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Van Horn Advocate


October 6, 1997

Mac McKinnon


By Mac McKinnon

Pecos is in the
middle of everywhere

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Have you ever thought about the meaning of living or going to somewhere
that is in the middle of nowhere.

I'm sure everyone has used or at least heard that expression.
Exactly what does it mean?

Most people will probably say that the middle of nowhere is a long way
from anywhere. Does that mean rural areas? Most of the useage of that
term is applied to rural areas.

Pecos has been referred to as the middle of nowhere, the jumping off
point, it's not the jumping off point but you can see it from Pecos and
the edge of Hell, plus various other descriptions some of which are not
fit to print.

If you're somewhere, you can't be in the middle of nowhere. It's amazing
to hear the terms that people apply to various places in the world.

I've lived and visited in all kinds of areas in my life and what I would
refer to the middle of nowhere and the middle of Hell would be the
traffic and life in big cities.

The people there live and act like ants, scurrying around not knowing or
caring about what goes on around them, having few acquaintences much
less friends as they spend most of their time in a car or bus going to
and from work.

I keep hearing that everybody wants to go to the bright lights of the
city. The only problem with those bright lights is that they just get in
your eyes and hopefully keep you from seeing the slums that make up the
biggest part of big cities.

Sure, some big cities have great cultural attractions but people who
live there don't have time to enjoy them. They're too busy caught up in
traffic and dealing with crowds.

Now here in Pecos, we live in the middle of everywhere. We can be to an
airport to go anywhere in the world as quick if not faster than people
who live in big cities because we don't have to fight the traffic. We
can go in any direction to find very diverse attractions, not being
limited to just a few.

Culture as well as nature can be found in those directions. Plus, when
we get off work, we're no more than five minutes from the house. And, we
know almost everybody in town.

If you want culture, you can find a wide variety of attractions in
Midland-Odessa, Lubbock, Amarillo, San Angelo and if that's not enough,
hop a plane to anywhere. We don't have any limits, especially on the
time wasted fighting life in the big city.

Stop and think about it. And the next time some friend from a big city
asks what's going on out there in the middle of nowhere, tell them you
live in the middle of everywhere.

That'll make em jealous!

Editor's Note: Mac McKinnon is the Editor and Publisher of the Pecos Enterprise whose column appears each Friday. He can be reached by e-mail

Your Views

Congress make changes and put into their pockets

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To the Editor:

When this Congress talks about change, they mean the kind of change they
want to take out of your pocket and put into their pockets. Last week,
career politicians in Washington gave themselves a $3,000 pay raise on
top of the $133,673 minimum salary they currently take home.

To make matters worse, congressional leaders are trying to disguise the
raise. A spokesperson for House Speaker Newt Gingrich declared, "It's
not a pay raise. It's a cost-of-living adjustment. That's a different
thing." How can members of Congress possibly tell their constituents
that another $3,000 a year is not a pay raise?

This vote shows the clear difference between short-term citizen
legislators and long-term career politicians. Nearly nine out of ten
congressmen who have limited themselves to three terms voted against the
pay raise. Furthermore, 63 percent of members who have served only three
terms or less voted against the pay raise, while 72 percent of
longer-term members voted for it.

What a clear example that too many long-term members of Congress are
more interested in cashing in on a career in Washington than in
listening to the people. Instead of representing us, they represent
themselves. You can find out how your member of Congress voted on the
pay raise by calling U.S. Term Limits at 800-733-6440.

Paul Jacob
Executive Director

Pecos Enterprise
Mac McKinnon, Publisher
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.
324 S. Cedar St., Pecos, TX 79772
Phone 915-445-5475, FAX 915-445-4321
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Copyright 1997 by Pecos Enterprise
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