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Dec. 19, 1996


Bedside manners

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In the medical profession years ago, one of the favorite ways to
describe a beloved physician was to say that he had beautiful bedside
manners. Please understand that manners are more than being courteous,
pleasant and thoughtful. Yes, it includes those things, but it's also
genuine concern for the well-being of the patient. As a young couple
with our first baby, living in Florence, S.C., we had the privilege of
dealing with a brilliant surgeon who was highly respected for his
medical and surgical skills. He was generally recognized as one of the
very best in his field, not only in that small town but in the state.
This surgeon was distant and cool, and he remained detached from his
patients. Consequently, though his skill enabled him to make a
comfortable living and receive recognition, he was not an outstanding
success either socially or financially. His older brother, a general
practitioner, was a very competent physician but was not particularly
brilliant. However, he was much loved by his patients, their families
and the community for his expressions of love and compassion. When he
talked with patients and their families, he answered questions,
identified the problems and explained what he was doing. This man was
not only successful in his profession, but he was socially very popular
and was loved by everyone who knew him. He also had a much better family
life and was happier and healthier, in addition to being more
prosperous. The message Is this: Learn not only to care for other
people, but let them know that you-care. Acquire the necessary skills,
but add the relationship dimension, and I'll see you at the top!
"No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he had only had good
intentions." - Margaret Thatcher
EDITOR'S NOTE: Zig Ziglar is a motivational speaker whose column is
copyrighted and distributed by Creators Syndicate Inc.
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