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Thursday, October 3, 1996

By Rosie Flores

Diets aren't the only

way to lose weight

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With so many healthy foods designed for individuals on the go these
days, it's hard to decide exactly what's right for the human body.

Some people believe diets are the only way to lose weight and keep fit.
Special meals are also on the market aimed at keeping individuals
trimmer and lighter. The light meals are also more costly.

And it's hard to miss the advertisements for nutrition drinks aimed at
our aging population. Everytime you open a magazine or turn on the TV
you see a smiling couple toasting their golden years with cans of their
favorite liquid supplement.

After seeing these ads, you may begin to wonder about your diet and
lifestyle. What needs changing, and what really works? What can make you
feel better? A diet of liquid drinks, vitamins or healthy foods?

Should you be drinking Ensure, Sustacal, or one of the other brands

But while nutrition drinks aren't rocket fuel for your body, as ads
claim, they do contain vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy.
Even if you're from the younger generation these vitamins and minerals
can help you stay healthy and feel better.

But so do many other foods. If your diet includes a variety of foods and
three meals a day, chances are you're already getting all the
ingredients for a healthy, active lifestyle.

But, if you're a dietary risk, liquid supplements may help you get the
calories and nutrients you need.

Until recently, their use was generally confined to nursing homes and
hospitals to help those with nutritional problems maintain their weight
and get essential vitamins and minerals, even though these products have
been around for 30 years.

But now, the drinks' manufacturers are marketing them for healthy,
active adults. They can be a great picker-upper for those who don't have
the time for a regular lunch or dinner or rush through breakfast, not
getting the vitamins really needed.

According to reports, liquid supplemtns contain water, sugars, oils,
vitamins, minerals and milk and soy proteins. But they aren't better
than food, or a replacement for it.

Studies show that the best way to ensure nutritional health is to eat
enough of the right foods - breads, fruits, vegetables and dairy and
meat products.

Depending on age and lifestyle, between 1,600 and 2,800 calories a day
is needed.

If you have a less active lifestyle, particularly if you're a woman,
your caloric intake should stay at the lower levels of this range. So,
that means us ladies have to watch our caloric intake a little bit

I guess, that means our breakfast burritos are out!

Rosie Flores is an Enterprise writer and editor of Lifestyles
and Golden Years. Her column appears each Thursday.


Toward Guatemala peace

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Government and rebel negotiators have signed a series of five agreements
aimed at ending Guatemala's 35-year guerrilla war, which has claimed
more than 100,000 lives.

The last accord, to shrink the Guatemalan army by a third and to turn
internal security over to a new police force, opens the way to a full
armistice by year's end. Earlier agreements dealt with human rights,
Indian rights, poverty and land tenure.

Potential pitfalls remain: A clandestine military group threatens to
kill civilian and military leaders whom it accuses of "discrediting our
great victory" over a Marxist rebel army; a recent U.N. report says
human rights improvements have been modest despite a serious effort by
Guatemala's new president, Alvara Arzu, to end such abuses; gross
economic disparities remain a potential source or renewed conflict.

Washington bears special responsibility in Guatemala dating back to
1954, when the CIA engineered a military coup against a reformist
president. Since then, successive administrations, ignoring human rights
abuses that included the murder of thousands of Guatemalans merely
suspected of supporting the rebels, backed military regimes until 1990,
when the Bush administration finally cut off overt U.S. aid.

Covert U.S. aid to the military ended only lasted a year after Rep.
Robert Torricelli made public information about the deaths of some 20
Americans over a number of years in circumstances that suggested
military involvement and raised questions about CIA behavior.

A recent investigation by the president's Intelligence Oversight Board
found no evidence of direct CIA involvement, but the board said that CIA
informants, mostly Guatemalan military officers, either took part in
torture and murder or were implicated, and that the CIA had knowledge at
least after the fact but did nothing. CIA station chiefs also ignored a
1997 directive requiring them to tell U.S. ambassadors whom they had
hired as agents.

The Clinton administration has declassified a number of documents on
U.S. actions in Guatemala and has provided classified data to
congressional intelligence committees. While security considerations may
preclude a full account of U.S. involvement, what is known already is a
powerful argument for holding the CIA to account, for taking
disciplinary action as appropriate and for telling the American people
as much as possible about the role that their government played in
Guatemala's long-running tragedy.

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Copyright 1996 by Pecos Enterprise
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