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Van Horn Advocate


Wednesday, Sept. 3, 1997

Greg Harman

Loose Fish

By Greg Harman

Princess' death blamed
on Paparazzi

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It was in a late night diner that I first heard about Princess Diana's needless death. The one with the late-breaking revelation sharing elbow space with me was on his way to Huntsville. "I always felt a special bond with that woman," he said with eyes gleaming. Apparently, he was not the only one.

I'm sure anyone interested in the Royal Family, and celebrities in general, has already heard all the specifics of the case they would like to hear (on this I'm probably wrong, considering the power of the cult of personality), but I'd like to focus on the reactions I noticed later that night on the hotel tube. Of course, there were tears, flowers, remorse, suffering--over here in the U.S. there is nothing that compares with the Brit's bond with the Royal Family--but where did the people interviewed place the blame? Overwhelming it fell on the media. It's a blame I find hard to embrace. While there are ambulance and 'royalty' chasers, they are not the majority of the media . . . yet.

These days we hear a lot of the tabloidization of the media (everywhere but in the tabloids) and this recent death is a perfect example. While those interviewed cursed and accused the news service, I only noticed one sad face who owned up, saying, "We are all to blame."

What on earth did she mean?

The idea is fairly simple: In market-led economies, such as ours, the public gets what it is willing to pay for. Am I, as a member of the public, willing to pay $3.75 for a hamburger? Well, if enough people are willing to pay the sum the product will be available. (Have you ever considered that if hamburgers were available in movie theatres they would probably cost around $15? But we put up with their prices nonetheless!) If enough people refuse to shell out the duckets, the product will either disappear or the manufactorer will be forced to reduce the price to what the market (the public) will allow. There was a lot of fuss over the recent photos of Di and her new found man (I believe they were in a swimming pool paying close attention to eachother). It is said that one of the photos sold for $200,000. These are the figures that were fueling the photographer's pursuit. Quite a sum. I will not discount their role in the accident, but, just for thought, how do you figure the agency afford to pay these photographers an incredible number like that? When it comes down to it, you and I pay those fees, and help fuel this kind of harrassment, everytime we purchase the tabloids that run these types of photos and disparaging articles from our local grocery store.

Editor's Note:Greg Harman is an Enterprise writer whose column appears each Wednesday.


Article ruins Estrada's good reputation, memories

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Dear Editor:

You are a heartless, inconsiderate, cruel and very misinformed coward. Why? You ignore confrontations, phone calls, etc. regarding an article in your so-called newspaper on Wed. Aug. 27th.

It was very uncalled for and of no necessity to be printed. What accomplishment will come out of it? Not a Thing! Floyd was a very devoted and dedicated law enforcement officer when on duty. His accident occurred when he was NOT on duty; he was in our own personal vehicle; he did not take anybody's life, except his own or hurt anyone. You know nothing about what he had done or gone through that day. So what do you want or getting at?

For God's sake, let him rest in peace! You are hurting me, our family, and our loving friends. We are all suffering enough. What about all the good he ever did for everyone, including you. He gave so the whole community would benefit and be safe; and are you not part of this community? When have you gone digging for good and reliable information to print about Floyd? Why look for only bad things to say? And who else is behind all this? Who is paying you to hurt Floyd?

He is not here to defend himself, but I am, and his spirit is within me to guide and protect us. I promise you, no one will ruin his good reputation and memories. For those of you who try, serious consequences will be paid.MRS. FLOYD ESTRADA

Our View

City and school board need to follow example

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The council for the Town of Pecos City and Pecos-Barstow-Toyah Independent School Board of Trustees would do well to follow the example set last week by the Reeves County Commissioners of reducing taxes.

Both the council and school board will be setting tax rates, possibly this week with the school board anticipating a possible tax increase. The schools here, the administration, business office and board have done a good job in the past few years in keeping expenses down and maintaining the same tax rate.
We would hope the same would apply this year even in the face of pressures to increase expenses.

The city needs to cut taxes as their tax rate is among the highest for cities anywhere in this area. Along with high water and trash pick-up rates, local residents have a difficult time making these kinds of payments.

As work progresses to try to attract new industry to our city and county, it should be remembered that tax rates are a big factor for a company deciding to relocate. While we have many good features to attract people here, taxes are something that needs to be worked on.

While some industries may get initial tax abatement, they look down the road when the abatements expire and wonder how they can justify paying such a tax load.

We commend the county for reducing taxes and hope this is a trend that will catch on with the other entities.

Pecos Enterprise
Mac McKinnon, Publisher
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.
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