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Daily Newspaper and Travel Guide
for Pecos Country of West Texas


Tuesday, March 23, 1999

Safe driving topic at meeting

The Modern Study Club met on March 10, in the home of Juracy
McCall, 1518 S. Park, at 3:30 p.m., for a Public Affairs
Program. The thought-quote for the meeting was "Safe driving
is related to ability not age. But for Senior Americans,
safety can be an issue which needs special attention." Unity
in Diversity, Public Affairs Department, General Federation
of Women's Clubs.

Doris Moorman, Public Affairs Chairman, began the program
with handouts for all members and guests present. Moorman
characterized that the aging process will inveviably produce
changes in a person's vision, hearing, reaction time and
decision-making ability.

Moorman stated that changes begin during middle age when
reaction time starts to slow. Older drivers will have more
problems in night-time driving when unlit road signs or
street names become more difficult to see and the effects of
glare are magnified. Older people should wear seatbelts in
air bag-equipped vehicles since "air bag only" effectiveness
is 21 percent whereas the combined effectiveness of bag and
belts is 47 percent.

Moorman went on to say there is no specific age at which a
person can be considered too old to drive, as long as he or
she remains healthy, and the declines that take place in the
senses and other capabilities are normal. She encouraged
members to consider entering a refresher driving course such
as those offered by American Association of Retired Persons,
this is an excellent way to become acquainted with new
driving laws and techniques.

President Lena Harpham conducted the business meeting. The
Club Collect was led by Nan Cate and the Pledges to the
United States of America Flag and the Texas Flag were led by
Laura Teal, as members repeated all in unison.

The minutes of the previous meeting was read by Bobbi Lang,
secretary. Pearl Gustafson, treasurer, presented a report of
club finances.

Nan Cate, Federation Counselor, urged members to make plans
to attend the Spring Convention of Western District of Texas
Federation of Women's Club to be held in April 16-17, in
Monahans. Mario Gamertsfelder of Dalhart, President of Texas
Federation of Women's Clubs will be keynote speaker. Cate
also asked members to take items for M.D. Anderson Cancer
Research Center to Pearl Gustafson.

Pearl Gustafson reported a letter was mailed to Nancy
McAnally in regards to the donation to the Alma Van Sickle
Scholarship in memory of her mother Callie Holloway, who
passed away Feb. 19 and was a charter member of The Modern
Study Club.

Nan Cate read letters to Senator Frank Madla and Senator
Gary Walker supporting a bill to give money to the Libraries
of Texas. Cate asked club members to sign the letters
showing our support of this issue. The Texas Federation of
Women's Clubs started the libraries in Texas and continue to
support them.

Doris Moorman reported that 150 books for the New Born
Babies at the Reeves County Hospital have arrived, Joyce
Morton typed name plates and Moorman and Etta Sullivan
attached them in the books and delivered the books to the

Roll call was answered with Useful tips for driving safely

Hostesses Juracy McCall, Gretchen Luna and Laura Teal used
an Easter theme for the refreshment table. Chicken salad
sandwiches, chips, nuts, lemon angel food cake, punch and
coffee was served to members Hazel Barmore, Nan Cate, Pearl
Gustafson, Lena Harpham, Bobbi Lang, Doris Moorman, Francis
Wood and guest Jackie Rowland of Garland.

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Pecos Enterprise
York M. "Smokey" Briggs, Publisher
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.

324 S. Cedar St., Pecos, TX 79772
Phone 915-445-5475, FAX 915-445-4321

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