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Jan. 29, 1997

By Rosie Flores

Daily exercise keeps

body fit and trim

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Women are certainly different from men, and along with those
differences the care they require is also unique. A brochure provided by
the American Physical Therapy Association outlined several ways women
should take care of their bodies, the effects of conditions the body
goes through that requires special care and daily exercises that will
help keep them fit and trim.

At the most fundamental level women's bodies are structured to give
birth and supply early nutrition to the next generation. Wouldn't it be
great if men could have the children?

When a girl's body begins producing the hormone estrogen, she may
notice an increase in body fat. She may then try a variety of crash
diets to maintain what she thinks is an ideal body image.

Physical therapists agree that exercise is a safer way to maintain
ideal weight than dieting by itself. They can help the adolescent girl
determine her appropriate body weight and encourage her to enjoy aerobic
and resistance exercise, such as walking, swimming or dancing.

Therapists also stress the importance of exercise during pregnancy.
It's important for the mother and baby to be in the best shape possible
during pregnancy.

Physical therapists recommend some guidelines on safe exercise for
expectant mothers. These guidelines take into account the safety of the
fetus and encourage regular exercise.

A complete exercise program includes flexibility, low-impact aerobics,
muscle strengthening, endurance and relaxation exercises. (Even though
it's hard enough to just walk around with that much extra weight!)

Key muscle groups targeted during prenatal exercise include, the
postural muscles - along the spine and between the shoulder blades; the
abdominal muscles and iliopsoas - the iliopsoas is the deep muscle in
front of the pelvis and spine; and the pelvic floor muscles - that layer
of muscle deep within the pelvis.

Swimming or walking in a pool will give muscles a well-rounded workout
and keep the body cool.

The brochure recommends that whatever the situation might be,
consistency is always the best course to take.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Rosie Flores is an Enterprise writer and editor of
Lifestyles and Golden Years. Her column appears each Wednesday.


Foreign editors critique Clinton

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President Clinton's address to his nation ... was certainly not short
on ringing phrases. Acutely conscious that he will lead the United
States and the world into the 21st century, he sees his term in office
as a chance to `define our course and our character for decades to
come.' And yet his vision was curiously lacking in substance. ...

America may like a presidential pep-talk. Mr. Clinton delivered it
well. But he failed to give a clear sense of his own leadership vision.
In particular, there was a hole where his foreign policy should have
been. He wishes to go down as a defining U.S. president. He has yet to
live up to that ambition.

-- The Financial Times, London

When he makes his State of the Union address, Clinton will have the
chance to give great answers to the great problems of the American
society. Slim chance that he'll use the opportunity, though. It would go
against his character and also his experiences from his first term.
Instead they'll probably continue to put forward smaller but highly
polished trinkets. As long as the economy booms and the U.S.A. is at
peace, that may even be enough.
-- Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany


No hands, no problem

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Tony Melendez has survived and thrived despite some apparently
insurmountable handicaps. He was born in Nicaragua without arms and was
raised near Los Angeles. Today, Tony and his wife live in Hickory Creek,
near Lewisville, Texas.

Tony wanted to become a priest but was denied that privilege because
there are some functions in the priesthood that required the use of
arms. This was a disappointment, but he has never let disappointments
stop him.

He first started playing the guitar at age 16. Early on, he says that
most of his public appearances were at weddings and funerals, but over a
period of time, as his skill and reputation grew, he began to enjoy the
religious pieces he'd been playing. He says, "Christian music goes
beyond just a romantic love song but brings a gentleness, goodness and
hope that is significant." Incidentally, he writes much of his own music.

He's had some incredible highlights in his career. He was playing in
1987, in his hometown of Los Angeles, for the guest of honor, Pope John
Paul II. When he finished his song, the pope bounded from the elevated
stage into the audience and kissed him. Melendez says he was completely
overwhelmed. Since the, he has had the privilege of playing before the
pope on three other occasions.

He plays the guitar most of the time seated in a chair with the guitar
on the floor. He strums the strings with his feet and plays notes with
his toes. But his entire life is not just in music. He and his wife have
adopted a 13-month-old girl named Marisa who is from El Salvador.

The message is clear, isn't it When we look at what we do have and use
it to the fullest extent of our ability, we discover that we're not that
concerned about what we don't have. Buy that idea, and I'll see you at
the top!

EDITOR'S NOTE: Zig Ziglar is a motivational speaker whose column is
copyrighted and distributed by Creators Syndicate Inc.
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