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Van Horn Advocate


Monday, Sept. 22, 1997

Perkins entered in song
competition via internet

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Chris Perkins, a former Pecos resident, may soon fulfill his dreams
thanks to an International Starbound competition the artist recently

The Don Reed Production company has been helping new artists find
contacts for more than 40 years.

Perkins has been in rock bands for several years, with his brother
Steve, and has written several songs. He sent five songs to the Don Reed
Music Co., who liked them well enough to enter one of them in this
year's competition on the internet. The entry features Perkins's song,
"Out of the Rain," featuring him on lead guitar and Steve on vocals.

The winner of the competition will receive a production package which
includes a recording session. The winner will be determined by who
receives the most votes. If people wish to vote for Perkins, log on at:
http//, then room 2. The band featured on the tape was
formed when he lived in Amarillo.

Perkins is the son of Steve and Melba Perkins of Pecos.

He is a 1993 graduate of Pecos High School, was a section leader in the
band, and played the French horn. He attended Sul Ross for one year and
WTA&M one year, as music major.

His father works at RCDC and his mother at Pecos High School. His
brother Steve and sister, Stacie, also attended Pecos High. Stacie
currently works at B&B Wrecking in Pecos.

Pecos Enterprise
Mac McKinnon, Publisher
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.
324 S. Cedar St., Pecos, TX 79772
Phone 915-445-5475, FAX 915-445-4321
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