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Subject: 60's Reunion
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 22:29:09 -0500
From: bowlin

Peggy: My name is Bobby Bowlin, the Class of "66". I just spoke with Glynda Kilgore. She and and Joy Brown Ray are attempting to organize an "All 60's Reunion". She said she sent an email to you regarding this reunion but it hasn't appeared on the GAB Page. Did you receive it? She can be reached at:

If anyone is interested in attending or helping to organize this event, please contact her. They have some great ideas and would like to contact as many people as possible. She said she is even getting response from graduates from earlier and later years.

Editor's Note: Yes, I did receive that letter and thought I had put it here. Keep reading and you will find it. Peggy

Subject: Looking for Jim Jones
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 15:22:30 -0700
From: "Roy Darden"

Hello, Pecos!! My name is Roy Darden and I am looking for an old buddy of mine named Jim Jones. He graduated from Pecos High in 1975 and played drums in the band. He had a little sister named LaQuana. If you know his parents address or telephone OR his number or address please email me at . Your help is very much appreciated.

Roy Darden

Subject: Fast Food on 3rd and Eddy Reply
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 14:49:15 EDT

That was Al's.

Laura Wendt Grant

Subject: 1960's Reunion
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 11:31:59 EDT

Peggy and Joy Thanks for making this wonderful site, I have spent several hours just sitting here reading all the emails, and seeing some of my ole classmates and obtaining their email addresses and also being able to write to them. Peggy , my sister is Glynda Kilgore class of 66 she and Joy are trying to get a 1960's class Reunion planned, if at all possible could you place something on the Pecos Gab site telling anyone that would be interested in attending this Reunion, to please send an email to

Attached is a letter that she wrote.

Hello: My name is Glynda Kilgore Leger. Joy Brown Ray and I are in the process of trying to find out if former classmates of 1960 thru 1969 would be interested in organizing on large class reunion for all the classes. Most of us grew up together and would never have the chance to see each other at individual reunions. We would appreciate your input and any advice you might have.

Joy and I thought it might be better to have the reunion in a larger city such as San Antonio, Houston or Dallas since hotel space is so limit in Pecos and also no airport there.

We would like to hear from as many as possible to see if there is enough interest in the reunion before we proceed with the plans. We realize this would be a huge undertaking and would require a lot of help from everyone. We would appreciate it if you you would forward this on to as many ex-classmates as possible. We will wait two or three weeks to get responses from everyone. Please email me at: We will keep you informed as to what our plans are. If you are interested in helping we certainly would appreciate all the help we can get.

If you have address, e-mail address, etc. of friends please forward them to us so we can contact everyone as to the plans in the future. We are going to start a file of names and addresses, please include the class you were in. We are hoping to have it sometime during the summer of 2001 if possible.

We are sending e-mails to everyone listed on and the Pecosgab site.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Glynda (Kilgore) Leger Class '66
Gulfport, Ms.
(228) 831-2483

Peggy Thanks for all of your hard work, and God Bless You and your staff, Sincerely Mitch Kilgore

Subject: "56" "57" "58" annual
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 10:16:51 -0500
From: Clark Thompson

Hello''' I wonder if anyone can help me find a 56 57 or 58 annual? Mine were lost in a flood and I would really like to find one because the older I get the more names and faces I forget. Thanks.

Jim Walker Class of 58

Subject: (no subject)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 22:26:56 EDT

I have a question that I don't seem to be able to come up with an answer to. There was a fast food place on the corner of 3rd and Eddie wasn't there? Please, someone tell me what it was.

Lyle Eager
Longview Tx

Subject: my family
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 17:16:01 -0800
From: "Lynette Harple"

What a surprise to find your site on the internet!!!

My name is Lynette Bjornson Harple and my family lived in Pecos for many, many years. It brought back so many memories to read the notes from other people whom I remember from the past. My grandparents were Ward and Dovie Gaither and they owned Gaither Grocery store on 3rd Street. My parents owned Bjornson Plumbing Company next door to the grocery store. We lived in the white house behind the stores. I went through the Pecos school system and played alot of music during the years I lived there. I took music lessons from Beverly Vaughn Fabrygel for many years, and played for the junior high and high school choirs. Our family moved to Anchorage, Alaska in 1965, at the end of my junior year in high school. I did graduate in 1966, from West Anchorage High School. I went to college as a music major in Springfield, Missouri and graduated in 1972. I completed my elementary classroom certification in 1982.

I am married to William Harple for 25 years and we have one daughter, Erin Heather Harple, who is 23 years old. She has recently graduated from college as an elementary school teacher and is subbing here in Anchorage.

I teach public school general music in a Montessori elementary school with 600 children. I am still very active in music in the community and church, as well.

I would love to hear from old (age is relative!!!) friends with whom I attended schools in Pecos. I think often of people who made a difference in my life and would appreciate updates on friends and family who might read this note.

Thanks so much for offering this venue so we can find out news of Pecosites who spent so much time together.

Lynette Harple

Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 23:18:01 GMT
From: "Hiram Reyes"

Hey Pecos

This is Hiram Reyes again, I would like to know if anyone has any e-mail addresses for Mrs. Boswell my former Algebra teacher, Prof Carricco, Betty Miller my ex-english teacher, or any of our former teachers in the mid-to-late 70s. It would be awesome to hear from some of our former teachers don't you think so?

Anyone please respond;


Subject: Where are all my classmates
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2000 19:07:32 -0600
From: "Jack Galindo"

Jack Galindo
Pecos High Class of '84

Reading through the messages on Pecos Gab makes me reminisce about the summers I spent playing baseball with all my old friends, or the nights I spent driving around the back-roads trying to find the keg party at barn number... whatever. In those days you could measure the excitement on any particular night by the number of kegs to be had at that nights party. For example, a one kegger meant that you would probably stagger home around 1:00 am. A two kegger meant that you would probably need help pulling your pickup out of the mesquite bushes somewhere. A three kegger... well... that was something special.

I must say that growing up in Pecos was a great pleasure because of all the wonderful friends that I had. To this day, I have not yet lived in a community which has as much pride as those of us who lived in Pecos have. I am glad to tell anyone who will still listen to me that I am from the home of the worlds first rodeo or that Pecos has the best cantaloupes in the world. The other day, a friend of mine from Ft. Worth asked me, "Do they still measure things in ****loads down there?" Well, some people just don't get it.

I would like to hear from anyone from Pecos, especially those that I grew up and went to school with. Lastly, congratulations to Luis Carrasco on his victory in the county attorney race. Also, if anyone knows where Bob Jenkins is let me know. Thanks.

P.S. To the staff at the Pecos Enterprise, thanks for the great site. It would be nice if you had a section where Pecos Exes could post pictures of themselves for posterity. I recognize the names of many of the people who write in but I was never good a putting faces with names. (for what its worth)

Editor's Note:That's a great idea. Unfortunately, we have to pay for server space, and photos take up a lot of space. If someone wants to volunteer to sponsor the site by paying the cost of server space, let me know and we will see what we can do.


Subject: Thank You Peggy
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 02:13:16 -0600
From: "starlite"

Peggy, I want to tell you how much I appreciate you for this site. It is so good to look back and find some wonderful people. Just wondering if you ever found another reporter that used as much film as I..haha. All those picture pages were a highlight for me. I really enjoyed working at the paper. And "NO" I am not looking for a job. haha. ( :-o )

If anyone knows where I can find Rachel Holloway, I sure would like to get in touch with her. I am looking forward to returning to this spot and reading all the messages..This page is a good thing. When we leave school, we somehow lose those that have been important to all of us.

We get busy and time ticks by. Having this website is like going home. We then remember where we are from and the roots that were planted in us years ago.The roots were not only planted by the teachers, although, I am so thankful for them, but we made friends with those in the businesses and mom and pop stores. We knew them by name and they knew us. The days when I would find a dress or shoes I liked and was able to take them home and return them after trying them on for mother.

Those stores are gone now. I see lots of stores are gone now in Pecos. But the spirit remains, as is being manifested on this board. So, thank you again and may God Bless Everyone.

Sue Kesey Behee
ICQ # 8551171

Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 17:31:14 -0700
From: "bnlcavness"

I live in Pecos 2 times. My grandfather own a garge call O L 's Garge. My grandmother work for spring crest drapes on south cedar. they're names were O.L. or(shorty) & Inez McHorse. I was in the class of 81. Lee Phipps Cavness now. I enjoyed your page.

thank you
Lee Cavness

Subject: Looking for....
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 21:24:32 EDT


This is Jody (Sullivan) Ingham class of '86. I was just enjoying reading up on people in the Pecos Gab--what a great site!

I am looking for Becky (Oden) Bowers. If anyone knows how to reach her, please let me know.

I live in Amarillo with my husband, Ken and 2 kids--Miriam is 4 1/2 and James Henry is 2. I teach a deaf resource class and love it!

Hope to hear from you Pecosites!


Subject: 1976PleaseAnswer
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2000 22:02:14 GMT
From: "Hiram Reyes"

Dear 1976 Exes;

Anyone from my high school class, please send me a message and let me know what's up! I am in Canadian, Texas working as a cowboy and bi-vocational worship leader for a church near by. I have 3 boys, Nathan a junior in high school, Isaac a sophmore in high school and Aaron a 5th grader. I am married to a beautiful and wonderful girl that I met in college, her name is Abbie and she is my best friend. I'd like to know about Able Dominguez, John Ivy, Randy Reynolds, Roy Alvarado, Cookie Painter, Peggy Calderon, Belinda Rodriguez, Irma Galindo, Sylvia Gomez, Robert Avila, etc, etc, etc.
Write to me at my e-mail address "

Hiram Reyes Class of 76'

Subject: VanVickle's
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2000 12:47:35 EST

Well, My brother & I were just surfing through & found this site! This is really great! We lived in Pecos for 18 years! Andrew graduated in '79 & me in '81. I write back & forth to DeniseClements all the time & also Suzy Gross. I have'nt been back since '91 I'm sure not much has changed.

Andrew has become a police officer, outside of Houston & me well I'm a housewife been married almost 18 yrs., 3 kids! He's looking to relocate if you have any leads for law enforcement e-mail me & I'll pass it on. ,

Tina VanVickle Hadley

Subject: Joy Briere
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 23:00:02 -0600

There was a Doctor who lived and practiced in Pecos who was very special to my mother while she lived in Pecos. In fact JO Ann and I took one of our children to see him when we first moved from Borger Texas to Midland.. We drove over to Pecos because we knew that we could get into see Dr. Brier. Dr. Brier was a very special person both as a friend and as a doctor. Dr. Brier had two daughters; Susan and Joy Briere. If anyone knows how I may contact Joy or Susan please let me know.

In Christian Love
Ray & Jo Ann Boulter

Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 20:05:53 -0600
From: "Doylene Melvin"

Hello again, I am still looking for Rusty Phelps and Ray Lewis. Any one that may have any info. please write.

Survived the Tornado this week. Live in Irving and everything happened to the South. We were blessed that the storms were only F-2

Enjoy reading about everyone Have been able to get in contact with so many old friends since we found the Pecos Gab.

Send email to Roy Melvin @

Subject: Class reunions
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 12:02:04 -0600

As usual I am impressed by the number of people that continue to write into the Gab line. As I have mentioned before I am a 1957 graduate of Pecos High School I have been writing a sometimes semi annual, sometimes monthly newsletter for the class of 1957 since our reunion in 1997. I am really pleased that out of 63 special men and woman that graduated in our class we now have 50 current addresses which means we have been able to contact almost 80 % of this class. We are going to have a reunion in 2001. I will send more info later on that. The last one we held was in 1997 and it was a blast. However we still have several class mates that we need to locate. This number does not include several really special friends of our class whom we hope will agree to be invited to our next reunion.

As always I am thankful for a place long ago that allowed me to grow up and be influenced by some of the best teachers and friends on the planet. I read the paper about the problems that are in our school today and about the very difficult process that a child must go through just to grow up in today's world. in the 50's our biggest problems were those terrible kids that smoked those evil cigarettes and turned their collars up and combed their hair in a D.T. (why some even wore those terrible pink shirts and skipped classes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We just did not realize that life was so good and God was so close.

Mike Armstrong, Jose Brijalba, Cecilia Arvizu, Jose flores, Silverio Flores, Jr. Willie Garcia, Linda King, Shirley Lukins i.e. Nichols, Ellen Madera, Jim Pollard, Tommy Rickett, and George Willis. If anyone knows the current or last where abouts of any of these people please let me know.

In Christian Love
Ray & Jo Ann Boulter

Subject: Becky Spencer
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 16:33:30 -0800
From: "Nila Hall"

I am trying to find the Becky Spencer I worked with in San Jose, Calif. Just checking to see if this is the right Becky.

Nila J. Hall

Subject: class of 90
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 16:03:18 -0600
From: "Robin Munday" l would really like to know if their are having a ten year reunion for class of 90? if so please contact me.e-mail address is

From: Ronnie Doggett
Subject: Pecos High School Class of 1963
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 23:32:44 -0600

It is good to hear from so many those days were great and I won't ever forget all those good times: Remember when the Senior class was going to to have to pay for all those old buildings out past the "Barn Nite Club" because we put them on the bonfire? Well, at least some of us were going to have to! It was fun anyway.

Margaret Silvers and I, Ronnie Doggett will celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary May 1st, maybe she is going to keep me!

We have 2 daughters and a son, one daughter graduated Baylor U. the other graduated A&M University and our son will graduate from Lubbock this May Hallehleuya!!! We live in Giddings, Tx. and have since 1979. Our oldest is a designer for a company in Virginia, our youngest daughter is an archetect for a firm in Dallas. I have been a drilling fluids engineer forever, seems like and Margaret is a secretary, the best in the business and still the prettiest girl there is!

Thanks Peggy for the "GAB". Would love to hear from any and everyone. Mike Hartman and I are working on our 40th reunion, I am as usual doing all the work, he has retired, but then I thought he did that in high school!

Ronnie Doggett
Class of "63"

Subject: Eddy Street
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 10:14:50 -0600
From: "c wayne joplijn"

Answering (?) Jan (Shirley) Knox's question about what was Eddy Street called before it was called Eddy. I was born in Pecos in 1926, and lived there until the Army showed me that there were better places to live, and it was called Eddy Street ever since streets had names. Of course, back then, the only streets that carried names were Main Street, Carlsbad Highway, Ft. Stockton Highway, Highway 80 and the Balmorhea Highway. All other places were designated as "next door to old man whatzit/" Hope this helps.

C. Wayne Joplin

Subject: Class of 90 Renunion
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 09:02:38 -0600
From: "Nikki Fowlkes"

Thanks Peggy for making this available to all grads!

I know that every class looks forward to seeing their old pals from PHS. As do I!! We are trying to find any grads that have not looked at or at our website (poor as it is!)

The Class of 90 is having a small get together for our renunion. However, It just wouldnt be the same with out our friends from 1987, 1988,1989, 1991 and 1992! Parents of grads, it sure would help us out if you would assist in spreading the word! Teachers and former teachers, you are invited, as always! Hope to see you there!

For more information OR if you want to help out, please email Nikki Adams-Fowlkes at

Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 17:34:35 -0600

Dear Peggy:

I don't know if you remember me, or not. I was just browsing through Pecos on the internet and hit on you Gab Pages. It nearly brought tears to my eyes.

I am not sure that people who have never experienced life in Pecos could ever really understand the sense of pride, and even of loss upon departure, one has in that town. When my parents, Wheeler and Mary Wilson, moved away a few years ago, my oldest son and I spend the last night in that house. As we drove away, I looked in my rearview mirror and sensed that a huge part of my life had just entered in that realm of life we call "history."

Well, since leaving Pecos, God has helped me make it along a lot of different paths. I married Patti out of Brownwood, where I attended Howard Payne University. We have had five children since that day in July, 1976. Our oldest son is now married, living in Florida, and has given us a grandson on January 1, 2000. Our oldest daughter has a son, 1 and 1/2 years old, and she is attending college at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM. We have two more daughters still at home, one just turned 15, the other will soon be 17. Our youngest son is 6, and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.

I have served in the Army, been a full-time youth and music minister in Kermit, sold insurance, been a 25 year college student (nothing to brag about - got 170 hours and still don't have a degree - working on some seminary courses now), been a senior regional manager for a national financial services company, been shot in the chest by a .50 caliber machinegun, served as a uniformed federal law enforcement officer, been a pastor, music director, sung the National Anthem solo at the 1994 Sun Bowl Classic football game (heck of a game!), and am now an assistant director for trainining and development for McCoy's Building Supply Corporation as well as being asked to serve bivocationally as worship leader in the church we attend.

I think it would be nice to have a high school reunion of all the classes. There are so many people from so many classes who were friends, and it would be nice to see them all. It is amazing, though, how many people who have lived in Pecos that you find around the world.

We are living in a little town name Prairie Lea, southeast of San Marcos, TX. If anyone is out this way, or would like to visit me via e-mail, feel free to get hold of me. My office number is 1-800-66MCCOY, ext. 365.

I appreciate this opportunity, Peggy. God bless you, and keep up the good work.

Curtis Wilson

Subject: Good Ole days
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 07:39:30 -0700
From: "J. Vaughn"

Any one know where I could find Ken Fox, Johnny Valliant,(drinking beer at the river) Robert Vest. I did find Tom Jensen and Seth Brown. If there is a class reunion, ever in the future, I would like someone to contact me. I am Jay Vaughn . Left Pecos in 1961. Moved to Phoenix. Gee, what ever happened to Linda Larned. My sister Janice lives in Idalou, Tex.

Jay Vaughn

Subject: Hello Pecos Texas(BIG-O)
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 11:48:34 EST

I have to be honest I never lived in Pecos and I`ve never been there. But My roommate back in the Army was from Pecos and I´ve been trying to get in touch with im I still here in Germany where we were stationed C-Btry2/12th F.A. HERZOBASE. I am hoping someone can help me!! His name is Eli Martin Castell Lara sorry if the spelling is not right, He most be around 28-30 Yrs. old and left germany in 1992. If anyone knows him please let me know.

Steven & Angela Oyler
Dohnwald str.11
91074 Herzogenaurach

Monday, March 27, 2000

Hi gang! Thanks for all the goodies you sent while I was on vacation. Now everyone will have a feast reading today's gab.

Peggy McCracken

Subject: Memories of so long ago
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 16:27:49 -0600 (CST)
From: (John Kennedy)

I was stationed at Pecos Army Air Base during World War II. I was there during l943 and l944. I organized and directed a Children's Theatre while statoned there. I wonder how many children of those long-ago years remember me.

I was a segeant then and left Pecos to serve in England, France, and Greece'

If anyone remembers me I would be glad to hear from them-- but that was a long time ago.

John S. Kennedy

Subject: Eddie Street - or is it Eddy?
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 09:11:01 EST

I have a question for the "old timers" out there. Who remembers what the name of Eddie Street was before it became Eddie? I remember that all the north/south streets were named for trees, with the exception of Ross Blvd., but where did Eddie come from? Who was it named after? and What was it named before? Anyone know?

Jan (Shirley) Knox

Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 13:13:11 -0600
From: "Darrell Locker"


After reading this forum for awhile I'm amazed at all the people that want to remember the good old days of Pecos. Most of our friends left in such a hurry after graduating that I thought they wouldn't look back, but it seems most people thought Pecos was a wonderful place to grow up. I always heard kids say that there wasn't anything to do in Pecos. I remember Pecos looking just like the movie, AMERICAN GRAFFITI, during the late 50's through 70's. There were neon lights everywhere and you could still do donuts in your hotrod around Al's.

We could walk home from the State theater without being harrassed unless it was on Halloween night. There must have been a lot of chickens in Pecos because it was a local fad to have an egg toss that night every year. I liked to cool off at the airbase pool, and ever time I think about it I hear those silly songs like, "It's my party." In fact when it got dark we could pick up the station everyone listened to - KOMA - on our new transister radio or just ride around. It's too bad that we didn't have the electronics capability of today to enjoy those wonderful new rock tunes.

Where else has anyone heard such bizarre stories such as Mr Lindsay on 4th St. pumping gasoline out of his shallow water well in 64, or the dried up salt lake 5 miles south of town burning for several years, or Billie Sol Estes. Or you might have gone swimming in Phantom Cave or Balmorhea swimming pool. Anyway, our class of '70 is looking forward to seeing all our old classmates and other friends for our reunion June 2nd along with several other classes so everybody in Pecos please be sure to leave on lots of lights for us, OK?

Darrell Locker - Class of '70

Subject: Class of 1955
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 11:05:48 -0800
From: "Pat Hays"

Hi everyone!
This is Lee Warren Hays who graduated in 1955 and left Pecos in 1956 to go to Texas Western (UTEP). After the Army, lived in McAllen, TX, San Diego, CA, Calexico, CA, Alamogordo, NM and finally in 1988, moved to Fayetteville, AR. Married Pat (Woods) Hays in 1960 and we have one son Kelly, who lives in St. Louis, MO. Would really like to hear from anyone who might remember who I am! Just send an e-mail to:

Hope to hear from somebody soon.
Lee & Pat Hays

Subject: Hi There!
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2000 22:05:42 EST

Man, reading some of these comments really bring back memories! Peggy, you really have a nice site here. I happened to stumble across it and I am glad that I did.

I have only been to Pecos a couple of times in the last 15 years. I hope to go back there sometime this year. I am now living in Plano, Texas and own a medical transcription service here. Everything is going well. Hope to here from some of you. You can email me at m.

Laura Wendt Grant

Subject: This is a wonderful site
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 19:58:50 -0700

I recently ran into a website for the Pecos Alumni and couldn't believe it. Having lived in Pecos most of my young life and through the high school years, PHS and Pecos are very close to my heart. That is where I have the most memories. Now I in NM,but my mind always goes back to home. Pecos "is" home for me. I am happily married with a son and 4 daughters. The son is mine and the daughters are my husbands children,but I love them like they are my own. My son is James Curtiss Roach and he has a son and a daughter. There is nothing like grandchildren.

Joy, thank you for this site and I want to say hello to Peggy McCracken. She was my editor once, and I have always admired her. I am sure she did not know what to do with me. It is hard to believe that I have been out of school for 35 years. It seems just like yesterday. And so much in the town has changed. I also remember those bonfires and having to watch out for Monahans school to make sure they didn't set it on fire or mess up the football field. I lived for many years in Monahans, and I always remembered that every year when they would play Pecos. I always remained loyal to Pecos. And to all the family and friends that I have remaining there hello. Also, thank you to all the teachers that I had through the years, especially Mrs. Stickles.

Thank you Joy for this page. I would never have known it was here. This page and the alumni message board is just like going home again. Please be sure and let me know if something else comes up. Now that I have found so many I don't want to lose them. And you.

Sue Kesey Behee
P.O.Box 1811
Artesia, New Mexico 88211
ICQ # 8551171

Subject: pecosgab
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 18:13:08 EST

Thank God FOR PECOS TEXAS, Once a Texan always a Texan.......You see I left West Texas in 1967 and I have never been back since I left much to my regret.

I can honestly say that this Web site sure brings back alot of ole memories for me, as I spent many of the happiest years of my life in Pecos Texas, gee I remember going to the school and playing football on the junior high team, and also in high school, and it still amazes me , the West Texas Rodeos, going to the dance after the Rodeo , eating Barbque , and then remembering the blinding how could anyone forget riding around at night going to AL'S, and the Drive-In movie on Friday and Saturday night....and on and on....

My name is Mitch Kilgore, I was a freshman when i left Pecos and moved to Long Beach High School where i graduated and then went into the Navy, Now I am married and have 5 children, and 4 grandbabies.....I would like to hear from Mike Adams, Mike Mauldin, Jimmie Ivey, Tom Nance, Polly Nance,Jane Davis, Mike Panky, Bobby Martindale, or any of my ole email address is

Subject: ???
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 14:57:09 -0600
From: Cliff & DD Miller

Does anyone out there know where to find the Whigham girls, Dottie and Jan?

Would love to be in touch with them. I know Dottie married Carl Schwab way back when.

Thanks.........Deanna K. (Holm) Miller
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