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Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Peggy McCracken

Squarely Pegged

By Peggy McCracken

New life ushers in
another Spring

It’s all the buzz. The Passion of the Christ.

Have you seen the movie by Mel Gibson that depicts in horrific detail the last hours of Jesus, as he was tried and found innocent, beaten, forced to carry a heavy cross, stripped naked and nailed to that cross to suffer for six hours before giving up the ghost?

Everyone who has seen it described the violence as horrible and the silence in the theater as deafening. Most who know the subject of the movie personally said they cried throughout and continue to cry as they consider what a sacrifice Jesus made for sinners. You and me. We all are guilty of sending him to die on that cross; not Pilate; not the Jews. Me. You. Us.

But I’m not here to talk about the crucifixion; rather the resurrection that followed. For Spring has sprung, and new life is sprouting all around us. That’s what happened to Jesus after he finished his work on the cross and was placed in a borrowed grave. Three days later he came out of that grave with a new body, much like the plants that looked dead all winter. Now they are blooming and putting on green leaves.

Yesterday, I trekked to Odessa to spend a gift certificate and came home with a couple of evergreen holly trees that will provide some color in the back yard this winter while blocking my view of the drab fence.

The holly will tie together two red velvet rose bushes I bought last week at Bryan’s, along with some red flowers and evergreen ground cover. They will surround the green bathtub I moved outside last year for a planter. That’s where the herbs will grow to supply my newfound cooking talent.

Yes, it’s true. Reading 31new cookbooks for the Benjamin Franklin Awards judging put me in a creative mood. And I tried a few of the recipes that were irresistible. Did you know dried black-eyed peas and sweet potatoes go together? With onions, Bell pepper and a few herbs, they make a smashing good main course. My sister, Gail the fabulous cook, was here recently, and she loved it.

That is indication of a new life for me. Even us old dogs can be resurrected.

“I will pour out my spirit on your offspring…they will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams.” Isaiah 44:3-4, NIV

EDITOR’S NOTE: Peggy McCracken in Enterprise business manager and webmaster. Contact her at

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