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Feb. 5, 1997


By Rosie Flores

Where is innocence

in modern children?

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Times have certainly changed and so have children these days. We often
like to reminisce about the "good old days" and how things have changed
since then.

Even individuals who are not that old realize the difference between
them and the children growing up these days. No longer are they carefree
students where some of their major concerns centered around who was
dating who. Children these days have so much more to worry about these
days it seems.

Drugs, for instance, seem to play a big part in their lives. Finding
the strength to say no and possibly stay friendless is one of the
hardest issues facing some youngsters these days.

We read about 13-year-olds who die from overdoses, young girls turning
to prostitution and still others doing time already for varied crimes
they have committed.

It's appalling to see such young lives take a turn for the worst. And
what can be done is something that is being researched everyday by
pscyhologists and other specialists.

For example according to a popular psychiatric magazine, four 15- and
16-year-olds were arrested for the "thrill shooting" of a 59-year-old
man who was on a morning stroll when the youths, "looking for someone to
scare," pumped four bullets into him.

A 17-year-old boy was sentenced to death for murdering a policeman. For
three years he has waited in a prison cell just 250 yards from the
electric chair.

Two girls, aged 13 and 15, were charged with beating a 32-year-old
woman to the ground and stealing her purse and car.

Whatever happened to the old saying, Little girls are sugar and spice
and everything nice?" Obviously this doesn't apply to these two!

A 12-year-old was charged with kidnapping a 57-year-old man and
shooting him to death.

Why can't 12-year-olds stick to playing baseball in empty lots?
Football out in the street and chasing little girls who pretend they
don't want to get caught? Much simpler, less criminal and more energetic
activities that won't land them in some juvenile center or, worse, jail.

If there is one outgrowth of society's breakdown in educational
systems, family traditions, and moral codes that people fear the most,
it is crime.

People are afraid of leaving their doors unlocked these days, of
leaving their cars unattended, dark parking lots and just plain leaving
their homes.

It's sad to see so many hideous crimes being committed, not by aging
lunatics but by the youth of America.

It's refreshing when we see these youngsters excel and go on to lead
productive lives. When they strive to better themselves and to excel not
only in school, but in their personal lives.

Whatever is lacking in some of these youngsters who go on shooting
sprees, stealing cars and committing crimes that nobody wants to read
about is a puzzle that hopefully will soon be solved.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Rosie Flores is an Enterprise writer and editor of
Lifestyles and Golden Years. Her column appears each Wednesday.


It's daily routine

that turns the world

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From time to time, we hear people complain that life is too routine and
they don't like their job because it's just the same old routine, day
after day. The question is: Have we taken a marvelous word and made it a
negative one?

Let's look at the word "routine" and its possible uses: The husband or
wife who "routinely" returns home from a day on the job to pursue the
"routine" of loving and caring for his or her children.

The "routine" of the individual who daily shows up for work on time,
"routinely" does a great job in a "routinely" enthusiastic manner.

The student who has a daily "routine" of showing up at the study hall
or library to study the things that will qualify him or her for many of
the advantages of life.

The athlete who, as a matter of "routine," gets up at the same time
every day, jogs two or three miles and then does the different exercises
in a "routine" manner to develop his or her strength and skill to
perform better in his or her chosen field of endeavor.

The surgeon or dentist who "routinely" does a careful examination
before going through the "routine" of using painkillers as he or she
"routinely" drills or places permanent caps on teeth or makes an
incision that would be fatal in the hands of an unskilled person.

The individual who "routinely" follows the Boy Scout principle of doing
a good deed every day or the well-known athletic hero who "routinely"
helps and encourages those who are less fortunate.

Following good routines is good, and we can make them exciting and
enjoyable. I "routinely" tell my wife and children how much I love them,
but there's always excitement, enthusiasm and gratitude behind the
words. No, "routine" is not boring. So, get in the right "routine," and
I'll see you at the top!

The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their
commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Zig Ziglar is a motivational speaker whose column is
copyrighted and distributed by Creators Syndicate Inc.


Toyah citizen defends

actions of its mayor

Editor's Note: The following is in response to a letter written to the
Toyah mayor and city council asking Mayor Charlotte Waight to step down.
Dear Editor:
As a fellow citizen, I think you all need to remember, if it wasn't for
our mayor we wouldn't have a sewer system, our water system wouldn't be
in as great a shape as it is in, and we wouldn't have our grants to make
it even better.

She has also been a friend to everybody in town and will do everything
possible to help when the citizens of Toyah need her.

She uses her time and energy and never asks for any money, because she
knows we are a small community and we don't have a lot of money.

She also uses her own love for our community to help our senior
citizens center with food for the lunches they fix.

Geraldine Young

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