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Mar. 26, 1997



By Cara Alligood

Reading opens world

to small-town child

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I recently had the opportunity to take photos of second graders whose
reading efforts had earned them a pizza party. What a wonderful thing it
is for child to discover the joys of reading!

My parents always read to me when I was a small child, and many doors
were opened to me, doors to worlds far beyond the small, rural town that
I grew up in. I am from a city not much larger than Pecos. However,
reading took me to places that were not accessible within those city
limits; places no car, train, or plane could take me.

Any child, of any economic means, can go to those same places. Two of
the most important things that any parent can give to their children are
their time and attention. Take the time to read to your children when
they are young, and chances are they will read on their own once they
are able.

Teach them to love a good story. If you don't feel confident of your
own reading, tell them stories. Let them wonder what happens next. Ask
them questions and listen to their answers. Read together. Make up
stories together. It is enjoyable to play the game where you start a
tale and let them finish it. This can also tell you quite a bit about
what is going on in your child's mind. Most small children have vast
imaginations, which I believe should be encouraged.

As adults, we often ignore the wondrous world around us, but the little
ones are seeing it all for the first time. The world is full of stories,
and they can make life much richer.

Sure, many of us have to work full time, and we come home tired. There
is a lot to be done in any household, and it all takes precious time.
Still, a bedtime story doesn't take all that much time to read or tell,
but it can make a world of difference in the dreams of a child who still
has a life of infinite possibilities before him or her. Besides, time
spent reading to a young person isn't just time consumed, it is quality
time, and time well spent, during a short but important period in a
child's life.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Cara Alligood is an Enterprise writer and advertising


Foreign aid helps people stay home

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There's a great hue and cry across our nation about slowing down the
flow of illegal immmigrants, particularly from Mexico.

There's also a hue and cry about wasting money in foreign aid to Mexico
and other countries.

There needs to be an understanding. Throughout history, people have
sought to better their lives by chasing rainbows wherever they can be
found. Such is still the case.

As long as there are economic problems in Mexico, people will continue
to search for the good life in the United States as do people from
almost all other countries on the globe.

The best way to stem the tide of illegal immigrants is to help
countries improve the standard of living for their own people. Until
then, the illegal immigrants will keep coming and who can blame them?

Most people would prefer to stay in their home country. We can and
should help them do so.


Lawyer keeps abreast of news via the Net

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Dear Editor:
Having spent most of my life in West Texas, it is good to know that I
can now get the news off of the Net. I have enjoyed your paper for
years, but it loses its flavor when the news is a day or two old before
I receive the paper. Your net site changes that and I am appreciative.

-- Steve Spurgin
Law Offices
El Paso

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