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Friday, December 20, 2002

Modern Study club reviews book of Thanksgiving

An Education Department Program with a Thanksgiving Theme was held by The Modern Study Club on Wednesday Nov. 13, 2002, in the home of Catherine and J.E. Travland. Martha Jay, chairman of the Education Department, planned the meeting with the thought-quote "A day of Thanksgiving and praise to our Beneficent Father"-Abraham Lincoln, Oct. 31, 1863-From Proclamation.

Mrs. Emily Fernandes was chosen by Mrs. Jay to present a book review of N.C. Wyeth's Pilgrims with text by Robert San Souci. Mrs. Fernandes, wearing her pilgrim "bonnet" presented her delightful rendition of the story of the pilgrims and the adventurous saga of the settling of the Plymouth Colony. Spectacular paintings by renowned artistic N.C. Wyeth, shown in the book, helped bring to life the text by well-known children's book authors San Souci.

The story of the Pilgrims given by Mrs. Fernandes told of religious struggles in England, of the hearing of stories of a settlement in North America called Virginia where there was a hope of religious freedom, and the plans made as the Speedwell and Mayflower ships set sail for the "new-country." She told the story of the speedwell's return to England and that the Mayflower finally continued the journey by itself. The crossing lasted sixty-six days, was full of hardship, and the pilgrims landed far from their planned destination. Much of their first winter was spent aboard the Mayflower as they began work on a few small cabins as well as a common house.

She continued:

More and more life took on a settled aspect. There were romances, births and deaths. The pilgrims and Indians worked together with much sights and sounds of activity. The colony was beginning to be caught in the rhythm of village life. Even in the height of summer, the Pilgrims had begun preparing for the winter that lay ahead. In celebration of this plenty, plans were made to hold a Harvest Festival. This feast, that we have come to call "Thanksgiving", would also celebrate the help the Indians had given the Pilgrims. The food from both the land and sea was plentiful and the celebration lasted three days. Ninety men and children attended with Chief Massaoit.

In closing Mrs. Fernandes stated that the adventure begun by a small group of brave men and women had developed into something greater than any of them could have imagined. The Pilgrims had weathered illness, privation and danger of every kind. Plymouth Colony had taken root. In time, it's children would become known as New Englanders and Americans and the seeding colony would blossom and bear extraordinary fruit. She reminded those in attendance that Thanksgiving is the only truly American Holiday.

President Joyce Morton presided during the meeting. The club collect was led by Catherine Travland and Margie Williamson led the pledges to the United States of America and Texas flags as those in attendance repeated all in unison.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Secretary Paula Fuller and Treasurer Pearl Gustafson gave a statement concerning club finances. Correspondence was read from the Big Spring State Hospital and the M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Hospital in Houston.

The Modern Study Club Annual Scholarship presented to a graduating Senior at Pecos High School was discussed. Scholarship Chairman Margie Williamson also reported concerning the Alma Van Sickle Scholarship presented annually by the Western District of the Texas Federation of Women's Club's.

Federation Counselor Lena Harpham presented a report taken from the address given by Bobbie Mitchell of Sanderson, President of the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs, during the TFWC Annual Fall Board Meeting held in Austin.

A report was given on the Fall Bake Sale, and Gifts for the residents of the Pecos Nursing Home and club members for the Holly Jolly Christmas to be held at their Christmas party were discussed. Members were also reminded to bring their toys for tots' donations.

The monthly project for this meeting was to contribute to the Count Your Blessings Fund and donate bears or other cuddly stuffed toys for the Pecos Police Department's Bears on Patrol Project. The bears and friends are presented to children in trauma due to accidents, family problems or other causes.

Hostesses Iris Reddick, Pearl Gustafson, Etta Sullivan and Catherine Travland served delicious refreshments to guests Emily Fernandes and Bonnie Kuhn of Phoenix, Arizona and 12 club members

Registration scheduled for OC

Registration for Odessa College's Spring Weekend classes will be during regular spring registration in January. Those students whose names begin with M-Z register 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 8. Those whose last names begin with A-L will register 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 9.

Session A and B classes begin Saturday, Jan. 18. The last day to register for these classes is Friday, Jan. 17 from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

Weekend College courses parallel those offered in the regular term except they are compressed into a shorter time span. Full academic recognition is given these courses, and the time spent and the credit earned is equivalent to that of the regular session. Students should consult the 2003 Odessa College Spring Schedule of Credit Classes for exact dates and times of course offerings in each session.

To speed up the registration process, new students should submit an application for admission prior to registration. Applications are available in the OC catalog and from the OC Admissions Office and Web site.

All transfer students must furnish an official transcript and TASP scores.

Proof of Texas residency for 12 consecutive months prior to enrollment is required at registration to qualify for Texas resident tuition rates.

For more information, call the Odessa College Admissions Office at 335-6432, or visit the OC Web site at

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Pecos Enterprise
York M. "Smokey" Briggs, Publisher
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.

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