Daily Newspaper for Reeves County, Trans Pecos, Big Bend, Far West Texas

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November 22, 1996

By Mac McKinnon

Animals are not for

torture of any kind

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I saw a segment of Dateline NBC Sunday that just boiled my blood.

This involved the torture of animals in "ceremonies", mostly in Spain
but it happens in other countries as well.

The woman who is leading the fight against such atrocities is from
England and while she is making headway in the battle, it's slow.

Most people who read this column on a regular basis know that I'm
against cruelty to animals. God did not put animals on this earth to be
tortured for any reason, at least in my opinion.

I realize much of this has gone on for many centuries in some countries
but that still doesn't make it right. The television news showed
pictured goats being dropped from towers, bulls being shot at with darts
by people in the audience and then turned loose to run the streets of a
town, chickens strung on a line and being pulled at and the list could
go on and on.

I simply don't understand what kind of fun people can get out of such
revolting "sport."

Bullfights where there is a legitimate contest between a man (or a
woman) and a bull is one thing. Bulls have won those fights and been put
out to pasture as legends. However, that is rare. I can kind of
understand that situation although I'm not a big fan.

It seems there is a mob mentality in this kind of endeavor as some
people act totally different when they get in a crowd than they would by

I also don't like pit bull fights and chicken fights. I realize some
animals are raised strictly for that purpose but it still turns my
stomach to see these animals die or suffer horrible injuries in such a
horrible fashion.

I have the same feeling about hunters feeding deer, turkey, quail, dove
or whatever and then come hunting season, gather around the feeding
ground and start shooting.

Is that supposed to be a hunt? I really admire the people who actually
go out and hunt for prey, especially those who use bow and arrows and
then use their prey for food, not wasting it.

That's probably not a popular stand. It's like the people who turn out
wild game such as cougars to be hunted when they're not used to making
it on their own.

Don't think I'm against hunting as flocks and herds need to be thinned
to keep down disease and help those that survive find and have enough
food. It's a natural thing since mankind has destroyed the natural order
of things when animals perished due to natural occurrences.

I also have the same feelings about people who get pets and don't take
care of them. We need to remember that animals are God's creatures and
need to be cared for.

I guess a lot of that comes from being an old farm boy when our
livelihood depended on animals.

Mac McKinnon is editor and publisher of the Pecos Enterprise. His column
appears on Friday.


Responding to an

Enterprise article

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Dear Editor,
Was I informed?

Responding to your article in the Pecos Enterprise dated November 20,

Mark Hamlin, spoke to me about the opening of an office in Sept. 1996.
Mr. Hamlin came back and said they were unable to find an open space by
Sept. 1996.

On Monday, November 18, 1996, I opened my place of business at 9:00
a.m. Not Mark Hamlin nor Roddy Whittington informed me of their Open
House and that they were open for business. At 11:40 a.m. a local
technician was sent by Ann (Monahans Office Manager) to pick up the
computer print out sheet for customer accounts. At 4:30 p.m. Mr. Hamlin
and Mr. Whittington walked in to my place of business.

Mr. Hamlin introduced Mr. Whittington to me. His words, and I quote, "I
guess you already know that we have opened an office here." My reply was
"Mr. Hamlin, Mr. Whittington, I do read the newspaper. I had spoken to
Mr. Hamlin in Sept. 96 and again on November 18, 1996 at 4:30 p.m. when
I met Mr. Whittington.

Customers nor I weren't informed. If I had been informed, would I have
taken $1,312.72 in payments from 9:00 a.m. to 11:40 a.m.? Ask your
Kansas bookkeeping department of that transaction of November 18, 1996.
Mr. Whittington you insulted me the first time, you are not insulting me

Mr. Whittington, "the people of Pecos also have asked for the phone
number to your Pecos Office (Classic Cable Co.) which they cannot get
through Classic personnel nor with the assistance of the operator. Why?
No phone number for your customers! And you're trying to be more
customer oriented!

I provided phones with 2 lines, paper and pen and a Spanish speaking
employee to assist since 1-800-999-8876 does not have a Spanish speaking

I'll stop here since I have a store to mind and you, Mr. Whittington,
have work to do on public relations.

Virginia Flores
Four Seasons
1306 S. Eddy
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Copyright 1996 by Pecos Enterprise
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.
324 S. Cedar St., Pecos, TX 79772
Phone 915-445-5475, FAX 915-445-4321
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