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Van Horn Advocate


Friday, Aug. 8, 1997


Mac McKinnon

Postive attitude can
help our little town

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You've heard the expression, I'm sure, that the last person to leave Pecos should please turn out the lights.

It seems that a good number of people are leaving town and many others express the desire to do so. Many of those who are leaving are good friends although, thank goodness, many good friends are still here.

I've addressed this issue previously in different fashions but my thoughts are still the same - what's wrong with Pecos? Why is it that newcomers are bombarded with the questions - "What are you doing here?" And the next question is, "How long are you going to stay here?"

I do realize that Pecos has its problems but what place doesn't? It seems to me that we have a number of things going for us and we just don't seem to realize it and take advantage of those things.

I have mounted my soapbox and preached on the virtues of Pecos and West Texas many times and this is another one of those efforts. I realize the poverty here is discouraging. The appearance of the town is less than pleasing. It is also discouraging to not be able to buy what we need here and have to make the trek to Odessa, Midland or wherever. Employers are discouraged because they can't find competent, caring workers.

I believe some of the complaints are overblown. Every place I've been in recent years has its share of problems, most more than Pecos. You'll find incompetent workers everywhere.

Some people complain about the taxes here and maybe they've been overstated. Sure our taxes might seem high, but what about the values on which taxes are based? Our appraisals are among the lowest you can find anywhere, thus our total tax bill is lower than it would be elsewhere.

Pecos is full of good people, and new people are coming in to take the place of those who are leaving.

I'm particularly distressed that it seems all our local churches are having a difficult time surviving. There may be some that are doing OK but none are doing as good as they should if more people would go to church. Some churches here, just like anywhere else, are torn with strife but that shouldn't affect our need to be in the house of the Lord on Saturday or Sunday or whenever.

I believe in church - whatever belief you are comfortable with. It's important for families as well as individuals. It also gives us the spirit of community.

In spite of all the efforts being put forth to improve life in Pecos, nothing seems to work. It's my belief that even though we are trying to help ourself, it's time to turn to the Lord in prayer. We need divine intervention and I firmly believe in the power of prayer.

Can we all try to put forth a more positive attitude about our town? As I noted, we do have many things going for us in that our climate is probably the best in the world, the cost of housing is low, we are close to many natural wonders and our crime rate and gang problems are relatively minor compared to other places.

Isn't it worth something to be able to know our neighbors and get home from work within a few minutes? Let's think positive. That takes courage. Anybody can be negative, and that's why so many people are that way - they take the easy way out.

Think about it!
Mac McKinnon is editor and publisher of the Pecos Enterprise. His column appears on Friday.


Kudos to all who help
make museum wonderful

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Dear Editor:
This letter is to express appreciation to the wonderful growth of Barney Hubbs' 1960's vision and dream to our recognized treasure, the West of the Pecos Museum.

Visitors from literally everwhere and we locals enjoy 50 rooms of exhibits plus farm equipment assembled by Jessie Stephens and the over 100 years plus Lineberry/Scorobroughs chuck wagon.

Proper acknowledgment and appreciation to all the contributors, workers and curators over 30 years is impossible.

We can tip our hats to our present curator Dorinda Venegas and office manager Mary Barfield.

The 50 rooms of exhibits are so well done and so clean. There are on-going additions and improvements to these exhibits.

The whole museum is well organized and finances have climbed from being in the red to the black.

Dorinda and Mary put in hundreds of hours on special events such as Student Art Festival, Old Timer's Reunion, Pioneer Family exhibits and receptions, etc. etc.

Thank you Dorinda and Mary.

It's been a privilege to have been a museum volunteer each Thursday morning for some 11 years.

Pecos, Texas

Pecos Enterprise
Mac McKinnon, Publisher
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.
324 S. Cedar St., Pecos, TX 79772
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Copyright 1997 by Pecos Enterprise
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