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Apr. 4, 1997


By Mac McKinnon

Global village creates

need to understand all

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How much does the average citizen know about China? For that matter,
how much does the average citizen know about the Orient?

It seems that since the bulk of the population in the United States is
of European descent; we are only concerned with things of a European
nature and that includes our culture and languages, etc.

A number of us have been in the Orient for one reason or another,
mostly in the military and many don't have very pleasant memories of
that journey. I do have pleasant memories and enjoyed the time I've
spent there, the people I met and would give anything for a chance to go
back to just about anywhere in the far east.

Of course, I wasn't directly involved in fighting a war like many were,
although I was involved from a distance as well as being involved in a
protective nature of the results of a police action (Korea).

I greatly admire just about everything from the Orient. And I believe
our nation should pay more attention to the Orient. General Douglas
MacArthur warned after World War II that we should never get involved in
a land war in Asia because we did not understand the Asian mind. Viet
Nam shows just how right he was.

MacArthur did understand the Oriental mind and I've read and studied
and learned from people who spent many years in the Orient. Native
Americans apparently came from the Orient over the land bridge that once
existed between what is now Alaska and the Orient. Studying the history
of Asia shows the patience of the people there. They'll tolerate many
things for a long time - meaning centuries - knowing it will change in

That patience is something we all need to learn. The work ethic of the
Orient is also something that we should emulate. With the history of
inovation in the Orient and the vast number of people in that region of
the world, it would serve us well to pay more attention to what's going
on there.

The Orientals will not be forced into anything. They have different
values than people of European descent. That doesn't mean they are right
or wrong, only different.

It has been said that the European continent is dead and Asia is alive.
South America is coming alive, and Africa will someday rekindle its
ancient civilization that was great at one time in history.

The bottom line on all this is that we are truly in a global village
because of modern technology and the more we learn and understand about
different cultures and civilizations, the better off we'll be.

We simply can't ignore that different countries exist just because we
don't agree with their values. There's nothing wrong with trying to make
changes in the world, but by the same token, we can disagree without
being disagreeable.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mac McKinnon is editor and publisher of the Pecos
Enterprise. His column appears on Friday.


Chance to see comet is one in a lifetime

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A rare event that happens only a few times in a lifetime is being
ignored in the education of our children, not only in Pecos but in
almost every school in the nation.

That event is the chance to view a comet - this one beng the Hale-Bopp
Comet - which can be seen easily with the naked eye and is a spectucular

Pecos eighth graders are getting a chance to go see the movie Selena.
And there's nothing wrong with that, especially since the funds to do so
have been donated.

Some students at Pecos High have been providing a chance to see the
Comet in a star gazing session each evening this past week.

In addition, our schools and others in the area could go just a few
miles to the McDonald Observatory and view the comet and get additional
information on other formations and objects in our galaxy.

This particular comet last appeared in our skies when the pyramids were
being built and won't be back until another 4,000 or so years. There are
a few comets that can be seen in our skies in a lifetime but rarely one
this big and this close.

We'd like to encourage school officials and parents to make every
effort to view the comet, if not at McDonald then in some manner with
the information about the comet. It's an experience they'll not soon
forget nor will any adult who sees it.

The Observatory has a star party each Tuesday, Friday & Saturday night
- weather permitting - and the comet will be viewable for the next
several weeks.


Smarts and wisdom don't always mix

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It is one thing to be intelligent and quite another to be rational. The
38 young people in Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., who followed their guru,
Marshall Applewhite, into eternity last week knew everything but the

Applewhite is the latest, and by no means the last, mesmerizing wacko
to regale his subjects with claims of revealed wisdom. What sets
Applewhite apart was the sheer lunacy of his pre-millennial
astro-theology. ...

Fortunately, such TV-script gibberish doesn't attract a wide audience.
Most people know there is no evidence whatsoever of UFOs or visits to
Earth by beings from another world. ...

-- The Herald-Sun, Durham, N.C.
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Copyright 1997 by Pecos Enterprise
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.
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