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Van Horn Advocate


Tuesday, Sept. 23, 1997

Peggy McCracken


Peggy McCracken

List helps writer
to stay on track

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Evidently I am not the only person who has done battle with hot/cold and no-water faucets in hotels and airport restrooms. My recent column on that subject evoked lots of comment. One lady from Arizona wrote about her sad experience in a Louisiana hotel where the bath water was HOT HOT. You can read her comments on my new web page at

I was dragged kicking and screaming into this column-writing business, and every Friday I scream again when it comes time to pick a topic to expound on. But I do like hearing from you.

Senility. That's a good topic. Every time I leave this computer terminal to work on something else I just thought of, I forget to come back. The second time it happened, Mac came along and turned off the monitor. The next time he may turn off the computer, so if this column is aborted in the middle, you'll know what happened.

Every day it gets harder to stay on track long enough to finish a task. I bought some memory-enhancing diet supplement, but can't remember where I left it.

The Born Loser pinpointed the problem on Friday's comic page. "Let's see, is it 555-1217? No, that's our pager...Ad it's not 555-4663, that's our fax line. How about 555-3302...It's finally happened. I need a phone directory just for my own numbers," he says. I had the same experience recently when I was traveling and made a call on my cellular phone. When I got an answering machine, I tried to give my granddaughter my cell phone number so she could call me back, but I couldn't remember it. Finally I parked, dug in my purse for an address book and looked up the number. How frustrating!

Maybe we should make lists of everything to carry around. Actually, I do try to make such a list every morning as I pray for direction. When I do that, the day goes better, and I stay on track. At the end of the day, when nearly everything is scratched off the list, I know I have accomplished something. Without the list, I am like a boat on rough seas without a rudder.

When I took the Dale Carnegie Course in public speaking and human relations, we were taught not to make lists, but to exercise our memories. They also taught that we shouldn't write out our speeches, but simply make an outline as a guide. That didn't work for me, and neither does working without a list. If you've ever flown in a small plane, you may have noticed the pilot going over a list of things he needed to check before takeoff. They sure don't depend on memory when lives are at stake.

"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, `I find no pleasure in them.'" Ecclesiastes 112:1, NIV.

Editor's Note: Peggy McCracken is an Enterprise writer and webmaster whose column appears each Tuesday. E-mail your comments to her at or mail to P.O. Box 2057. Unless otherwise noted, comments will be published on her web page.

Your Views

Couple excited to find Monahans on web site

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To the Editor:

Shocked - Surprised - are just a few of the words that come to mind when I found the Monahans New on the Web Site I had to e-mail and tell you.

We are hundreds of miles from Monahans, and by reading the news on the Web Site we can keep up with the current events in our home town. We will be checking in with you each week.

I have just read the Monahans News of Sept. 10, and was sadden to read about the death of Marilyn Lewis of Grandfalls. The people of Grandfalls have lost an outstanding citizen whom I feel can never be replaced. Keith and Jeanie Clopton

Former Pecos resident enjoys reading web site

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To the Editor:

I pull up the Pecos Enterprise every week day. I enjoy reading it. My mother would save the papers for me and when I came home she would give them to me.

I live in Lubbock now but was born and raised in Pecos, I left 6 years ago.
Thanks for having the paper on the net.

Rhonda Carrell Winkles

Editor's Note: Enterprise home and news pages are now in a "tables" format which places links to the other pages and sites along the left edge of the page. Some browsers do not read tables and we have asked readers to let us know how they like the new format. To date all replies have been affirmative.

Pecos Enterprise
Mac McKinnon, Publisher
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.
324 S. Cedar St., Pecos, TX 79772
Phone 915-445-5475, FAX 915-445-4321
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Copyright 1997 by Pecos Enterprise
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