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December 2, 1996

By Mari Maldonado

Many dances enjoyed

with "Mexican music"

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Step-slide. Step-step-slide.

Often times the routine makes a nice picture when done in a synchronous
fashion with a partner or alone, with an occasional spin to the body.
Definitely, a lot of hip movement is involved.

The popular step is called a "cumbia."

The music that provokes such a gyration is more often than not an
up-beat tune with strong percussion features and danced in a circular
motion, with the entire crowd traveling in one direction.

So what provoked such a topic for this week's column? Who cares. It's a
fun one.

The popularity of such a step has never really dawned on me, considering
the many dances I've been to, until this past weekend at a friend's
wedding dance.

It seems that although some people feel they can't dance to "Mexican
music," they almost often feel a cumbia is not too much of a challenge.

I say "Mexican music" because it covers the various types of tunes,
lyrics and musical styles that have made the northward trek from south
of the border.

The cumbia has and will probably always be a favorite.

Of course, there is always room for the Macarena, which
everyone is doing, the Electric Slide and most recently the Train.

Like the Bunny Hop, the Train is done with one person leading a band of
dancers. However unlike the old favorite, the Train is much faster and
does not consist of much foot work.

It takes a quick in-step of both feet at two beat intervals to perform
the train and probably the most strenuous aspect of the dance is the
quick pumping of the arms in form of an engineering honking a trains

I know my arms were sore for a couple of days after my first experience
with the dance.

There is one dance that I see has gained quick popularity with the
younger generation, but definitely one I don't care to try. It's called
"La Quebradita" or The Small Break. And that's exactly what it looks
like it would do, to me anyway. Break me.

A couple holds on to each other, tightly, and dance in small hops from
right foot, to left foot, to right foot, to left foot, etc. Very deep
dips and heavy side-to-side motions are worked in.

Definitely not for me. I'll stick to aerobics.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mari Maldonado is an Enterprise reporter whose column
appears each Monday.
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