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August 1, 1996


By Mac McKinnon

Tacky attire detracts

from Olympics beauty

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Have you been watching the Olympics? They're just about over and
unfortunately, I haven't had the time to watch as much as I'd like to.
What I have watched has been very thrilling and in some cases,
However, there is one problem. I don't know if anyone saw a column in
another newspaper last week that addressed the need for fashion police
at the Olympics. I agree with most of what that person had to say in the
column although my view takes a little different perspective.
It was a little odd that I had been thinking about writing this column
when I picked up the paper and there was an article on most of what I
had been turning over in my mind.
I'm not talking about some of the attire being necessarily obscene but
just plain tacky. As that columnist said, it appeared our gymnists were
wearing suits about two sizes too small as were some swimmers, men and
In past Olympics, fashion designers clamored to have their creations
worn by the American team. I don't know if anybody would want to claim
credit for what is being worn this year.
In those past events, the American team was among the best dressed of
the nations. Now, I would dare say that our uniforms are just about the
While it seems Atlanta has done a pretty good job of putting on the
Olympics, there have been some jabs at the people who present the medals
in ceremonies. It would seem appropriate to me that Southern Belles
dressed in the attire of the region is reasonable.
Another criticism I've heard is that NBC is not doing a very good job
and they have obtained all rights to the Olympics, not allowing others
to broadcast events as they happen rather than delaying them while
others are shown live.
The Olympic committee itself seems to have gotten in on the greed of
putting on the show by not allowing anyone the right to use Olympic
symbols for anything. I personally believe the Olympic symbols belong to
the world as it is a world event.
I also realize they have to make money to put on this event, but there
should be a limit. Everything about the Olympics has gotten so
commercialized that it seems to take away the true nature of young
people gathering to do their best in a particular endeavor.
Obviously, these are some random thoughts presented in a random nature,
thoughts I've also heard other people express. As I said several weeks
ago, I'd love to go to an Olympics at least once but probably won't ever
get that opportunity.
I'm proud of what the young people from our country have accomplished
thus far which shows we are still the top producer of champions in the
world. The Olympics provides a time for national pride, something we
need from time to time.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mac McKinnon is editor and publisher of the Pecos
Enterprise. His column appears on Wednesday and Friday.


Teen mothers tell

peers what it's like

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In the classrooms and corridors of Austin's Kealing Junior High School
last week, there were stark truths and sad stories from teenagers to
teenagers about pregnancy.

The story one young mom told of her struggle was riveting.

Being just a kid herself, she spoke from the heart of missing teenage
life: not being able to go to the mall, to hang out with friends, to
attend the prom.

Of course, for society, the problem of teen pregnancy is much greater
than a stunted social life.

It was smart ... to offer a program where kids had a chance to talk to
each other about the pressure to have sex and the burdens of early
motherhood. As one girl said, ``No kid is going to listen to you old

But they might listen to each other and they might learn to resist the
pressure, to say no to sex, to demand protection. ... It may well help
them avoid the trap of early pregnancy.
- Austin American-Statesman

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