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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Peggy McCracken

Squarely Pegged

By Peggy McCracken

Five sermons later,
I got the message

Faithful Rooster got me up before dawn Sunday, in time for breakfast and a sunrise service at Calvary Baptist Church. I decided to skip that, though, because of a 9:30 appointment.

After my walk and breakfast of oranges and grapes, I sat in my favorite recliner to rest and meditate. It was pure reflex that caused me to pick up the remote and click on the television, because I almost never watch TV on Sunday morning.

My attention was quickly riveted to the screen when a preacher from Florida began narrating a story about the Last Supper, as painted by DaVinci. He used a stage on which the last supper was laid out on a table, surrounded by a picture frame. As he introduced each disciple, a man dressed in Biblical garb walked down the aisle and took a seat at the table. The last to enter was Christ, who offered bread and wine as a memorial for his body and blood that would be shed on the cross.

Scenes of the crucifixion and resurrection followed. It was a fairly accurate representation of those events as described in the Gospel accounts.

Next came Dr. David Jeremiah, whom I had never heard, but had heard of. His description of his miraculous cancer cure to illustrate a point about the resurrection certainly caught my attention, because I could relate to it. Despite persistent pain in the top of my skull, I believe my cancer is at bay.

My 9:30 appointment was a bust, so to keep from wasting the time, I attended First Christian Church, which starts at 9. Ernie Waggoner was halfway through a sermon about Easter eggs when I slipped into a rear pew. Of course, he had to comment on my entrance, causing heads to turn. I knew nearly everyone there, and was glad to visit with them after church. I did skip the coffee hour though, and hurried on to the Northside Church of Christ to hear Coe Box preach.

Coe is the grandson of Birdie Slack and Grace Box. Grace had invited me to hear him preach at Thanksgiving, but I had to teach a Sunday school class and was unable to attend. He had obviously put a lot of work into a study of the apostles, and I am glad I went.

Nelda Ramsey invited me to lunch, but again I was in a hurry. It was past time for the Easter cantata at my own church, West Park Baptist, so I slipped in and took a back seat there about 11:30. I don’t think I missed much of the choir’s presentation, and pastor Rey Carreon delivered a brief message.

When 12:00 rolled around, I was on my way home for leftover chicken soup. No, it wasn’t the rooster, but when he woke me from my nap at 2 p.m., I wished it had been. Waking me at 2 a.m. is one thing, but my Sunday afternoon nap is sacred.

I skipped the barbecue and Easter egg hunt at Maxey Park, ate my healthful fruit for an after-nap snack, watched a little of “Swiss Family Robinson,” then tried again for a nap. A heating pad eased the pain in my head, but I still didn’t get to sleep. Soon it was time for church again.

The sun has set and Rooster is on his perch, so I had better turn in myself. There is no sleeping late in this neighborhood.

Jesus: “Today-yes, tonight-before the rooster crows twice, you yourself (Peter) will disown me three times.” Mark 14:30, NIV

EDITOR’S NOTE: Peggy McCracken is Enterprise business manager. Contact her at HYPERLINK ""

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York M. "Smokey" Briggs, Publisher
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