every day and then having those wonderful milkshakes from Bozeman's Drug. We were devastated to find that Ben's was closed and Bozeman's no longer had their ice cream counter! Those were the best shakes EVER!

We happened to be there during homecoming (missed the game) and it was wonderful! Pecos always had a lot of spirit but I am not sure I remember the stores decorating for homecoming. It was great - the windows were done in purple and gold with signs, etc. The whole town was into it! And the corsages were huge - some had 6 to 8 mums, ribbons to the feet, etc. The boys wore arm bands with mum and ribbons to the hand. Even the elementary students ordered them!

I don't know about other places, but the large Tulsa High Schools just don't have the spirit we did. Remember the ribbons of car lights going to football games? You didn't want to be on the road on Friday nights unless you were going to a game. Those were the "good old" days that we didn't appreciate enough at the time!

Subject: (no subject)
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 16:47:27 EDT

Well glad everyone remembered Belles name, funny how things like that come back to you. Well lets hear from anyone who remembers "Robinson Hole" down on the Pecos River? Drove out there the last time i was in Pecos and didnt look like you could get to that spot anymore. Danged barbed wire fences and locked gates. Apparently cant get to the "circle" anymore either. What is this world coming to?

Oh well, i'm to old to go to either place anymore. When we bought our current home the next door neighbor was Tom's daughter, the fellow who owned the Dairy Mart. He came by one day and we had a great chat. He didnt seem to remember as having as much fun in Pecos as I did. Funny, I guess it is a matter of perspective. Ya'll have a good one.

Gary Cowan 1961

Subject: Earl Bell Scholarship Fund Inc.
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 22:53:28 -0500
From: "Raul Garcia"

Once again I need to inform our alumni that the Earl Bell Elementary convention/meeting will be had the first weekend in June, 00. We will be awarding three scholarships as we have been doing since 1994. We welcome the old invite the new and everyone is expected. Drop an e-.

Raul Garcia

Subject: Good ol' days
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 20:27:41 -0700
From: Mark Tatum

Danny Danials was double parked behind me at Al's when someone pulled up with a gun. Danny got out of his car to see what was the deal and the fella ask him if he wanted to die, pointing the gun to his head. Danny said no and the boy moved the 22 handgun to the right of Danny and fired. His blue green Ford Falcon was behind my 57 Chev and I couldn't get out. He was dating one of the Stubblefield twins at the time and she was with him. What a night!

Also in 1967 can soft drinks had just been invented. Jeff Lowrance and I sat across the street from Al's trying to lure the cops over by pretending and acting we were drinking. RIGHT!

I remember Dairy Maid had yellow lights around the place at night. The menu included things like "Saddle and Spur" or "Never been Rode". Does anyone remember Christopher Columbus BBQ and Slicks.

Mark Tatum

Subject: (no subject)
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 10:43:58 EDT

Hello Pecos.......first of Gary Cowan...the car hops name was indeed Bell..last name Humphreys.....and as to Cary Don's spelling of Eddy St......what can I say? He never was very good at spelling...hahaha..... It's hard to believe that Johnny and I have been gone from Pecos for nearly ten years now, or that we still love San Antonio. This month we celebrate 35 years together, and there were those in Pecos who said it wouldn't last the first year. Just goes to show ya,,,,, If you're ever in San Antonio...give us a holler

Judy (Morris) and Johnny Payne

Subject: Double Parking @ Al's
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 20:24:26 -0500
From: "Michael Beckham"

I just wondered if anyone but me got a parking ticket at Al's for double parking behind someone? Be honest.

Mike Beckham '68

Subject: Homesick Tastebuds
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 14:22:12 EDT

Hi, this is Peggy McCracken ("Junior" ) checking in to tell you all that ya'll have made my tastebuds incredibly homesick with all this talk of Dairy Mart and Al's!! Dairy Mart's Frito Burgers deserve to be their own foodgroup!!! I've tried to fake it at a couple of places in St. Louis, but it just isn't the same!!!!

(There is no faking Al's chili fries... it took me a long time to break that addiction!) And oh, Sour Cherry Lime!!! They do not understand how to quench a thirst in the Midwest!!! There's a little burg about 20 miles out that has a Sonic, and I've been "training" them for two summers now....they make sweet cherry limes, but they don't get the sour part.... "you want HOW MANY limes in there? ...and you're gonna put SALT in it????"

The good news is that I heard a news story yesterday saying that Rodeo is becoming a big sport in St. Louis. (Of course they think they have to build a domed stadium...)

My dear Mother still sends me frozen tamales ... and the local grocer has finally started carrying green enchilada sauce (about time, since Old El Paso is owned by Pet, based in St. Louis!!!), so I am surviving.

There are a couple of people I have lost track of that I'd love to hear news of: Brenda (Day) Kilpatrick, Charlie Meek, Linda Baker.

I'm really enjoying the site, Mom!! See you the first week of August.

Peggy (McCracken) Goddard
Class of 1975

Subject: Re: carhop
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 23:52:59 -0500
From: Barbara & James Smith

The Belle, was Belle Myers, a rather short, heavy, woman. She carhopped at several places in town. Another long time employee was Kay Greer, she was redhaired and very set in her ways, a delight to all who came in contact with her.Then there was Helen, a bohunk as she described herself,. Very thick south central Texas accent. Funny thing tho, the carhops got older faster than most of us did. I don't mean that the way it sounds, Alma had to keep hiring older women, because the younger ones kept running off to get married.


Subject: Just One of the "Folks Back Home"
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 22:29:00 -0500
From: "Randall W. Reynolds"


I take the time to read Pecos Gab every 2 or 3 months. I enjoy reading the messages from the "old" and "older" Pecos residents. I just got through e-mailing an old friend that I do not remember seeing since we graduated from high school in 1976, Hiram Reyes, and I look forward to hearing back from him. (Saw his message and address on Pecos Gab). My sister, formerly Gay LaJuan Reynolds, graduated in 1963 (I think since I was only 5 years old at the time) and she lives in San Carlos, California and my brother Danny graduated in 1967, and lives in Balmorhea now. Anyway, I appreciate you and the "Enterprise" offering this service and I look forward to reading more of "Pecos Gab".

Randy Reynolds

Editor's Note:Thanks, Randy. Yes, folks, this site is for us stay-at-homes, too. I know a lot of you read the Enterprise on the web daily rather than pay for a subscription. The least you can do is contribute something to this page.


Subject: Dairy Mart
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 21:13:33 EDT

Ref: Dairy Mart
Does anyone remember the name of the ice cream dessert that they sold that tasted a bit like ice cream placed on top of a piece of cornbread? Does anyone remember the name of the "car Hop" that worked at Als. and when i say car Hop, i do mean Car Hop. I think her name was Belle? I love this site as it is a real hoot to read what people remember about their hometown.

gary h cowan 1961

: 3rd and Eddy
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 23:20:28 EDT

Okay, I have been "beatin" up several times on my earlier response on what the restaurant was at the corner of 3rd and Eddy. I was wrong in saying it was Al's. It was indeed Dairy Mart. How could I forget those tacos and yes, those cherry limeades?! (Bill Malone was also a very nice person as well). I believe as we get older, we get that thing called "brain fade". As far as Al's, I never had the opportunity to go there. I have heard and read that it was a pretty cool place.

I have definately enjoyed this site and have cross paths again with some very dear people. I hope everyone had a good Easter. Take Care!

Laura Wendt Grant

Looking for Classmates for reunion
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 12:16:15 -0500
From: Patty Squyres

Hi to everyone out there in ex-PHS grad land!! This column is the most enjoyable and useful thing Pecos has ever had. Again, Congratulations and a huge Thank-You!!

First, "Cary Don Winterrowd", as your mother would call you, please remember that Eddy St. is spelled with a "Y" not an "IE". I lived down the street, remember? (Mrs. Turk is living and well in some of us it seems.) Also, remember, the Spud-Nut shop delivered via a boy on a bike each week. How we looked forward to that day!

Help, please. For an upcoming reunion, I am trying to locate Cynthia Crow (Bob/Betty Lee's cousin - Johnny's older sister). Also, I am looking for Jan Snyder - her mom worked for the Hospital in OR. She lived on the street just down from Beverly Fabrygel and before the Exum house, across from the elementary school. Her family name was not Snyder as her mom had remarried. Also, she dated Charlie Oats from Balmorhea.

If anyone can help, please let me know.

I love reading Pecos Gab and hearing about everyone.

Keep up the good work!!

Patty Glover Squyres
in Houston/Spring, TX

Subject: Hello Pecos
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 06:06:09 -0500
From: "Cary Winterrowd"

What about the old Spud-Nut Shop? Owned by Mrs. Elkins. Where just about ever boy on Eddis and Johnson Street would meet Saturday morning on there bikes and deliver Donuts door to door. Then go and get there hair cut at Airlawn Barbershop before going and playing sandlot baseball. Nothing like an old Spud-Nut! Thanks for the old memories!

Cary Don Winterrowd

Subject: Pecos Gab
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 22:42:33 EDT

I have enjoyed reading the comments and memories of those who have attended the Pecos school system. I was wondering if the Elementry grades 1 - 4 still have the $5.00 award for improved penmanship. The best that I remember it was made possible by Mrs. Port Dagget. It was something that a lot of kids practiced for, so they could get that big money, which it was in the late 40`s and early 50`s. Every time my handwritting is complimented I have to tell them why. GREED and a very nice lady that wanted to leave her mark . If it wasn`t made possible by Mrs. Dagget then my appology to whomever it was.

Billy O`Neil (should have been class of `59 but would have been `75 if I hadn`t joined the Navy)

Subject: burger places
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 14:13:16 -0500

I think it is really interesting when you read each persons take on the name of the Burger place in Pecos. As I read through the names and dates of each persons response I would imagine the entire question should be "What was the name of the Burger place on such and such a street at such and such a time when you were young".

As I read the answers from each person I also noticed that each one of them had a special item that they thought was the greatest. I am still not sure at this point that I know which Burger place was where or when it was there, I do however know this. When you are sixteen or seventeen and have a set of wheels and your best girl is setting beside you and your friends who do have cars are watching you it really does not matter weather the name is AL's or Dairy Queen, or Dairy Mart, there is just something about being a teenager in Pecos during your youth that is hard to beat. If you doubt what I am saying, just fill in the blanks. I can remember when we use to drive around _____ and I will never forget those great _________ that they served. Remember when smoking cigarettes and turned up collars with D.T. haircuts were all considered daring?

In Christian Love
Ray & Jo Ann Boulter

Subject: (no subject)
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 12:23:57 EDT

Happy Easter to all of you in Pecos and around the country. I hope that this finds all of you doing fine. Many times I check this site to see if members from the Class of '79 have anything on this site. I hope that soon all of us can get things coming to this address. I enjoy checking the news and happenings of the community. It has been a year since Dad passed to a better place, but Pecos was always one of his favorite spots. Take care and God bless you all.

Rhonda Bryant Yaklin

Subject: Sharion (cavitt) Durham
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 20:35:45 PDT

Hello fellow classmates! Class of 1965

I was referred to this web-site by my daughter. I finally had the chance to have a look at it, and see what everyone is up too.

I've had a very challenging life, since graduating from Pecos in 65. I had two beautiful children, a daughter now 33 and a son who is just turning 23. Both are doing extremely well.

My daughter married an Australian and lived in Australia for 8 years. She now lives in Portland Oregon, and owns her own company.

I live in Portland as well where I work in the Mortgage Industry, however, am planning to open up my own business in the beginning of the year where I will be working as a pet groomer. Yes, I know a completely diffent turn, but I've always enjoyed animals and feel this is my calling. My daughter is moving back to Australia in October.

My son is a Chef, and went to the Western Culinary Institute in Portland. He is a wonderful cook, and has a girlfriend in Alaska. He is planning to spend the next year up there, then he and his girlfriend plan on moving back to the Northwest. I have not been back to Pecos since I left back in late 70's. I still have plenty of fond memories though.

My mom Jackie Cavitt recently passed away in Lubbock Texas. She was 94.

I'm planning on spending this Christmas with my daughter and her husband in Australia, which climate wise will be alot different than what I'm use too. I have been reading all the great stories of ex PHS classmates and I think it's great to be able to stay in touch. I hope all is well with the friends I went to school with and if you get a chance I would love to hear from you.

My email address is:

Sharion (Cavitt) Durham

Subject: Dairy Mart
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 09:53:38 EDT

Hi Peggy. The South East corner of 3rd. & Eddy was where my grandfather's grocery store was for many years (Fitzgerald's Grocery & Market). Before that it was called Gold Bond Grocery. That building (which was demolished) was owned by the McKeller's (Mrs. Alton (Janice) Hughes' paraents). I think the drive-in you are talking about was Al's. It was a little farther west on the right (north side) of 3rd.

Question: I have heard that there may be a new Post Office in the works for Pecos. What will happen to the old building? It's about the only nice old building left. Sure hope they don't intend to raze it!

Thanks for the work you do for this site - it's just great!!!

Jan (Shirley) Knox

Subject: Dairy Queen
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 02:42:38 -0600
From: "starlite"

Peggy, you and all the others are correct. It was the Dairy Queen . No matter what town I am in, I have them make them for me.. Have to have that Frito Burger fix. And only Pecos could make a descent chicken fried steak, so there is one place here, that I have sort of helped in the art of making them. I think I am the only person, that I know, who has Frito burgers in this town. But,,hhhmm. And cherry lime drinks. Only the Dairy Mart knows how to make those, too.

Sue Kesey Behee
ICQ # 8551171

Wow! Thanks everyone for your input. Yes, I do remember the name Dairy Maid, the forerunner of Dairy Queen, McDonalds, etc. When I worked at CIT across the street from the drive-in, we would go out the back door, get into our car or a repossessed convertible and drive across to get a coke at break time. That's when car hops did the work for you. Of course, we had to make the drag before we went back to work.


Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 13:39:03 -0700
From: "Pabo"

Across the street from Dairy Mart was a small Dairy Maid.

Pat Bowles

Subject: Eatery
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 14:13:38 -0500
From: Barbara & James Smith

Peggy, the place you are refering to was where the Erskines first started. I don't remember if it was a Dairy Queen franchise or not, or if indeed it was Dairy Mart.


Subject: trivia question
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 12:53:17 -0400

The DAIRY MAID was across from Dairy Mart by the grocery store. It was across the street from Pecos Jr High gym, a quick walk for cokes, French fries, etc. They served a great chili sauce with the French fries instead of catsup

Subject: 3rd & Eddy
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 23:47:50 -0500
From: "Martha Fleming"

Ok Peggy, now I'm telling my age. I think it was the Dairy Maid. I remember they had drinks like "purple cow" and I liked their soft chocolate ice cream cones the best. My mom took us there often as you can see. My sister would probably confirm the name, so I will check with her.

Martha Huckabee Fleming

Subject: Dairy Maid
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 21:44:38 -0500
From: "aeromondo"

The burger joint next to Piggly was called the Dairy Maid I think.

Bob Huckabee

Subject: My sister's half hundred year reunion this july 4th?
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 21:49:29 EDT

Hi sister Sue Toone;

I know you will scan through here and find this. I plan to try and make it July 4th for my first at the get-together. Gave up on trying to figure out which class I would have graduated if I hadn't checked my books in, got on a Greyhound bus, and went to El Paso and joined the air force. Maybe Norman, Roy or Donna Hill or Dickie Moreland could guess. I think 53.

Caught your letter to editor in the Pecos paper. Giv'em a fit.

And hello to all the class of 50 something.

Enjoy the night life of Saragosa,

Carl Payne

Subject: 3rd & Eddy
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 18:38:25 -0500
From: "Doylene Melvin"

It is Dairy Mart. Best Frito Burgers and Tacos in town.

Subject: 3rd & Eddy
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 09:18:32 -0500
From: "K. Turner"

It wasn't Al's it was Dairy Mart! Great frito burgers!

Subject: Eatery
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 22:10:44 -0500
From: Barbara & James Smith

Sorry Laura, The Dairy Mart is at 3rd and Eddy. It was built in the early to mid- 50's by Tom & Locki Erskine, who ran it until they retired in the early 80's. Bill Malone bought it and as of July '99 was still there.

I enjoy this site immensely, when I turn my machine on , I check my mail and then come to this site, check the local news, then go to Lucianne. com.That way I am very well rounded in things that are pertinet to me.

Hi to all.
Jimmy Smith

Yes, you are right, and Dairy Mart is still at Third and Eddy. But there was another drive-in across the street, next door to the old Piggly Wiggly when I came here in 1953. What was the name of that one?


Subject: Class of 1963 (and info on 1964 and 1966)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 09:16:37 -0500
From: "Sharon Robinette"

Now that I know about this site, I've spent all afternoon and evening catching up with everyone. Some of the addresses I've tried to respond to apparently are old, since I went back to the earliest message on the site, so maybe those of you I know who haven't received a message from me today could respond.

I'm Sharon Gallagher Robinette, class of 1963. My sister Linda, class of 1966 and now Linda Spiro, sent me a note about the possible 1960s reunion, which sounds like a wonderful idea. If you need her e-mail address, or my brother John's, class of 1964, let me know.

Sue Ann Brown, if you read this, where are you? Unfortunately, I can't remember your married name, so I haven't been able to trace you.

Joy and Peggy, thank you for starting this and, especially, for keeping it up.

Subject: State Theater
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 17:07:37 -0500
From: "Joy Ray"

I am so excited to hear that the State Theater is being restored. I worked there from my Sophomore year until I graduated in 1966 and went to San Marcos to college. Mr. Durham was like a second father to me and so patient and kind. He even let me do my homework in-between customers. I will never forget the time that Cliff Durham and Billy Hurley grabbed me and put me on top of the coke machine. Of the time Cliff sat on the dolly while Billy pushed him around. I came to work a little late and all of a sudden I was grabbed from behind for a ride down the isles of the theater riding on Cliff's lap.

I loved the State Theater and hope that this is a big success! What an endeavor of love and a great gift to Pecos by the Creasy Family! People like this make Pecos great! Congratulations to Pecos.

Joy Brown Ray
Class of 1966
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