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Wednesday, June 11, 1997


Cara Alligood

Healthy lifestyle more
important than looks

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A couple of employees here at the newspaper have had birthdays recently,
and another employee made a rich, delicious cake to celebrate. It was a
chocolate banana cake with very sweet frosting. I ate some of it, but I
sure didn't need the calories.

Calories are something many people, especially woman, worry about a lot.

Why do you think that is? I think it is because our society encourages
girls, from a really young age, to be extremely self-conscious, and to
have an unrealistic body image. Sure, some girls grow up to be tall and
thin naturally, but scores more try to live up to an ideal that just
isn't natural.

In trying to look like the runway models and the Barbie dolls they grew
up playing with, lots of young ladies turn to dieting in order to mold
their bodies into figures that are portrayed as being ideal.

Some balance exercise with a healthy diet and have no problems. Some
have a harder time trying to fit the mold of what they think they are
supposed to look like, and turn to more extreme measures, such as diet
drugs and fad diets that may not be healthy at all, especially if kept
up for a long time.

Others take more extreme measures, and develop eating disorders such as
anorexia nervosa and bulimia that can be life-threatening. Others abuse
laxatives. Long-term use of laxatives can lead to a dependence upon
them, because they take control of a naturally regulated function of the

Some young men have these same problems, but the vast majority of
sufferers are female. I know none of this is news to anyone; we have all
seen countless news stories, articles, and talk shows on this topic.

Here are a couple of things to think about, though. Women - is having
"the look" worth dying for? Men - why do so many of you encourage women
to do this to themselves?

Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I am not advocating obesity, just
being healthy and accepting people the way they are. A lot of a person's
physical characteristics are hereditary, and we don't usually seem to
win when we mess with Mother Nature.

A well-balanced diet and moderate exercise are good for anyone, and
extremes in anything are not. Overeating is just as unsafe as starving
oneself. I just think that our society pushes young women into thinking
they have to be thin if they want people, especially young men, to
notice and like them.

I admit that I wish I were thinner and could still fit into some of my
other clothes. However, I won't risk my life to make it happen. I know
that since I come from a family with a history of heart attacks and
strokes, I have to try to stay in shape as much as possible for health
reasons. I don't have to fit the "heroin look" that everyone from the
president on down is talking about, though. Neither does anyone else.

Editor's Note: Cara Alligood is an Enterprise writer and advertising administrator.


Christian radio station needs Pecos' support

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Dear Editor:
I'm sure there are many people like myself who thoroughly enjoy
listening to the Christian radio station.

I'm just as equally sure that more of these people don't realize that we
are in danger of losing this station for non-support. I personally would
hate to see this happen but on their last Sharathon only eight people
from Pecos pledged to support the station.

I plead with all of you Christians who enjoy listening to this station
to send in your support. This station is totally listener supported.
Let's not let Satan have another victory.

The Sharathon is June 11-13. If they don't get more support from Pecos
they're going to drop Pecos.

You can send your support to: American Family Radio, P.O. Drawer 3206,
Tupelo, Miss., 38803.


Pecos Enterprise
Mac McKinnon, Publisher
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